Keeping Connected May 3, 2024



May 4, 2024

5:00 PM - The Sixth Saturday of Easter

Click Here to View Bulletin


May 5, 2024

8:00 AM - The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Click Here to View Bulletin

10:00 AM - The Sixth Sunday of Easter -

Prepared Communion

Click Here to View Bulletin


Click Here to View Announcements

Connect Virtually

We will continue using our new live streaming equipment. You may access our Sunday morning worship service via our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page.

Web        Facebook        YouTube

Rector's Reflection

Dear Ones of Christ Church,


It has been a very full week, and I am giving thanks to God for so many things!


I am giving thanks for our Celebration of New Ministry, last night’s joyful honoring of our beginnings as rector and parish—thank you to all who came together to make the evening so special! I am giving thanks for last weekend’s vestry retreat, where we prayed, shared meals, fellowship, laughter, stories of our faith journeys, best practices for our meetings, and wonderings about what the Holy Spirit is up to here at Christ Church and how the Spirit may be calling us to be collaborators. I am giving thanks for our diocesan clergy conference, held on Monday and Tuesday, during which conference leader and writer Debie Thomas invited us to engage deeply with the stories of Pentecost. We pondered how the Spirit is moving in and through our Church and world in this time of uncertainty, change, and institutional decline, and how we as Episcopalians are called to be authentic bearers of resurrection hope. I am giving thanks for the “young-ish” people of our diocese in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, who recently shared, in a Zoom panel discussion, their hopes and dreams for the Church, our diocese, and our upcoming bishop election. I commend this conversation to you; the recording can be accessed at this link


And please know I am giving thanks, today and every day, for you and our shared call to love God, one another, and our neighbors in this time and place.


Yours in Christ,

Melissa +

Adventures In Learning

This month we start our third Love First unit: Love God. Please see the May schedule below:


Church School Schedule


5 Prepared Communion Service and Celebration (No regular Church School).

12 Love God 4 - Pentecost activity

19 Love God 5 - Pentecost

26 Memorial Day Weekend - No Church School

Join Our Church School Team!

We warmly welcome adults to become part of our Church School program! Alongside our dedicated teachers, we are in search of adults to partner with them, ensuring there are always two adults present in every class. Additionally, we need individuals who are willing to step in as substitutes when teachers are unavailable.


No prior experience is necessary as we provide all the information and materials needed for a fulfilling experience. Your enthusiasm and willingness to contribute are what truly matter!


If you're interested in making a meaningful difference in the lives of our children, please reach out to Donna Eby at and for more information or to volunteer. Together, let's create a nurturing environment where our children can grow in faith and understanding. Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve!


Last week we received in over $4693. When giving online, be sure to change the 'Fund' to 'Pledges' so your contribution goes toward your pledge. 

Thank you for your loving support of Christ Church.

The 2024 Bishops’ Annual Appeal

It is “Ingathering Weekend” for the 2024 Bishops’ Annual Appeal.

Please place your gift, clearly marked “2024 Bishops’ Annual Appeal,” in the Offering at any of our services this weekend. If you do not have your gift with you, you may bring it next weekend, mail it back directly to the diocesan office, or donate online at The appeal newsletter and donation envelope are available online, at each entrance to the church, or by contacting the parish office. Thank you for your generous support.

Pentecost Readers

As has been our tradition, we have the Gospel read in may languages on Pentecost. Please let us know if you are able to read in a different language(s) for any service(s) on the weekend of May 18/19. Contact Connie at or 508.746.3805.

Diocesan Election

A Note From Your Delegates to Convention - The election for our next Diocesan Bishop is fast approaching. If you have any questions or any thoughts you would like to share, one of your delegates will be available after each service this weekend. Robb Pflock –, Louise Woodruff -, Deborah Dines -

Christ Church Thrift Shoppe

An important mission of the Thrift Shoppe is to provide directed outreach money as well as items of need to community organizations. One of our partnering organizations, Father Bill’s and MainSpring in Plymouth is committed to ending homelessness with a range of programs that provide emergency and permanent housing in Southern Massachusetts. Last year, 62 families ended their homelessness and were moved into permanent housing, including many in Plymouth. 

For most, moving from homelessness into a home often requires the added expense and burden of purchasing necessary furnishings and housewares. The Thrift Shoppe is often contacted by Father Bill’s housing case managers to assist with a variety of these household needs. 

We are grateful to our parishioners for your help in maintaining a steady stream of donations. Without your support and generosity, collaboration and outreach such as this would not be possible.

