hope rca logos
Happy New Yest, Happy New You

RCA Needs You!

(that is why you joined, right?)

Do you get that invigorating feeling when a new year starts?

I do especially as the new school year in August approaches!

Embrace that feeling and spread it through our Club.

Join a committee


on Monday, July 10 at Rotary

You will feel more engaged

You will have a more personal experience

You will be more community connected

You will feel better

You will have more fun

Most RCA Committees only need your extra time & effort once a month!

Back in the day, every Rotarian needed to be on at least 1 committee.

This spread the Club's work fairly, especially before there was an "Office Ann."

With your participation on just 1 committee, RCA will get back to running on all cylinders, like you know, before it.

RCA's Committees

on Monday, July 10 at Rotary

rca ctes form 23-24

A full description of each committee is in your RCA Membership Directory --- starting on page 12!

Are you looking for GLORY?

Check out the linked chart tracking our committees

Like to be visible?

Don't mind the spotlight?

RCA needs you every Monday


Are you looking for hands-on WORK

on either long or

short-term projects?

Like to organize & plan?

Don't mind being behind the scenes?


Want to keep your efforts here in ABQ

That's the Community Service - Div. 3 - Director Mark Moran

mark moran

Like participating at our Monday Rotary lunch programs

That's the Club Service - Div. 1 - Director Larry Chenoweth

Love Rotary & want to spread the love

That's the Membership - Div. 6 - Director Tim Sheahan

Sheahan Tim

Not sure?

That's President Suzy!