
January 2023

Knees and Hips: What is Right for Your Patient?

Owen O'Neill, MD from Twin Cities Orthopedics presents a session on new hip and knee techniques. 

The focus of this session from Fulcrum's symposium in October 2022 is to discuss minimally invasive techniques, choosing between full or partial replacement, and how to identify when to refer and the best approach for your patient.

Please watch the video session below or to view the video in a separate tab, click here.

ChiroCare Network Tiering Assignment

All providers in the ChiroCare network are assigned a tier, Gold, Silver, or Bronze, based upon the provider’s network experience, patient volume, and practice pattern. 

This tier assignment is used to determine the level of Fulcrum monitoring and the authorization requirement for the provider. The intent of this approach is to lessen administrative burdens for providers that demonstrate a clear ability to manage patient cases effectively and within the health plans covered benefits.

Please check your 2023 Tier assignment in Fulcrum's Provider Portal on the Home page to avoid claim denials for failure to prior-authorize when required.

Contact if you need assistance with the prior-authorization process.

Accepting 2023 ChiroCare Centers of Excellence Applications!

We are now accepting applications from ChiroCare network providers who believe their clinics meet the Centers of Excellence criteria. The application period is open until March 31, 2023.


The CCoE Self-Assessment, Application, and Attestation can be completed online for administrative ease.


Please log into, go to Learning Hub tab and then the CCoE tab to access the necessary documents to apply and take the self-assessment.


If you have completed the CCoE self-assessment and received a passing score of 20 or higher, please consider completing the CCoE application.


Current CCoE's do not need to re-apply. Verification review of records begins February 2023.


We encourage you to take a close look at the CCoE program overview.


If you have any questions about the ChiroCare Centers of Excellence program, please contact Dr. Vivi-Ann Fischer

Changes to Clinic and/or Provider Information? Let us Know!

The federal No Surprises Act requires health plans to verify the accuracy of provider contact information every 90 days. Fulcrum will provide more information about this requirement and what it means for you and for Fulcrum in a future communication.

Currently, your provider agreement with Fulcrum requires you to immediately notify Fulcrum of any change in your or your clinic’s demographic information, including, but not limited to name, address, phone, fax, email address, and taxpayer identification number.

Fulcrum’s Provider Portal offers a quick and electronic method for reporting changes.  Simply select the Demographic Updates tab on the home page.

We appreciate your continued partnership!