- Knowledge Itself
- Levels of Evidence
- Critically Appraised
- AUTOmatically
- Dementia Exemplar
As a 2016 Journal of Critical Care editorial expressed:
“When Sir Francis Bacon published in his work, Meditationes Sacrae (1597), the saying: ‘knowledge itself is power,’ he most likely wanted to transmit the idea that having and sharing knowledge is the cornerstone of reputation and influence, and therefore power; all achievements emanate from this. Today, scientific knowledge is shared through publications that not only inform, but have the capacity to influence decision making.”
Regarding scientific knowledge, distinct levels of evidence have a hierarchy:
To Level Up, we compare:
Observational: Individual Case Reports detail the demographics, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of 1 patient.
Experimental: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) assign participants (by chance alone) into either experimental or control groups. With quantitative analysis, studies measure and compare outcomes after participants receive different treatments.
Critical Appraisal: Meta-Analysis statistically and systematically combines independent study results (often 1000’s of patients) into a body of research which collectively assesses effects or risk factors associated with specific treatment options.
While clinicians typically determine which level of amplification technology best fits each patient, skilled educators also distinguish between different levels of research references. At the pinnacle, Critically Appraised evidence of the highest quality should, most understandably, be integrated into consultative dialogue. In community, especially when seeking to credibly build interdisciplinary relationships with physicians, these guiding principles are imperative. Trusted educational curators earn more opportunities to expertly assist those in need. Be one.
Nationally, from public health perspectives, on many important topics, more should be In the Know. Over decades we see prominent awareness campaigns deliver pertinent messages on societal concerns such as nutrition, smoking, drunk driving or climate change. Whatever one’s view on Covid-related issues, whether on prevention, treatment or statistics, knowledgeable decisions are personally made.
Intended to inform, Public Service Announcements address broad audiences. Who Wishes for brighter futures with STEM education? Often, cleverly designed awareness campaigns, with well-planned applications, may motivate us and contribute to positive behavior change.
Locally, in Better Hearing is Better Healthcare realms, with splintered media attention, targeted awareness requires versatile communication pathways which are on point. With Best Wishes, this pivotal issue is worthy of review:
“Broadly speaking, Omni-Channel Marketing refers to messaging consistency and versatile awareness touch points in practice, in community and online. Instinctively, your core media should feature practice-branded content that is reputable, relevant and differentiated.”
Aspirationally, Omni-Channel methods should, with Positive Cycles, AUTOmatically integrate these aims:
Awareness why hearing acuity and communication wellness are vital
Understanding that hearing relates to common medical conditions
Treatment with evidence-based diagnostics and personalized solutions
Outcomes which expertly optimize brain health and quality of life
As an exemplar, our:
Focal Topic is Dementia
Leading Question is Did You Know?
Research Core is The Pearls of Wisdom
Our Top 10 Omni-Channel Awareness catalysts include:
Grounded in Pearls of Wisdom research synopsis, with each practice-branded awareness catalyst, form follows function. The healthy habit of promoting understanding, in your own words, is indispensable.
Canvas artwork is a larger format and upscale attention getter that will stimulate educational queries for years. What visible showplace within your clinic would encourage patients and families to learn how hearing loss relates to dementia?
By examining our Dementia canvas artwork design’s logical flow, caring conversations are easily imagined:
With your eye-catching clinic display standing out, matching handouts drive messages home, fostering retention of educational input and well-informed decisions. By providing handy reference to what was discussed and asking, “Now that you know, who do you know?” motivated patients discover that “knowledge itself is power.”
Next week, our Omni-Channel Dementia journey continues. Be there.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)
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