Responding to

“Unquestionably, you and your hard-working crew, apparently as full of gumption and true grit as real dedication, are now perfectly poised to stand valiantly between the faint-heartedness and potential despair of so many! So, be as bold in your heart as you are in your good actions, and as crafty in your great planning as you are in your adaptation.”

We received this comment from a client this past week and it was one of many, often tearful, messages expressing gratitude for our efforts to keep them safe, well-nourished and informed. Thank you for stepping up and helping make sure Kitchen Angels keeps its promise.

In order to continue meeting the challenges with which we’re faced, we’ve developed some new protocols to protect client, volunteer and staff safety. It is imperative that everyone adhere to these protocols.

Every current volunteer is asked to complete a volunteer self-assessment, confirming your ability to volunteer. You can either click here or go to and, under the heading “Fresh & Tasty Blog,” click on the Volunteer Self-Assessment. Please answer the questions, sign and date the form, save it to your computer and email it to before your next shift. This is our new standard required for volunteering.
Hand washing can make all the difference!
Under the March 23, 2020, Public Health Order, “services providing care to indigent or needy populations” are designated “essential services” and exempted from closure. Kitchen Angels is one such essential service. We are required to “ adhere to social distancing protocol and maintain at least six-foot social distance from other individuals, avoid person-to-person contact, and direct employees to wash their hands frequently.”  To do this, we’ve streamlined our crews to the greatest extent possible to maintain appropriate social distancing. We’re also limiting the number of people who come in contact with our clients' meals.

We will be combining the activities of our afternoon delivery-related shifts into a single function. This means that some positions will be eliminated for the time being. Please do not take offense. I trust that those of you who are asked to stay home will understand that this is only a temporary request. We will likely call on you later as we offer relief to our active volunteers. Crews will be staffed by those volunteers who have best adapted to our new safety protocols and who are most responsive to requests from staff. Everything is changing. Please be patient as well as mindful.

Kitchen Angels employs a bare-bones staff and their safety, and the safety of their families, is just as important to us as is the safety of our clients and our volunteers. It is critical that we protect each other. This means keeping as much distance between people as possible. As you report for your shift, look at the carpet tiles in the lobby and hallway. Two of these tiles represent six feet. In the kitchen, most of our work tables are six feet long. Our crews are pared down, so that each volunteer has a table. Keep this in mind as you interact with your fellow volunteers and staff. Our kitchen has always been a place of great camaraderie and we’ve all enjoyed some healthy competition between the different crews. Now, however, we really need to focus on the task at hand. Our clients are depending upon us.

We are operating with the minimum number of volunteers we can. If you cannot show up on time, we need to know as soon as possible so that we can find a substitute.

I’m seeing a quote from Franklin Roosevelt show up more and more the past few days:

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.”

Thank you for taking care of yourself and our neighbors during this crisis. We are counting on you to keep our community safe, whether you are at home, or actively engaged at Kitchen Angels.
Thank you for your vigilance. We want you to stay safe, healthy and informed.