Temple Emanu-El

Kol HaShabbat

July 18, 2024 | 12 Tammuz, 5784


Friday, July 19

6:00 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat

Leader: Rabbi Fel

In person - Fishbein Chapel


Meeting ID: 405 452 0081 | Password: 99Taft | Phone: 929.436.2866

7:57 PM: Candle Lighting

Saturday, July 20

8:00 AM: Early Service - Parashat Balak

In person - Fishbein Chapel

Leaders: Murray Gereboff and Niecie Weiner

Torah Readers: Murray Gereboff and Niecie Weiner


Meeting ID: 634 360 0434 | Password: 818674 | Phone: 929.436.2866

9:30 AM: Sanctuary Service

In person - Alperin Meeting House Foyer 

Service Leader: Rabbi Fel

P'sukei: Arnie Moses

Shaharit: Amy Olson

10:15 AM - Torah Service

Torah Leader: Sarah Oelbaum

Torah Readers: Bill Dilworth and Ron Shufrin

Haftarah: Rabbi Franklin

11:15 AM - Teaching by Marilyn Kagan

"Salonika, A Home for Wandering Jews"

11:30 AM - Musaf

Leader: Amy Olson


Meeting ID: 405 452 0081 | Password: 99Taft | Phone: 929.436.2866

11:15 AM: Tot Shabbat

In person - Sisterhood Lounge

12:00 PM: Kiddush Lunch - Outdoor seating available!

In person - Alperin Meeting House Foyer

12:45 PM: Pre-Minhah Popsicles

1:15 PM: Shabbat Minhah

In person - Alperin Meeting House Foyer

Torah Reader: Karen Drucker-Stern


Meeting ID: 405 452 0081 | Password: 99Taft | Phone: 929.436.2866

8:57 PM - Havdalah

9:10 PM - Zoom Havdalah


Meeting ID: 405 452 0081 | Password: 99Taft | Phone: 929.436.2866

[logo] Thanks for Kiddush Lunch!

If you'd like to contribute to Shabbat Kiddush lunch, CLICK HERE or contact Paul Stouber pstouber@teprov.org or call

(401) 331-1616. THANK YOU!!!

Welcome to our newest member

-Dorothy Hetherington

Do you have a lifecycle event you want to announce to the congregation? Click here to let us know!

For instructions on touchless zooming on Shabbat Click HERE

Please let us know if you or someone you know is sick. To email the clergy Click here or call the Temple office: (401) 331-1616

Business Office Hours:

Monday: CLOSED | Tuesday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

REMINDER: Only the Meeting House entrance will be open on Shabbat mornings. You may still enter through our Taft Avenue door with your Temple access card. For an accessible entrance, please come in through the kitchen door on Morris Ave. Make sure you have an access card and/or let the office know you plan to come in through that door. Call the Temple office for more information: 401-331-1616

A Note on Security

In response to the growing need for enhanced security, we have implemented a comprehensive security plan that includes restricted entry points, the installation of state-of-the-art surveillance cameras, and regular private security details on Shabbat and Yom Tov. For the coming weeks, we have engaged members of the Providence Police Department to provide security details and area patrols on Shabbat, for special events, and when our religious school is in session. 

These efforts reflect Temple Emanu-El's unwavering commitment to providing a secure and welcoming environment for all who worship within its walls, ensuring that faith and community can thrive without fear.


Happy Birthday to Karen Drucker-Stern, Sarah Oelbaum, Vincent Mor, and William Kolb!


Office Help: Ellen Shaw


Summer Shabbat Services

June 29, 2024 - August 31, 2024

  • Our 9:30 AM Sanctuary Service will meet in the Alperin Meeting House Foyer. (The Early Service will still meet in the Chapel.) The Main Sanctuary doors will be locked so enter via the Meeting House doors or with your access card at the Taft Ave doors. For an accessible entrance, please come in through the kitchen door on Morris Ave. Make sure you have an access card and/or let the office know you plan to come in through that door.
  • Our 1:15 PM Minhah service will now be meeting in the Meeting House Foyer. If you're joining us just for Minhah please use the Meeting House doors or your access card at Taft Ave.; all other doors will be locked.
  • Zoom links remain the same. There will be no Livestream.
  • Jr. Cong will resume on Saturday, August 31st.

Summer Speakers

Here is our terrific line-up for upcoming Divrei Torah.

  • July 20 - Marilyn Kagan
  • July 27 - Paul Stouber
  • August 3 - Tony Sabella
  • August 10 - Rabbi Elan Babchuck
  • August 17 - Toby Liebowitz
  • August 24 - Bill Miles
  • August 31 - Ron Kurtzman

We want to thank each of these congregants who have volunteered their time and their wisdom to make our services special over the summer.

Given that we are a diverse population with congregants on different sides of the aisle, we ask that each Darshan be aware of political and partisan content in their remarks, and to edit them accordingly.

We are also asking for the congregation to hold off any comments or remarks about someone's D'var Torah until after services. Please be mindful that one of our core values in Judaism is about respect, and interruptions during someone's talk can be very difficult for the speaker and those in the congregation.  

Thank you and Shabbat Shalom.

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Boomers & Beyond Mid-Morning Schmear and Schmooze

Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024

Time: 10:30 AM

Location: Patio.

