Welcome to our August edition of eNews. Our Kootenay Connections annual meeting on September 21 & 22 in Creston, is shaping up to be an engaging and enriching event to celebrate our 10th Anniversary and transition us into the next decade as the Kootenay Conservation Program. Information and registration for the event can be found below. Registration is limited, so please register early. We hope to see many old and new faces at this event, as East meets West!


The Kootenay Connections conference is a free event and  we are looking for co-sponsors. If you or your organization would like to provide support for the event, please contact Dave Hillary, KCP Program Manager, by email or phone (250) 688-1508. We will make sure your co-sponsorship appears on ALL conference materials. Additionally, ALL conference co-sponsors will be specially recognized at the conference and on the Kootenay Conservation Program's website.


All our best to you this month,

Marcy                                                                                      ** Deadline for next eNews: August 26, 2012 **



Conference Highlights  
Our 10th Anniversary Kootenay Connections conference brings together an exciting line up of conservation practitioners and regional leaders who are working to sustain and enhance the region's community and conservation values. Through plenary and panel discussions and break-out sessions participants will:


Learn more about specific grant-making programs along with what a successful fundraising strategy looks like from a Funder's Perspective. 
Explore communication techniques inspired by Community-based Social Marketing and practice applying them.
Participate in a half-day field tour of local sites in the Creston area that are critical for grizzly bears, northern leopard frogs, bats and caribou.  


Connect with people throughout the Kootenays who are conserving fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, agriculture and local food production. 


Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the EKCP partnership with stories and a retrospective slideshow of people, projects, and accomplishments. 
Honour 2012 Conservation Leaders, dynamic and dedicated leaders who are recipients of Kootenay Conservation Program's 2012 Conservation Leadership Award. 


Enjoy delicious local wine and meals sourced from local Creston growers and producers.  


Conference Schedule

Friday, September 21st Begins at 10:00am
Full day of panel discussions and small group sessions, social hour & entertainment, recognition awards, keynote speaker, and delicious meals featuring local food.

Saturday, September 22nd Ends by 2:00pm
Partial day of field tours and a picnic lunch visiting important sites for conservation in the Creston area.  


Key note speaker Pat Morrow  

Mountains - the Sacred, and the Profane 

A special evening features award winning photojournalists, Baiba and Pat Morrow (born and raised in the Kootenays), who will present Mountains, the Sacred and the Profane. Their 50-minute audiovisual presentation reflects upon three decades of high adventure: from Morrows' search for sacred hidden valleys in the Himalaya to local climbs, hikes and conservation efforts, beginning with the efforts that went into the creation of the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy, that deepen our contemplation of and connection to the sacredness of Nature.


Underlying this globe-trotting journey from the sensuously carved sandstone canyons of the American Southwest to the snow peaks of the Himalaya via Mt Fuji in Japan, is the Morrows' belief that contemplation of sacred places right here in our backyard can help us value the natural world and treat the environment with a care and respect that instills pride and a sense of place.


Of particular interest are stills and video from a remote trek last winter into a "beyul", or sacred hidden valley on the border of Tibet and Nepal. Their short film, "Beyul" describes 1200 years of conservation efforts in the Himalaya. Other footage includes a Columbia Valley initiative to introduce teenagers to the joy of self propelled outings to the summits and glaciers of the Purcells, and clips from the recently produced film Qat'Muk - Where the Grizzly Bears Go To Dance.


Sponsorship Opportunity

If you would like to provide support for the Kootenay Connections conference, please let Dave Hillary know and we will make sure your co-sponsorship appears on all conference materials.

Additionally, all conference co-sponsors will be specially recognized at the conference and on the Kootenay Conservation Program's website.



Ramada Creston Hotel, Creston, BC 
For room reservations at Creston Ramada call (250) 254-1111 and mention KCP to receive our special rate of $99.95.  


Please download and fill out the registration form electronically, save and email to marcy@ekcp.ca or
Print out and mail to: 113 Reibin Road New Denver, British Columbia Canada V0G 1S1


For information on other accommodations in the Creston area, click here.



Conserving Lot 48 

On July 23rd, the Nature Conservancy of Canada and their many partners celebrated the conservation of the ecologically and culturally important Lot 48 -- the only piece of private land left in a complex of what is now 18,000 acres of protected land at the headwaters of the Columbia. Conservation of Lot 48 was supported by $700,000 from the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund within the RDEK and administered by EKCP. These locally-generated funds helped raise $7.2 million to purchase and manage this critical wildlife habitat on Columbia Lake's east shore. 

