Thursday | January 14, 2021
First Event of 2021:
Virtual Economic Forecast - February 16
We're excited to host renowned featured speaker, Dr. Richard K. Green of USC's Price School of Public Policy for our Economic Forecast! Dr. Green shared his perspective with us in August 2020 and his return will serve as an informative follow up. Learn and ask questions about what will be hitting our housing market and other factors affecting development.
BIA-LAV Partnership Program - Sign Up Today
(Tickets included for the Economic Forecast!)
Make the most of your BIA-LAV Membership by becoming a Partner! Be the firs to register for events, webinars and cross-chapter programing. You will be eligible for exclusive offers and special company highlights! Contact Laura Barber for more information here.
Thank You to Our Early Sponsorship Partners!
Culver City Hosts General Plan Update Webinar: Wednesday, January 27 @ 3 PM
According to the City, at the workshop, you will learn about the General Plan and its guiding principles, existing conditions and community input so far, and different land use strategies and models for change to be studied over the next few months. Your input at the workshop will inform the preparation of the GPU’s land use alternatives. 
RSVP to attend.
In Memory: Leonard Somdahl
It saddens us to share that a building industry colleague, Leonard Somdahl, has passed away due to pneumonia and COVID-19 complications. Leonard was a longtime fixture in the title insurance business. BIA member, Sara Soudani shared that he was well known for his photographic memory, amazing insight of history of every parcel he worked on, easy demeanor, and fun laugh. Sara also shared this nice antidote: "After over 50 years in the industry, he retired and then a day later came back to work. When I asked him why he showed up, he said “this is my life”." We are thinking of Leonard and all those affected by his passing. 
Member Spotlight
We would like to highlight our BIA-LAV Members who sit on the Events & Education Committee! This Committee kicked off their first meeting this week. The Committee plans and helps promote and facilitate the educational offerings and social events of the Chapter for each calendar year. They are excited for what's to come in 2021! Thank you all for your dedication to our Chapter!
Committee Members Pictured (L-R)
  • Co-Chair: Krysti Irving (Gothic Landscape)
  • Dian Coronado (BIA-LAV)
  • Wraijean Crane (2-10 Home Buyers Warranty)
  • Nicole Stell (Emily Grene)
  • Co-Chair: Alyssa Trebil (DuctTesters)
  • Karl Mallick (David Evans & Associates)
  • Kaitlin Radcliff (BIASC)
  • Patrice Quishenberry (Williams Homes)
  • Dan Harrington (New American Funding)
  • Harriet Rapista (Comstock Homes)
  • Laura Barber (BIASC)
  • Jeanne Duarte (Storm Water Resources)
  • Renee Serkin (Sign Image)
  • George Dickerson (All Promotions, Etc.)
BIASC "Members In Transition" Resources
COVID-19 Relief Grant Program
The Building Industry Association of Southern California (BIASC) has announced important enhancements to its Members In Transition Partnership Program.
Your business may qualify for California's small business COVID-19 relief grant program, including new dates and deadlines.
As we prepare for 2021, take the time to sign up for one of our seven committees! Participate in the creation of policy direction and event programming by joining one of our committees! Learn more.
2021 Committee Schedule
Events & Education
County of Los Angeles Committee
County of Ventura Committee
City of Los Angeles Committee: Planning

‘Gimme Shelter’: What changes to expect in California housing in 2021| LA Times
Councilman Kevin de León wants 25,000 housing units for homeless by 2025 | LA Times
Palo Alto housing project is slated to help middle class| Mercury News
BIA - Los Angeles/Ventura|
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