Do You Have Sand In Your Pants?

Growing up, I almost never went to the beach. My mom preferred to take us to a local pool club even though we were minutes from the beaches in Long Island. Why? She really didn’t like the sand! I get it. Sand is messy. It attaches itself to everything and stays with you long after the beach itself is a simple memory. Sand can make an otherwise ideal beach visit a little tougher to endure. Sand in your pants is…well, sand in your pants!

I on the other hand really like going to the beach. To make up for lost time, I have been on beaches all over the world! Beaches and oceans transform. They allow for down time, family time, relaxation, sleep, vitamin D and so very much more. When I think of all the pictures that I have taken over the years at various beaches, it is easy to understand why. They are beautiful, compelling, restorative and sensual. Beaches connect us to each other, and even more importantly to ourselves. As for the sand…it has virtues too. I love the feeling of warm sand on my feet; I like to seek out shells, or power walk along the shoreline. If it were not for the sand, the beaches would be all rocks…and many are. Rocks in your pants would be even harder to deal with!

The point I am making is this. If you want the beauty of the beach experience, you need to put up with the inconvenience of sand and grit everywhere.

Grit gives us traction, makes us humble, and keeps us focused, and grateful. Even oysters have grit. Yet, those grains of sand that oysters endure produce pearls!

Sand may seem annoying, yet it represents the flip side of perfection. Without the dirt, we cannot fully recognize the beauty. Where in your everyday do you take a walk in the sand? Where are you allowing in mess in order to allow in growth and renewal? Where are you willing to shake the sand off, to be inconvenienced for a bit, in order to reap the rewards of the overall experience? My mom had it wrong. She opted for the less complicated pool experience instead of allowing the imperfections of that “perfect” beach into our lives.

Adversity exists with almost everything we dare to experience. Every upside has a downside. Minor inconveniences can reap major benefits. It is our own ability to understand flaws as well as flawlessness that contribute to our overall success in all situations. Playing it too safe, too clean, too uncomplicated, can often result in stifling your own evolution, your own process. Looking for the silver lining? There is sand involved!

Simply put, sand in your pants is actually something that you should welcome into your life! It is a price of admission, a caveat of understanding and welcoming in tenacity and consistency in. Minor irritations can reap major rewards that would otherwise never be experienced. So brush it off and savor the moment! It’s well worth it!

Looking for more inspiration?

Randi Levin Coaching was recently quoted as an influencer in Reader's Digest & Business Insider.

Busy getting some sand in my pants! Cheers to enjoying a pause and refresh this August!

Now September and October...that's a different story...
Gearing up to make a difference! 

See below for details of how you can do so as well! Please join me at both events!
There is nothing more powerful than human connection and our ability to impact one another. Join me for a virtual coffee . Bring your questions, ideas, and conversations. Let's talk about transformation, balance, legacy, change, fear, leadership and the business of YOU. Let's talk vacation! Let's talk sand!

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