For my birthday, my husband surprised me with a Motorcycle. The nervous feeling in my stomach is a sure indicator that I am not in my comfort zone.
"The comfort zone is a useful psychological concept that can help you embrace risk and make changes in your life that can lead to real personal growth".
Last Sunday morning, even though the mail does not go out, I insisted on packing orders all morning. When I ran out
of excuses we loaded up the bikes and off we went for my first motorcycle lesson! I was very, very quiet. I was very, very nervous. And, I DID IT!
We rode almost 30 miles into the beautiful mountains. I could shift, go fast, go slow, stop (import
ant), start again on a hill. I got the whole clutch, gas & brake thing. In the end I even passed a slow vehicle and waved to other riders in that "cool" way you do on a motorcycle. I took a leap of faith, right out of my comfort zone, and the experience was amazing.
Now, I am not saying that everyone needs to run out and get a motorcycle but I will suggest, that maybe leaving one's comfort zone and trying something new is good.
Maybe step out and try a new braid!