JULY 2016
In This Issue
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The World Investigators Conference is being presented from August 16 to 19 at Lake Toretta Resort on Lake Conroe in Texas. J.R. Skaggs, TCI, will be overseeing the rigorous exam process of candidates for Texas Certified Investigator (TCI), the premier designation of the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators.

Find out ways to ensure your investigator adds value to your case and enables you to "Achieve a Superior Position."  We are approved by the State Bar of Texas as a CLE sponsor, and are available to speak at your firm. Call us at (713)781-9040  to make
a convenient appointment that could make a difference.

Next Edition Topics:

Weak Link: Competitor recruitment of disgruntled employees
Conspicuous Consumption: Executive prosperity can create envy in the workforce


In this month's edition of VantagePoints, we address two areas in which subpar efforts can be worse than none at all.
The first concerns pro bono legal work. Giving back to society by assisting someone with needs beyond their resources - especially elderly folks who have been defrauded - is a good and noble cause, but only if best effort is put forth. A saying, "give what's right, not what's left," could be applied. We have been honored to provide litigation support in many charitable projects over the years for clients who "give what's right."
The second article delves into the arena of investigations performed by the legal support staff of law firms, and provides some reasons why this is not always the best option.
The professionals at ResultQuest® have provided investigative litigation support for decades, and would welcome the opportunity to discuss the ways we can help you "Achieve a Superior Position®" in your case.      
We appreciate the ongoing comments concerning our newsletter, and hope you will recommend VantagePoints to those in your professional circle. Ideas for topics in which you have an interest are always welcome. Send your suggestions to news@resultquestinc.com.  
Founder, Owner, and Manager

Uncharitable Donations: Half-hearted pro bono work
ResultQuest is proud to count among its clientele a number of firms that provide pro bono legal services to those who would otherwise have no champion to seek justice on their behalf-such as senior citizens living on a modest income. We are honored to have participated in many such cases over the years, often with results that enabled someone victimized by fraud or deceit to realize some level of redress.
However, on a number of occasions such cases were initiated by non-client law firms that accepted the assignment pro bono, and then failed to give the attention and effort needed to put the case on a solid legal footing. The resultant damage can be worse than if the firm had not even begun the work in the first place, and could cause the plaintiff to feel victimized again.
It is a noble thing to help those in need, but any cause worthy of pursuit deserves best effort. That is what ResultQuest has always delivered when seeking information to aid our fine attorney clients who donate cost-free litigation services to the less fortunate. We work all cases with the same drive to "Achieve a Superior Position."  
Contact us at 713-781-9040 to discuss any investigative need related to charitable legal endeavors.
Do It Your Self: The risk of assigning investigations to the legal support staff
In this Internet age there is a wealth of online investigative sources that can prove helpful to a legal case.  The majority of law firms employ support staff that routinely develops information from these sources that is used in connection with a given case. This is why Texas statutes governing investigators applied an exemption related to practicing lawyers and their employees.  

There are many paralegals and legal researchers who are extremely skilled in conducting online and other investigative work on behalf of their firms' clients, and could hold their own in an investigations company.  However, ability and experience should be the yardstick by which the legal support personnel's limitations are established.  If the requirements of the assignment exceed the staff's skillset, there are pronounced risks.

Tradition holds that physicians operate under the ethical charge, "First do no harm," which is a good motto for legal professionals as well. A legal assistant who, through lack of skill or experience in investigations, commits errors or omissions can certainly do harm to the case. This can lead to a variety of unsuitable outcomes, not the least of which is reputation.

Another point to ponder is the possibility of mitigation of the attorney-client privilege pertaining to the work product. Ancillary to this is the potential that the member of the legal support staff conducting the investigative work might be called as a witness by opposing counsel.

A decision to assign complex investigative work to the support staff, especially matters such as surveillance and extensive individual or corporate background profiles, can backfire. The experienced professionals at ResultQuest are skilled at managing the process and product of investigations-always with your client's best interest in mind.

Call us at 713-781-9040 to discuss how we can help you craft an investigation that most effectively addresses your need to develop "Knowledge for Informed Decisions®."