Clockwise: Frankie takes a swing at tee ball with help from Teacher Natalie Dalesandro; Zach cleans and disinfects art supplies; Gage kicks off spring at the community garden. Visit Kingsway's Facebook page for more photos of these and other activities.
  • Kingsway Learning Center: Currently operating on four full days of in-person instruction on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Students who wish to remain fully remote have the option to do so. Wednesdays remain remote learning days to allow for a deep cleaning of the building. Planning to return to 5-day per week, in-person instruction for students on May 10. Find Covid-19 updates here.
  • Kingsway Adult Program: Currently offering remote sessions daily and monitoring NJ Department of Health data and DDD guidance to reopen as soon as possible.
Students in Molly Concannon's Community Based Instruction Program (CBI) class did an excellent job building two garden planters under the direction of Karen Acerbo, Occupational Therapist. The wheelchair-accessible planters will contain vegetables and herbs and will be harvested during the Extended School Year Program, providing students with fresh, healthy snacks. Photos, from left: Bryan Monaco, Job Coach; Alexis; and Elijah-David put together the base of the planter; Alexis works with Mr. Monaco. Bottom photo: the beautiful finished products!
Kingsway Monthly, April 2021 - Editor: Stefanie Mis
Kingsway Learning Center & Services | 856-545-0800 |