April 2021
Know AT
with the Help of MoAT (vol.35)
Missouri Assistive Technology's
IEP Season
AT Survival Guide
Questions the IEP team should consider include:
Will the assistive technology allow the child to be educated alongside his nondisabled peers?
Can the device expand the child’s access to the general education curriculum with fewer restrictions?
What challenges is the child experiencing that the assistive technology is designed to help?
The IEP team may need some help to determine what AT may benefit the student.
MoAT can help through consultation and provide training via Zoom or in-person. We have access to hundreds of devices, which are also available to you to be borrowed free of charge through our Lending Library. This newsletter will introduce just a few devices that you may be able to use to help support your student's learning and to help them to meet their IEP goals.
What Should an IEP Look Like?
The Department of Education has provided an organized and structured guide to what should be contained in the IEP document. This guide explains the IEP process, which is considered to be a critical element in ensuring effective teaching, learning, and better results for all children with disabilities. The guide is designed to help teachers, parents, and anyone involved in the education of a child with a disability, develop and carry out an IEP. The information in this guide is based on what is required by special education law, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and removes educational barriers that prevent the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for the student. Often Assistive Technology can be part of the solution and help to create an educational environment without barriers. Learn more about Missouri Assistive Technology by visiting our website and exploring the ETC Lending Library.
Did You Know That They Have That at MoAT?
AT for Writing Challenges
Missouri Assistive Technology has many educational supports, software packages, ios apps, and computer peripherals that aid individuals with writing challenges to be more successful. Check out our tools for writing
Docs Plus by Cricksoft
Educational Supports
Writing Tools in the Form of the Writing Kit

Docs Plus by Cricksoft
Natalie using a Jouse+ to control the computer
Alternative Computer Access
AT for Reading Challenges
Whether you are working with a student who struggles with the basics of reading or with a student that struggles to proofread their 10-page essay there is AT to help.
OrCam Introduction Video without Text
Helper Bird Video
The ModMath App on iPad
AT for Math Challenges
There is assistive technology to help students who struggle with processing mathematical calculations as well as those students that struggle to write mathematical calculations.
Presentation of the Dyscalculator App
Talking graphical calculator
AT for Communication Needs
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices can be overwhelming. There are so many choices from low-tech solutions such as Picture Exchange Cards (PECS) to Eye-controlled devices. There are solutions for users that have limited controlled movement, have little to no vision, and are of all cognitive abilities. Let Missouri Assistive Technology help your team explore options for your student.
Samuel with the i-16
Low Tech
Mid Tech
Take a Look at What's New in Assistive Technology
Claro logo

Cloud Web Apps for free during the month of April. These give you text-to-speech, PDF reading, and OCR free on any device – Windows, Mac, iPad.

ClaroRead Chrome in the Chrome Web Store which lets you read web pages and PDFs on your Chromebooks.

Free Apps for iPad, iPhone, and Android with text-to-speech, PDF reading, and some OCR on your tablets and phones.

At 9:00 am every Thursday in April, Claro offers an open Zoom session for people to ask any questions or get a demo. Learn more about the products by participating in these Zoom sessions.

8th April 2021 at 3 PM (UK) - Join Here
15th April 2021 at 3 PM (UK) - Join Here
22nd April 2021 at 3 PM (UK) - Join Here
29th April 2021 at 3 PM (UK) - Join Here
Take a Look at What's "Old" in Assistive Technology
But could be "NEW" to you!
Each week we will offer "recycled" devices free of charge. These are devices that we have retired from our lending library. We would like to offer these devices to individuals who can use them knowing that they are older technology and no longer supported by the manufacturer. Please contact Scout via email to request these devices. They will be shipped to you free of charge and will not need to be returned.
Small children using an intelikeys with a computer from the early 90s
Itellikeys Keyboard
You remember that old Intellikeys keyboard you had? Looked like it was from the 70’s but worked like a charm, until Windows 10 came along. We just happen to have a couple working Intellikeys since there is now a driver for Windows 10. Let us know if you have an individual who would benefit from this keyboard and you can have it. Contact Scout Merry at smerry@mo-at.org to learn if the device and overlays will help someone you know. 
What’s “App-ening”at MoAT?  

This app will allow you to easily create printable picture symbol overlays for all of AbleNet's AAC devices as well as all of the components of the Cause and Effect Kit. This an IOS App and can be found in the App Store.

So much information. So little time.
Do you know that
"Know AT with the Help of MoAT" Newsletters are archived on our website? View previous newsletters by visiting us at www.at.mo.gov.