When considering a donation, please keep in mind that all items must be clean, in working order and from smoke-free homes. Of particular need are kitchen items, housewares, small tables with chairs, small end/coffee tables, area rugs, and lamps.

Donations may be dropped inside during shop hours or at the garage on Saturdays 10-1.

Shoppe Hours

Thursday and Friday 10-4

Saturday 10-2

Christ Church Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is low on bags to pack food for our clients.  If you have paper shopping bags to recycle or extra fabric shopping bags, please drop them in the food pantry collection box at the entrance to the sanctuary, under the mailboxes outside the church office, or inside the Pantry during shift hours (see below).

Non-Sugar added cereals (Corn Flakes, Cheerios or like items, Raisin Bran, Rice Krispies)

Small juice boxes

Canned peaches or mixed fruit

All are welcome to the Christ Church Food Pantry! 

We are open by appointment: 

Tuesday 4:00-5:15

Thursday 12:00-1:15 and 4:00-5:15 

Saturday 10:00-11:15.

Call the pantry message line: 508-746-4959, ext 6, BY 1 PM THE DAY BEFORE YOU WISH TO PICK UP YOUR ORDER. Our volunteers check messages and return your call from their homes to ask you what you need.

Leave a message if you wish to donate non-perishable food and household items, or you may leave your donations under the mailboxes outside the office or in the front entrance to the sanctuary. Squirrels like to get into any bags left on the porch of the food pantry!


If you wish to volunteer, contact Eileen Paris at

For more information, please contact Barbara Wojtklewicz at 617-291-4634, or by email at

Pastoral Care

For any pastoral care needs of Christ Church, please call Robin Nielsen (774-454-2776) or email ~ A home visit, a home visit with holy communion or a phone call can be arranged. Although a small group, our Pastoral Care Ministry team meets monthly in confidence.

For any pastoral emergencies, please call Rev. Melissa Howell 508-746-4959 ext 4, and follow the instructions in her voice message.

Diocesan News

Final slate with additional nominee by petition announced:

Final slate (from left): Brendan J. Barnicle; Edwin D. Johnson; Jean Baptiste Ntagengwa; Gideon L. K. Pollach; Julia E. Whitworth

April 19, 2024

The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts is pleased to announce that, having added one additional nominee from the petition process, it has approved a final slate of nominees for election as the 17th bishop diocesan of the Diocese of Massachusetts. They are:

• The Rev. Dr. Brendan J. Barnicle,

Rector, St. Francis of Assisi Church, Wilsonville, OR

• The Rev. Edwin D. Johnson,

Director of Organizing, Episcopal City Mission, Boston, MA

• The Rev. Canon Jean Baptiste Ntagengwa, Th.D.,

Canon for Immigration and Multicultural Ministries, Diocese of Massachusetts

• The Very Rev. Gideon L. K. Pollach,

Rector, St. John's Church, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

• The Rev. Julia E. Whitworth,

Rector, Trinity Church, Indianapolis, IN

More information about each nominee can be found at

Members of the diocese will have the opportunity to meet the nominees in a series of Meet-and-Greets that will take place May 7-11. Information about the schedule and locations of the Meet-and-Greets is available at

The election will take place on Saturday, May 18 at Trinity Church in Boston. All canonically resident clergy of the diocese and lay delegates (two elected from each of the diocese’s parishes and missions) vote separately as “orders”; a majority of votes on the same ballot from both the clergy and lay orders is required for election. Information about the electing convention is available at

Please keep the nominees, the Nominating Committee, the Transition Committee and the people of our diocese in your prayers as we move into this next phase in the discernment of our 17th bishop.

The Rev. Dr. Karen Coleman, President, Standing Committee

Grace Knowles, Vice President, Standing Committee

William Boyce, Co-Chair, Bishop Nominating Committee

The Rev. Diane Wong, Co-Chair, Bishop Nominating Committee

Linda Ouellette, Co-Chair, Bishop Nominating Committee

Visit for more information and updates.

Community News

The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts Click Here for the May FYI

The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts Diocesan News

We want to keep you in the loop regarding the happenings at Christ Church. Please send your announcements for the weekly bulletin and Keeping Connected, to the office by 12 Noon on Wednesday. They should include date, time, place, description of event, contact information and should be written exactly the way you want them to appear.

Christ Church Calendar
Give Online
Food Pantry
Online Directory
Thrift Shoppe
Society of St. Margaret