In case you missed it, there was good media coverage on Global TV news.


Columbia Basin Trust 2011-2012 ANNUAL REPORT & REPORT to RESIDENTS

Learn more about Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) through its 2011/12 Annual Report, which reflects CBT's performance for the year ending March 31, 2012, and details its financial investments, spending, and program and initiative activities. In 2011/12, CBT returned a record $18.2 million in direct funding benefits to Basin communities, up from $11.2 million in 2009/10.  Also check out CBT's 2012 Report to Residents that highlights activities and projects from around the region undertaken in the last year.


A Vision for Community-Based Park Programs

Interested in seeing interpretive programs permanently reinstated within British Columbia's Provincial Parks? If so, please contact Ian McCubbin, Community Program Coordinator/Regional Interpreter, of Kootenay Parks Services who is pursuing this goal within the East Kootenay Region. Beginning in 2012, Kootenay Parks Services, the private park operator of many of the Kootenay's provincial parks, has expressed interest and support towards incorporating community-based programs within the visitor schedule of our Provincial Parks. Eventually, a sole regional interpreter may be phased out in favor of a more sustainable community-based model. According to McCubbin, this type of collaborative model for the East Kootenay would have the opportunity of taking advantage of already existing community-based organizations and specialists in the area, and welcoming them to lead both environmental and cultural programs for all ages and demographics in the East Kootenay Provincial Parks. Contact Ian McCubbin by email or phone 250-417-7221 for more information and to become involved in the process.



Eco Job Board

Check out ECO CANADA for recently posted environmental jobs.


* I'm always looking for job opportunities to highlight, please send me your submissions!  Thanks, MM



Columbia Basin Trust - Environmental Initiatives Program (EIP)

Small grant applications (<$10,000) are accepted by the EIP program throughout the year. Contact Rick Allen, Program Manager-Environment, before submitting a proposal.



September 6-15, 2012 - Jeju, Republic of Korea

The IUCN Congress, held every four years, is the world's largest and most influential conservation event. In preparation for the 2012 Congress, the IUCN has developed a beautiful and informative website presenting components of their agenda. The 2012 Congress organizers chose the slogan Nature+ to capture the crucial role nature plays in all aspects of our lives. The Congress will consider nature's adaptability and resiliency in the face of change. It will share ideas about how to value and conserve nature, and share its benefits more fairly and equitably.


September 21-22, 2012, Creston, BC

The Kootenay Conservation Program is holding its annual meeting and 10th Anniversary celebration entitled Kootenay Connections at the Ramada Creston Hotel. This event brings together non-govenment, government, First Nations, local colleges, consultants and practitioners from throughout the East and West Kootenays for two days of learning, networking, and celebration. See EKCP News (above) for more information, to register, and to become a sponsor.


September 27-28, 2012, Fernie, BC

The Crown of Continent Round Table is holding its 3rd Annual Conference Pathways to Prosperity: Caring for Communities in the Crown of the Continent at the Fernie Mountain Lodge. The purpose of the conference is to connect people and organizations who are passionate about the future of this 18 million acre landscape. The annual conference is open to all interests, communities, and perspectives, and provides an opportunity to communicate (share information and lessons learned), connect (build and strengthen relationships), and catalyze action on topics of shared interest.


September 28-30, 2012, Cranbrook, BC

CBEEN is gearing up for another Voices for Sustainability symposium, which will take place at Clear Sky Centre near Cranbrook. Learn the Tools, Lead the Way! This small-footprint professional development retreat allows formal and non-formal educators from across the Columbia Basin to annually get together, share ideas, and network, while rejuvenating in a spectacular setting. If you haven't attended one before, we highly recommend it! Great Divide Interpretation will be joining us to provide a half-day workshop on interpretation techniques. Through interpretation, educators can provoke thought, help students relate, and create deeper connections to subject matter. Registration opens in July. 


September 28-30, 2012, West Kelowna, BC

Waterlution - an Okanagan experience will be held at Green Bay Retreat on the west shores of Okanagan Lake. The Okanagan is one of Canada's driest watersheds - an ideal location to host a dialogue that focuses on real water issues, the process of leadership, collaborative learning and communication. The Waterlution Okanagan experience will provide you with an opportunity to learn about a range of water perspectives and practical leadership processes.


