First Round of Grants

San Francisco Men Giving Circle awarded their first grants of $15,000.

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Pleasanton Giving Circle 

Gave out their first grants in September. 
They awarded $10,000.

 Join us:
  • Oct 5 - East Bay Circle
  • Oct 8 - San Francisco Latina Circle
  • Oct 14 - Solano County Circle Recruitment
  • Oct 20 - Peninsula Circle
  • Oct 21 - San Francisco Latino Circle
  • Oct 22 - Tech Circle Recruitment Event

Find out more about one of the 2014 San Francisco Latina Giving Circle's grantees:

MUA is a grassroots organization of Latina immigrant women with a double mission of promoting personal transformation and building community power for social and economic justice.  Visit their website >>

Words from Samantha Fernandez, SF Women Giving Circle member:
"It was great to see MUA in action today. One of the big things I appreciated about the program was how beneficial it is to give women a space to have a voice. Community social services usually focus on necessities and basic essentials (medical, legal, food) without necessarily touching on topics like self-esteem, empowerment and having a positive sense of self. It makes me so happy that we are able to support a program that gives Latinas a space to share, to lift each other up, to be leaders and to feel a sense of belonging in a new home that is often strange and alienating. I strongly believe these elements - being heard, being acknowledged, and belonging -  shape our human experience. We all want to matter. Having a voice should not be conditional on our social class, language, nationality, race or gender."

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We would love to hear your feedback about this newsletter.

Please contact Sara Velten at

 Meet Tamara Centeno

Belongs to  East Bay LGC, joined October 2014

Why did you join the East Bay LGC?
I joined the Latina Giving Circle because 100% of my donation will improve my own Latino community. The Latina Giving Circle gives me the opportunity not only to be involved but also to be actively engaged in causes that are close to my heart. I am energized by this group of women that have the same philanthropic goals as me. Our support for Latinos must start in our own communities. This is the best way to do it!

What has been your favorite experience in LGC?  On our last meeting, we were able to share resources and information about organizations that are already working really hard with the Latino Community and we were very impressed that although we all live in the same area we discovered fantastic organizations that we didn't know about before. 

 Our new members from July-Sept:

Hector Mujica
Latinos in Tech Circle

Wendy de la Rosa
Latinos in Tech Circle

Eliana Murillo
Latinos in Tech Circle and
SF Latina Giving Circle

Lisa Sanchez
Latinos in Tech Circle

Marco Chavarin
Latinos in Tech Circle and
SF Latino Giving Circle

Enrique Mogollan
Latinos in Tech Circle

Carolina Huaranca
Latinos in Tech Circle

April Alvarez
Latinos in Tech Circle

Jessica Hernandez Jardon
Latinos in Tech Circle

Monica Blanco
Latinos in Tech Circle

Nuria Santamaria
Latinos in Tech Circle

Gabriel Talavera
SF Latino Giving Circle

Ivan Quiñones
SF Latino Giving Circle

Pablo Bravo
SF Latino Giving Circle

Raul Gutierrez
SF Latino Giving Circle

Linda Gonzalez
East Bay Latina Giving Circle

Amelia Gonzalez
Pleasanton Latina Giving Circle

Claudia Prado
Pleasanton Latina Giving Circle

Anna Bellinghausen
Peninsula Latina Giving Circle

Claudia Schweikert
Peninsula Latina Giving Circle

Frances Boscacci
Peninsula Latina Giving Circle

Lilian Peña
Peninsula Latina Giving Circle

Mariza Mancera
Peninsula Latina Giving Circle