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May 2024

Dear J.R.,

The goal of this publication is to provide you with knowledge for informed decisions about investigations and security. 


This month we discuss an instance in which our skilled analysis proved the purchase offer of a client company by a foreign group was literally too good to be true.


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Founder, Owner, and Manager

Twice as Much: When the offer for your company seems too good to be true

The general counsel of a highly successful technology firm contacted ResultQuest for assistance in building a background profile on a foreign group that had made overtures regarding the purchase of the company.

The founder of the firm had made no secret of his desire to sell his interest, and was introduced to one member of the group at an exclusive gathering of international dignitaries. This individual claimed the expertise to locate and qualify foreign buyers willing to pay "twice as much" for the company as American suitors had offered.

Working in conjunction with our international associates, we concluded that the main player in the foreign group was a high-level intelligence operative for a hostile government, and strongly warned the client of the potential vulnerabilities that might result from continued involvement. It was also revealed that the network of office branches the group claimed were merely fronts or postal drop addresses.

Since the early stage of the probe, it was our informed judgment that the approach was likely nothing more than a "fishing expedition" to glean useable intelligence from the client. Consequently, the client restricted the amount of information it provided to the group. Ultimately, our conclusion was solidified when the group failed to ever bring any viable investors to the table and the relationship was terminated by the client.

When you employ the ResultQuest team for help with company acquisitions, we bring to bear a vast array of specialists spanning the globe. Call us at 713-781-9040 for help in fully defining prospective agents and buyers - domestic or international.

Next Edition Topic:

Home Alone 2: Avoiding fraud by employees working remotely

Upcoming Events:

Our offices will close on Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day. Please join us as we honor those warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our American way of life.

Our attorney clients can take advantage of our complimentary CLE program, approved by the State Bar of Texas, that provides ways to ensure your investigation adds value to your case. Call us to arrange a presentation in the convenience of your own office.

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Our purpose is to increase our clients' competitive advantage so they can assume a position of superiority.
Our mission is to deliver an investigative product that provides an advantage in litigation, mediation, or negotiation. We tap into our vast investigative experience and global resource network to analyze the client's position, establish proper objectives, formulate and execute a plan of action, and report the results in a timely, concise, well-written and logical format. Learn more...

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Tel. 713-781-9040
Fax 713-781-3440
10315 Lakewood Drive, Conroe TX 77385

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