Based on the work of Bend-La Pine Schools’ Sites and Facilities Committee, made up of community members and staff, Bend-La Pine Schools placed a construction bond on the November 8 ballot. If approved, the bond would fund projects to address the following major areas:

Preservation of Existing Schools and Buildings
This bond would protect the community’s investment in school buildings by making repairs and improvements district-wide including the replacement of aging roofs and money saving energy improvements to boilers, HVAC and lighting systems.

Safety and Security Improvements
Safety and security improvements district-wide such as upgrading interior classroom door handles and door locks and replacing fire safety systems.

Classroom Additions and Modernizations
These include the replacement of Bend Senior High School’s inefficient 70-year-old classrooms on the current school property to improve safety, security, and instruction.

No Increase to Current Tax Rate
With approval of this bond and continued retirement of existing bonds, we anticipate the District’s overall general obligation bond tax rate will not increase. New residents moving into the community will assist in the repayment of the bonds.