Welcome to our November edition of eNews. Following the launch of the Kootenay Conservation Program at our EastMeetsWest conference in September, we are taking a good look at our logo, eNews, website and other communications materials in order to capture the Kootenay-wide spirit of our service. Something we have heard loud and clear is that people want to feel more connected and know more about what each other is doing. Folks are looking for news as well as opportunities to collaborate.
In designing a new look and content with our communication efforts, KCP would like to continue what's working and add what's missing. For many of you our monthly eNews is our most consistent link with you, so please take a moment to think about how our e-newsletter is serving your needs and in what ways we could do a better job. Are there new ideas you would like to see incorporated into our eNews? Would you like to see more of something? Or, see a new section added? Our ears are open so please contact me at marcy@ekcp.ca or call me at 250-358-2669. Thanks!
All our best to you this month,
** Deadline for next eNews: November 26, 2012 ** |
Species like this rare Northern Leopard frog, and others, will benefit from new Kootenay-wide conservation efforts under the name of the recently-announced
Kootenay Conservation Program, formerly the East Kootenay Conservation Program.
For several weeks in mid October, local media helped make this small, rare Northern Leopard frog a Prince. The coverage began with news stories announcing the creation of the Frog-Bear Conservation Area in Creston Valley adjacent to Duck Lake and the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area. The media then assisted the Kootenay Conservation Program in announcing the formal launch of our services into the West Kootenay. And, it was an especially wonderful surprise to see KCP's story and the princely frog share the front page of Nelson's Express News Update with the Kootenay Community Bat Project, as bats were so captivating at our EastMeetsWest annual conference.
Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) brought Dr. Jane Goodall to the Kootenays and spread the word about her 'Roots and Shoots' youth environmental action program. CBEEN has launched a new webpage which features a number of environmental action projects youth can get involved in across the Columbia Basin. If you would like to add any projects to this list, please email info@cbeen.org.
Columbia River Treaty - Feedback on Environmental Discussion Paper This fall the Columbia River Treaty Review team will be posting the first two chapters of an Environmental Discussion Paper. The objective of the Environment Discussion Paper is for Basin residents to understand and provide input into how environmental values are being considered in the Treaty review. Each of the five chapters will address one of the following questions:
- What are regional/local environmental interests and values related to the Canadian Columbia Basin and possibly affected by the CRT?
- What is currently being done to manage for environmental interests in the Canadian Columbia Basin?
- What more can be done to benefit environmental values in the Canadian Columbia Basin?
- How might different CRT scenarios affect environmental values in the Canadian Columbia Basin?
- To what extent does "more" fit within the current framework of Treaty flexibility?
Columbia Basin residents are encouraged to submit comments and feedback on the discussion paper directly via the website. To join the discussion click here. To receive information about the Columbia River Treaty Review and subscribe to their email service click here.
Innovative funding at Columbia Basin Trust
CBT is piloting an Innovative Funding Approach in the Columbia Valley, from Spillimacheen to Canal Flats. This area will receive $200,000 a year for three years from CBT, which it will use to fund valley-wide priorities. The funds will be administered through the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK). This is a new way for CBT to deliver funds within the Basin. The goal is to put decision making into the hands of sub-regions, or groupings of communities, where they can be more strategic and think longer-term, allocating funds where they will be most effective.
CBT is also looking at implementing this approach elsewhere in the Basin, based on interest and the readiness of groups of communities to work together. Although this is the first time CBT is implementing this method with sub-regions, it has supported communities of interest (groups bound by similar work) for years through organizations like the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, which funds arts, culture and heritage projects. Another example is a three-year initiative with the Kootenay Livestock Association, which funds projects that improve grasslands and rangelands in the Basin. Anyone interested in this new approach can find out more by contacting a local CBT community liaison or 1-800-505-8998.
Conservation Campaign Director, CPAWS Southern Alberta Chapter
The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society is Canada's voice for the protection of wilderness and parks. The Conservation Campaign Director is a senior position in a busy organization with multiple ongoing campaigns, and applicants should demonstrate their experience in senior leadership roles and in conservation issues. The position location is Calgary with some travel in Southern Alberta. Application Deadline: Nov 2, 2012. Please send a curriculum vitae (with references) and a cover letter to Anne-Marie Syslak, executive director.
Senior Systems Ecologist (Terrestrial Ecosystems)
SSA Technologies Ltd (ESSA) is an employee-owned Canadian environmental consulting company with offices in British Columbia and Ontario. For 33 years, ESSA has been tackling, reducing and resolving complex natural resource and environmental management problems in over 40 countries around the world. ESSA is looking for a seasoned professional for this senior position to continue builsing ESSA's expertise in Terrestrial Ecology, including landscape analysis, terrestrial ecosystem modeling, forest health modeling, habitat modeling, and carbon accounting. The Senior Systems Ecologist (Terrestrial Ecosystems) position will be staffed out of either the Ottawa or Vancouver office. Closing date: November 6, 2012. |
Columbia Basin Trust - Environmental Initiatives Program (EIP)
The Environmental Initiatives Program small grants stream (<$10,000) are accepted by the EIP Program throughout the year. Contact Rick Allen, Program Manager-Environment, before submitting a proposal.
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Funding
Since 1988, the FWCP has invested over $100 million in more than 1500 projects. Projects are chosen based on technical merit, cost versus benefit, level of partnership, linkages to watershed-specific priorities and overall benefit to the FWCP's mandate and vision. There are a few changes this year, such as only one intake of applications. Click here for more information and the application. Deadline for applications: November 15, 2012.
There are a couple of significant adjustments for project applications this year:
1) There is no difference between large and small project applications. It is the same form whether applying for less than $10,000, or more.
