Knowledge for Life
June 2024
Research-based information you can trust
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Nutrition, Food Safety, and Health | |
How to Pack the Perfect Picnic
Everything tastes better outside under a shade tree with the summer breeze. Many of us love a good picnic and outdoor barbeque.
As you plan your summer picnics here are a few things to remember to pack the perfect picnic. Learn more
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Dig Your Dinner goes LIVE on June 15
Agents Anthony (Horticulture - Small Farms) and Chelsea (Nutrition and Food Safety) are taking their monthly webinar series, Dig Your Dinner, out into real life this month! On Saturday, June 15, you're invited to a tour of the Sunset Community Garden followed by demo and samples at the test kitchen. Learn more
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Become an Extension Master Food Volunteer
Extension Master Food Volunteers are passionate about good food, nutrition, food safety, promoting good health, and giving back to the community.
We are seeking applications for the next class of volunteers. Training will begin later this summer on Tuesday evenings at the Extension office in Olathe. Applications are due by July 17. Learn more
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Johnson County 4-H teams up with Extension Master Naturalists for summer outdoor experiences
“Kansas Wild Kids," our local Junior Extension Master Naturalist Program, provides youth ages 7-14 opportunities to learn more about natural resources in Johnson County.
With a variety of topics and locations explored, youth can become everyday explorers within our community. Learn more
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Job Opportunity: 4-H Event and Communications Coordinator
Johnson County 4-H serves more than 480 youth, providing hands-on experiences and leadership development. We are looking for a part-time event and communications coordinator to join our team. Learn more
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Youth Sewing Camps return for Summer 2024
We have classes for youth with beginner, intermediate, and advanced sewing skills on June 25 and 26, at the Johnson County Extension Office. Learn more
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Family and Community Wellness | |
Don't Let Mold Win
The average person spends 90% of their time indoors, and the air we breathe inside is 2 to 5 times more concentrated than outdoors.
Our homes' air quality is affected by a variety of factors, including mold. If you have a mold issue, it is essential to prevent and detect problems early. Learn more
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Invitation for high school students to explore careers in finance
This one-day program at the K-State Olathe campus enables high school students to deepen their understanding of personal finance and the profession of financial planning. Cost is $25 and includes lunch.
Learn more
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Aquatic Vegetation Spotlight: Algae
Algae play an important role in aquatic ecosystems such as food chain support and shelter. In general, freshwater algae comes in three forms: planktonic, filamentous, and chara.
Learn more
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Celebrate pollinators at Wonders of Discovery
Friday, June 21, 9 am to 2 pm
Pollinator Prairie in Olathe
Join the Extension Master Naturalists and learn about the wonders of pollination at this family-friendly event in conjunction with National Pollinator Week. Learn more
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Rain Gardens: Your personal contribution to cleaner water
Rain gardens naturally protect our water sources and look great doing it! By planting a rain garden, you can help reduce water pollution.
Rain gardens play a significant role slowly filtering water that previously soaked into prairie soils before roofs, driveways and sidewalks were built in neighborhoods. Learn more
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We're looking for the next class of Extension Master Gardeners
Are you passionate about gardening, learning, and giving back to your community? Consider becoming a Johnson County Extension Master Gardener. Applications are due June 28. Learn more
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Pop-Up Farmers Market returns to the Sunset Community Garden
Tuesday, June 11
11 am to 1 pm (or while supplies last)
Enjoy freshly harvested produce from the Sunset Community Garden, available to the public. Take what you can use, and leave a donation if you can. All proceeds will be re-invested back into the garden to grow more food. Learn more
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You have questions. The Gardening Hotline has answers.
Our Extension Master Gardeners staff the Gardening Hotline, ready to take your questions. Contact us for answers about your yard, garden, trees, shrubs, pests, and lots of other topics. Call (913) 715-7050 (9 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday) or email your questions to:
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Silver Clovers (ages 50+) | |
WITS Workout: Forget Me, Not!
Monday, June 10 at 3 pm (virtual)
WITS Workout is an online, small group "workout," -- an opportunity to let your brain try new things. In this session the activity themes focus loosely on flowers in some way. Register here
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Silver Clovers from Johnson County Extension offers special opportunities for adults ages 50 and older. | |
Johnson County Extension Education Foundation | |
Attend Spotlight on Extension, the Annual Signature Event!
Saturday, August 24, 2024
5 to 8 pm
Lodge at Ironwoods (Leawood)
Please join us for this annual fundraiser, which includes live music, a live and silent auction, dinner, desserts, drinks, and fun! All proceeds fund adult and youth educational programs as a part of K-State Research and Extension in Johnson County.
Get your tickets here
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We need your help!
We are looking for support for the Johnson County Extension Education Foundation Signature Event. JCEEF is a 501c3 organization that provides funding for adult and youth educational programs as a part of K-State Research and Extension in Johnson County.
There are two ways in which you can make a tax-deductible gift: sponsorships and donations.
Sponsorships will help fund the event itself. As a sponsor, you will choose which level and will receive different publicity for your business based on the level you choose. Click here to learn more about sponsorships.
Donations: We are seeking items for our live and silent auction. If you are interested in donating items click here.
We hope you will consider a donation or sponsorship. If you have any questions, please contact Tara Markley at or 913-715-7012.
Sincerely yours,
Cheryl Hunt
President, Johnson County Extension Education Foundation
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Family and Community Wellness Events | |
Agriculture / Natural Resources Events | |
Nutrition, Food Safety, and Health Events | |
4-H Youth Development Events | |
Silver Clovers (Ages 50+) | |
We are dedicated to a safe, sustainable, competitive food and fiber system and to strong healthy communities, families, and youth through integrated research, analysis, and education.
Local Mission
K-State Extension, Johnson County is an organization of dedicated, passionate, hardworking staff who collaborate and connect people with university supported education, resources, and services – through volunteers, community, and partner organizations.
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Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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