October 26, 2012 Vancouver, BC

The Real Estate Foundation of BC 2012 Land Awards Gala will be held on Friday, October 26th at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Vancouver. The Land Awards recognize initiatives that demonstrate leadership, innovation, and collaboration in sustainable land use in British Columbia. The awards celebrate and honour the non-profit organizations, private companies, and government bodies behind the initiatives...as well as highlighting the dynamic, forward-thinking people who make it all happen-leaders in creating more resilient, healthy communities and natural environments, and making BC a great place to live.


Nominations in the four Land Awards categories are now open. Read their nomination information for the details on how you can nominate individuals and organizations--even companies and government departments--that have been going over and above in their efforts to improve the way we steward land based resources in BC.


November 7-8, 2012 - Cranbrook, BC

Resource Roads in British Columbia: Environmental challenges at the site level is a conference being organized by the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology. Within British Columbia, paved and unpaved road length increased by 82% between 1988 and 2005. In 2000, there were over 420 thousand road-stream crossings in BC; over the subsequent five years, road-stream crossings increased by about 13 thousand per year (BC Ministry of Environment 2007). Estimates of unpaved roads vary from 400,000 to 550,000 km across the province (BC Forest Practices Board 2005). Many more roads have been built since. The environmental effects of roads are diverse, and include impacts on aquatic and terrestrial wildlife and habitat, soils, and water. This conference will address both road impacts and management responses.



Paddle for the Peace Builds Momentum Against Site C Dam

Check out this inspiring short video produced by The Common Sense Canadian


Paddle for the Peace Builds Momentum Against Site C Dam
Paddle for the Peace Builds Momentum Against Site C Dam


There was a record turnout and perfect conditions for the 7th annual Paddle for the Peace on July 14, 2012. Hundreds of boats and close to a thousand people in total -- made up of residents of the Peace River region in Northeast BC, including Treaty 8 First Nations, farmers and other locals, as well as David Suzuki.


Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Check out the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative informative webinar series addressing conservation science and management issues in the Columbia Basin, Rocky Mountains and Shrub-Steppe ecosystems. GNLCC is an alliance of conservation partners with common landscape conservation goals for building ecosystem resilience within the Great Northern geographic area. The next webinar is:


Purcells-South Mountain Caribou Herd Augmentation Project, 2011-12

Date:  Aug 15, 2012

Time: 12:00-1:30 PM Mountain Time

Presenters: Steve Gordon, Mark Williams, and Leo DeGroot, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations


The 2007 Mountain Caribou Recovery Implementation Plan (MCRIP) committed the British Columbia Government to several management actions including augmenting specific, high-priority smaller herds with caribou from larger, more robust herds. The Purcells-South mountain caribou herd in the Kootenay Region has a current population estimated at 14 animals and has been identified as a priority for augmentation. Direct augmentation by trans-locating animals from a donor herd is considered the best opportunity to assist recovery; failure to implement an effective translocation program in the near-term will likely lead to extirpation of the Purcells-South herd.


As part of the British Columbia Government's commitment to recover mountain caribou to pre-1995 levels by 2017, 19 caribou were translocated from the Level-Kawdy herd in north-western British Columbia to the Purcell Mountains in south-eastern British Columbia in March 2012. This is the first phase of a 2 year project to move 40 caribou to the Purcells-South herd. This webinar will detail the various phases of the project, lessons-learned, and highlight some of the challenges of wild ungulate translocations.


There was a record turnout and perfect conditions for the 7th annual Paddle for the Peace on July 14, 2012. Hundreds of boats and close to a thousand people in total -- made up of residents of the Peace River region in Northeast BC, including Treaty 8 First Nations, farmers and other locals, as well as David Suzuki.


Carbon War Room - There is no Planet B

"Resource preservation and restoring our planet is the economic opportunity of our generation. There is no Planet B," according to Carbon War Room. This group focuses on accelerating the flow of capital to sustainable solutions by identifying and helping remove market barriers that are currently hindering progress, and allowing capital to flow to entrepreneurial solutions in the marketplace. Their mission is to accelerate entrepreneurial solutions to achieve profitable, gigaton-scale reductions of carbon emissions. Their vision is a better world as a result of over $1trillion invested annually in climate change solutions-to create accelerating mitigation and drive new business opportunities for all.  



I look forward to seeing many of you at KCP's September conference! If you have news or announcements you would like to contribute, please email them to me by the 26th of each month. 


Have a great August!


Marcy Mahr

Stewardship & Communications Manager

(250)-358-2669                                                                 ** Deadline for next eNews: August 26, 2012 **