Three Simple Questions Can Change A Company’s Fortunes
Ken was on that turnaround team. His first day on the job, he wrote three questions on a 3x5 card and pinned it near his desk:
- What are people saying about us?
- What do we want them to say?
- What are we doing to get them to say it?
Those questions were the touchstone that drove Harley’s transformation.
Loyalty In An Impersonal World
“People can’t be loyal to things – people are loyal to the people behind the things.” Harley had become a company that thought it was in the motorcycle business. They promoted the features of their bikes and the technology behind it.
The problem was, the competition also had excellent products and they could promote their own set of features to the marketplace. In the end, though, did that focus on features deeply resonate with buyers? More importantly, did the product-focused approach attract new fans to the biking community? Ken had serious doubts.
A New Mindset
The miracle of Harley-Davidson’s turnaround was driven by creating a culture where every single person in the company and its dealer network changed how they saw what they did. They stopped focusing on product features and focused instead on promoting a fun lifestyle: an experience with the comradery that comes with it.
“Be known for who you are – not for what you do,” Ken told people. What Harley-Davidson did was make a very cool product. But so did the competition. But what there was, was a pathway to a lifetime of great memories. By focusing like a laser on shifting the internal mindset of the organization to a new purpose – the hearts and minds of the marketplace followed.