LLDJ 2012

February 3 - 26 
Soey Milk 


Christine Wu 
Matthew Bone 
Bonni Reid 
Cartes de Visite

Feb 14 - 24 
Danni Shinya Luo 
Soft Candy Story

Feb 24 (and the last Thursday of every month) Billy's Thursday Night Fish Fry and Community Social music and performance salon 


March 2 - April 1 
Laluzapalooza Vol. XV of the Greatest Group Show on Earth

March 28
Making WET: The Magazine of Gourmet Bathing  book signing


April 6 - 29 
Joe Sorren 

Scott Hove 
My Own Private Apocalypse


May 4 - 27 
Rogue Taxidermy Biennial Taxidermy Group Show 


June 1 - 30 
Dave Lebow 


Jason D'Aquino 


Jaime Zacarias aka Germs 


July 6 - 29 


Brad 'Tiki Shark' Parker 
Tales from the Tiki Lounge 


Miles Thompson 


August 3 - 26 
August Underground Laluzapalooza Jury Winners 


Jos� Rodolfo Loaiza Ontiveros 


September 2 - 30 
Neon Park 


Chick Strand 


October 5 - 28 
Macabre Show 


November 2 - December 2 
Bob Dob 


Nathan Ota 


December 7 - 30 
Christopher Ulrich 
The Reckoning  

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La Luz de Jesus blog "Artofficial"
Announcing the Artist List for the Yearly Juried Group Show

La Luz de Jesus Heart Logo 

La Luz de Jesus 

4633 Hollywood Blvd.

Los Angeles CA 90027





La Luz de Jesus Gallery presents: 
The Greatest Group Show On Earth!

March 2 - April 1, 2012
Opening Reception: Friday, March 2nd, 8-11 pm 


La Luz De Jesus Gallery proudly presents their annual juried group exhibition, "Laluzapalooza." This gigantic, no-theme show features works from some of the freshest and most relevant artists working today. Over 9,000 submissions from commercial illustrators, graphic designers, tattooists, scenics, students, animators and working gallery artists had to be sorted-through, and we've finally narrowed it down to 120 artists. The official piece count is awaiting verification, but you can bet that it will be another (tastefully) jam-packed, salon-style exhibition. There are some familiar names from our ever-growing roster of feature artists, but an overwhelming percentage of the work comes from a brand new batch of undiscovered, emerging talent.

For the past fifteen years, their annual group show was called "Everything but the Kitschen Sync," but it began life in October 1986 as the "D�a de los Muertos" show which was entirely focused on the folk art, sculptures and imagery of Mexico's "Day of the Dead" celebration. By 1995, gallery owner and curator Billy Shire felt the show had run its course and presented other themed group exhibitions such as the 1996 "21st Century Tiki Show" curated with Tiki Oasis founder Otto von Stroheim. In 1998 Shire decided to present a non-themed show dedicated to illustrative and narrative artwork. As many local artists work in commercial graphic art fields such as illustration, cartooning, animation, etc., the show was named "Uncommercial Art by Commercial Artists." In 2004, Shire changed the show title to the more encompassing and less-cumbersome "Everything But the Kitschen Synch." Several spelling and name variations later, here we are...

"Everyone looks at this show for new and interesting artists" states Shire - and indeed, not only does La Luz de Jesus pick artists from the group show for future smaller group and solo shows - numerous curators and owners of other galleries also keep their eyes on the yearly show for potential artists to add to their rosters."

"This is the one show annually that most patrons look forward to seeing, as it's a chance to discover new artists in the venue that has launched so many careers," notes gallery director Matt Kennedy. "Every year we manage to discover a new conglomeration of fresh talent, and among them a class of breakout successes. That's really a credit to the accessible talent pool. The quality and availability of instruction (both in schools and through independent study) coupled with the the culture that this city attracts, fosters a welcoming environment for people with the ability to create -often in reaction to their individual situations."

Please join La Luz de Jesus as we continue to support the latest and most original efforts from the nation's alternative art scene.

The "Laluzapalooza" Artist List is as follows:

Liz Adams
Deanna Rene Adona
Susanne Apgar
Tal Avitzur
Camille Bachand
Christopher Bales
Dan Barry
Shaun Berke
Vicki Berndt
Michelle Bickford
Dasha Biggs
Mike Biggs
Anthony Bradford
Elliot Brown
Michael Brown
Mark Bryan
Laura Buss
Liam Carl
Osvaldo Ramirez Castillo
Alex Chavez
Adrien Cherry
Heung-Heung Chin
Edward Robin Coronel
Matthew Couper
Jeremy Cross
Megan Curry
Jessica Dalva
John de Fazio
Bruce Eichelberger
Jessica Fife
Barry Fitzgerald
Mary Fleener
Don Fritz
Richard Frost
Rachel Fuji
Arthur Giron
Mark Gleason
Loretta Gonzalez
Sunny Gu
Tamara Guion
Max Grundy
Conrad Haberland
Walter Hall
Derek Harrison
Gale Hart
Andy Hernandez
Sam Ho
Scott Holloway
Jack Howe
Eric Hudgins
Andreanna Iakovidis
Jennifer Jelenski
Susan Jonaitis
Jason Justice
Michael "POGO" Kortez
Norbert H. Kox
Alison Krumwiede
Dennis Larkins
Dave Lebow
So Youn Lee
Carl Lozada
Danni Shinya Luo
Dion Macellari
David Mack
Liz Mamorsky
D.W. Marino
Menton J. Matthews III
Richard Meyer
Nicole Moan
Graham Moore
Click Mort
Emi Motokawa
Pamela Mower-Conner
Kat Marie Moya
David Natale
Nas Oh
Heather O'Shaughnessy
Tammi Otis
Cristina Paulos
Ruel Pascual
Doug P'gosh
Brian Poor
Matthew Price
Anthony Purcell
Michael Ramstead
Byung Rin
Shawn Roberts
Annie Murphy Robinson
Ave Rose
Amanda Sage
J Salvador
Misaki Sawada
Justin Schaefer
Kim Scott
Meagan Segal
Ann Shen
Dale Sizer
Aniela Sobieski
Mike Sosnowski
Simon Sotelo
Andy Steele
Sean Stepanoff
Adam Strange
Hui Tan
Miles Thompson
Pol Turgeon
David VonDerLinn
Dave Warshaw
Marc Willey
Lea Wood
Jasmine Worth
Christine Wu
Sandra Yagi
Mimi Yoon


Danni Shinya Luo Exhib / Book Release on Valentine's Day
Shinya Soft CandySoft Candy book signing and mini show - many of the original drawings from the book will be available for sale!

Valentine's Day, Feb 14th, 2012
7pm ~ 10pm
La Luz de Jesus Gallery

At first blush, Danni Shinya Luo would seem to be the unlikeliest source of the sexually charged material in Soft Candy.  A sweet and invariably good-natured Chinese girl, she can disarm you with her bubbly personality while her paintings all but clobber you over the head.  Her primary subjects are nubile nymphets; as wrapped in allegory as they are naked.  They are both innocent and in your face.

Sensuality and fragility, enacted simultaneously, don't battle on her arches -- they dance.  Whether in her watercolors or in her sketches, which encompass both the doe-eyed and the deadly, the graceful lines of her figures boast that most prized of artistic commodity: intuition.
For additional information, images, interview opportunities, etc:
Lee Joseph Publicity
for the Visual Arts
(o) 818-848-2698
(c) 818-415-5543