2) Due to the current work of the Steering Committee, and the revised application form being used, the deadline for applications has been pushed back a couple of weeks to November 15, 2012.
Individuals or group interested in applying for project funding are encouraged to contact Angus Glass or one of the three biologists below, well before the deadline date to discuss project objectives to ensure that they align with the mandate of the FWCP, and the draft Basin and Action Plans found here.
Larry Ingham - Wildlife Biologist, Cranbrook - Larry.Ingham@gov.bc.ca
Irene Manley - Wildlife Biologist, Nelson - Irene.Manley@gov.bc.ca
Steven Arndt - Fisheries Biologist, Nelson - Steven.Arndt@gov.bc.ca
Funding from Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program
The Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program (WTCP) its second year of operation and is now accepting applications for eligible projects. The WTCP provides up to $50,000/year for research or restoration projects in the Waneta, BC area. Preference is given to projects that focus on species at risk, or mitigating impacts related to the construction of the Waneta Expansion Project. Applications will be accepted from non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, and individuals. Deadline for applications: January 31 of each year until 2018 when the WTCP will conclude. For more information call 250-304-6032 or email Wendy Horan, Manager, Environmental Programs, Columbia Power Corporation.
November 6, 2012 - Cranbrook, BC
Natural Processes for Restoring Drastically Disturbed Sites is a one-day workshop organized by the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology (CMI) that will explore how natural processes can be applied to the reclamation of roads, borrow pits, and other sites that humans have disturbed. Natural processes have been "reclaiming" natural disturbances since the beginnings of time; and it is clear that traditional reclamation programs are failing to generate the ecological goods and services that were lost during the disturbance of the site. Providing erosion control is a key element in the development of effective restoration programs. We will look at the processes of erosion and how natural systems solve erosion problems. Similarly, many disturbed sites lack nutrients for plant growth or the capacity to cycle the nutrients that are available. We will explore the natural processes that provide nutrients and nutrient cycling capacity to ecosystems and how these can be re-established on disturbed sites. In many cases the systems and processes that naturally reclaim disturbed sites can be established on anthropogenic disturbances easily and at a lower cost than using traditional reclamation techniques.
This workshop on natural processes precedes this important CMI conference...
November 7-8, 2012 - Cranbrook, BC
Resource Roads in British Columbia: Environmental challenges at the site level is a conference being organized by the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology (CMI) Within British Columbia, paved and unpaved road length increased by 82% between 1988 and 2005. In 2000, there were over 420 thousand road-stream crossings in BC; over the subsequent five years, road-stream crossings increased by about 13 thousand per year (BC Ministry of Environment 2007). Estimates of unpaved roads vary from 400,000 to 550,000 km across the province (BC Forest Practices Board 2005). Many more roads have been built since. The environmental effects of roads are diverse, and include impacts on aquatic and terrestrial wildlife and habitat, soils, and water. This conference will address both road impacts and management responses.
November 9, 2012 - Castlegar, BC
Join leaders in a Climate Action Exchange from 9:00am - 5:00pm, to celebrate success, discover new opportunities and explore best practices and tools. This FREE one-day event will be packed with information, ideas and discussion to help prepare the region for climate change impacts while reducing carbon emissions and energy use. Lunch and refreshments to be provided. Registration deadline: November 2, 2012.
Connecting People, Land and Community
How is it that those of us who care about people and those of us who care about the land have ended up divided from one another?
Center for Whole Communities in Fayston, Vermont, is helping answer this question. It is a land-based leadership development institute that fosters innovative and collaborative responses from different sectors of the environmental and social movements to address the complexity of today's challenges. Center for Whole Communities' retreats, workshops and resources are designed to build leadership, relationship-building, collaboration, and communication, and to powerfully rejuvenate people who are working on the front lines of environmental and social change.
Center for Whole Communities leads Advanced Leadership Workshops, such as Power of Place, Power of Relationship, recently held on October 26-28, in New Denver for 20 citizen leaders from throughout the Slocan Valley. This workshop gave participants a better understand their divergent histories and motivations for being in the Slocan, and the experience of weaving those different stories together into a shared sense of purpose and destiny as connected communities commited to place.
Connecting to western Alberta
The Miistakis Institute based at the University of Calgary, envisions a world where communities have genuine access to the science and research they need to make choices that promote healthy landscapes. They study the landscape, so they can help people conserve it. They also make innovative research accessible to communities and decision-makers. The communities they work span landowners to networks, and any level of government, visionary corporations, leading edge scientists, environmental NGO's - anyone in need of science-based support for practical, sustainable, resource management decision-making.
Miistakis Institute works on many different types of projects from Applied Conservation Research & Design to Mapping and Geospatial Analysis to Facilitation of Collaborative Initiatives. Miistakis is leading several projects relevant to the Kootenays, such as the Highway 3 Transportation Corridor Project, Roadwatch at Crowsnest Pass, and a newer project called Leave it to Beavers - demonstrating the value that beavers play in maintaining and improving watershed health by providing functioning wetlands which serve to hold high quality water in upper watershed areas for groundwater recharge and surface run-off. In a water-stressed landscape, such as southern Alberta, beavers could be used as an effective strategy to improve water quality and quantity. Beavers can be relocated to areas where they will provide natural engineering to improve water quantity and quality and provide a natural climate change adaptation strategy.
Please let us know how our monthly eNews can be improved! It's important for us to know we are serving our readers' needs. And remember, if you have news or announcements you would like to contribute, please email them to me by the 26th of each month.
Have a great November!
Marcy Mahr
Stewardship & Communications Manager marcy@ekcp.ca
(250)-358-2669 ** Deadline for next eNews: November 26, 2012 ** |