Join Boomers and Beyond for our annual "mid-morning schmear and schmooze" brunch, featuring plenty of good conversation. Bagels, lox, pastries, coffee, tea, and other refreshments will be served.

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Delve Deeper Fall 2024

Dates: Sundays - September 15, 22, 29, October 6, 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17, & 24, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Zoom

Abraham Joshua Heschel is one of the most important Jewish thinkers of the last 100 years. We will examine how Heschel applied the writings of the Hebrew prophets to contemporary issues, as well as his insights into the Bible, prayer, Rabbinic thought, Hasidism, and the Holocaust.

Dr. Dror Bondi has dedicated the last 20 years to bringing Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s thoughts to Israel. He has a doctorate in Jewish Thought from Bar-Ilan University. He lives with his family in Jerusalem, in Urban-Kibbutz Beit Yisrael, a community of religious and non-religious dedicated to social and spiritual activism.

Register Now!


Where on the Rhode is Cantor Mayer?

8/14: Lincoln Creamery, Lincoln 4:00 PM

8/16: Brewed Awakenings, Warwick 10:00 AM


On the Rhode with Temple Emanu-El

7/21: Family First Meetup at Peck Center Playground, Barrington 10:00 AM

7/24: Stroller Walk on Blackstone Boulevard, Providence 9:30 AM

8/1: Meetup at Cafe Richmond, Providence 10:00 AM

8/20: Meetup at Sundaes, Seekonk 7:00 PM

8/21: Family First Meetup at Roger WIlliams Park, Cranston 10:00 AM



During times of turmoil, it's crucial to come together as a community so that we can offer support, comfort, and share resources with each other. To that end, we would like to offer the following avenues of empowerment:

1. Join Us for Services - When faced with challenges, we gather as a community for prayer and to reaffirm our values and hopes for the future. Please consider joining us in in person or on Zoom for daily minyan or Shabbat services. It feels less lonely when we join our thoughts and prayers with others around the world and with those who came before us. 

2. Get Educated - Knowledge is a powerful tool in combating ignorance and prejudice. We highly recommend listening to the Unpacking Israeli History Podcast, an enlightening resource that delves into the complexities of Israeli history and provides valuable insights into current events. The Promised Podcast is also an incredible podcast by three folks who live in and love Israel even though it drives them crazy, and who each week discuss the latest in Israeli politics, culture and society. Listening to these podcasts can give you the language to help express what you’ve often thought is too hard to put into words.

3. Make an Appointment with Temple Emanu-El's Clergy - We are here to offer counsel, support, and a listening ear to anyone in need. Whether you have concerns, questions, or simply wish to talk, we are available to provide guidance and comfort during these challenging times. In particular, if you have children in school or are in the college-search process, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Finally, we can help connect you with other organizations whose primary mission is to advocate for Israel and/or other specific Jewish causes.


artisansofisraelcover image

Artisans of Israel: Transcending Tradition

By: Lynn Holstein


A detailed look into the current Arts & Crafts movement in Israel, through the personal stories of 40 artisans in a range of media from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. Accompanied by great photos by the artists, this is the inspiring story of a young nation developing a national identity through craftsmanship and innovation. 

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Max and the Not-So-Perfect Apology

By: Carl Shulman


Third book in the Torah time travel series. Max wants to travel back to find out what the problem was between brothers Jacob and Esau, but his friend Emma doesn’t want to join him this time. Great illustrations, good series for the early readers.


Baking For A Cause

Cookies, brownies or bars are needed that will be added as dessert to over 200 bagged lunches given out weekly by either McAuley House or Help the Homeless, RI.  

Please make a double batch of your favorite cookie/brownie or bar. Put a generous portion (2-3 cookies depending on the size) into a snack or sandwich sized bag and deliver them to either Paula Goldberg 47 Paine Ave. Cranston, RI or Barbara Dwares 46 Balsam Court Cranston RI. Call Paula 941-2042 or Barbara 474-8276 with any questions.

Temple Emanu-El

Blood Drive

Make an appointment to donate blood!

How? Go to www.ribc.org or call (401) 453-8383 to make an appointment at one of six Donor Centers throughout RI. At the time of your donation, please tell them that you are donating on behalf of Temple Emanu-El Group # 0013

Donate Today!


Israeli Flag

The Jewish Alliance of Greater RI

Israel Emergency Fund

The Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island stands with Israel and has opened this emergency fund to provide immediate financial assistance and relief to victims of terror and war.

Donate Now!
Israel Flag

Shop Israel

Looking to support Israeli businesses? The non-profit Local Shopping empowers Israel's small businesses, now more than ever. Support small business owners as they navigate the ongoing war, helping them not only stay afloat, but also thrive.

All brands ship to the US and Israel.​ Some ship to other locations.

Shop Israel Now!

Challah Bake: Sculpture and Symbolism Through Baking (Rescheduled event)

Thursday, July 25th 6-8pm at Dwares JCC. $15 members, $20 non-members. Join artist-in-residence Zo Baker for a challah bake unlike any other. In this workshop participants are invited to think about challah through the lenses of mindfulness and sustainability. We’ll connect each ingredient to Jewish values and symbolism and come away with new relationships to how we eat and create with intentionality and care. Participants are invited to use dough like clay to form shapes and structures that tell stories and to consider the architecture of the divine and the everyday. Participants will leave with dough to bring home, build, and bake, and their own hand-made sculptural mini challahs. All ages welcome!


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