Clockwise: Molly rocks the famous top hat in honor of Dr. Seuss's Birthday; a big smile from Darcie as she works on her iPad; Betsy Allemand's class in the spirit of Sock Day.
  • Kingsway Learning Center: Currently operating on four full days of in-person instruction on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Students who wish to remain fully remote have the option to do so. Wednesdays remain remote learning days to allow for a deep cleaning of the building. Find Covid-19 updates here.
  • Kingsway Adult Program: Currently offering remote sessions daily and planning to reopen five days/week at partial capacity on March 29--more details below!
Kingsway Monthly, March 2021 - Editor: Stefanie Mis
Kingsway Learning Center & Services | 856-545-0800 |