March 2022
Rabbi Perry's Articles

President's Articles

Ed Director's Articles

Yahrzeits Feb 27-March 5
(will be read March 4)
Jack Bresnick
Frances Strock Circle
Donna D'Agata
Edith Follis
Paulene Leader
Sandee Martin
Charles Miller
Julia (Sabel) Salmirs
Randy Shuldiner
Mack Weinstein
Morris Wyszogrod

Yahrzeits March 6-12
(will be read March 11)
Ida Burton
John Estrella
Norman Graber
Nathan Kashuk
Helen Lemkowitz
Emily Myerson
Albert Shaponick
Edward Skolnick
Salvador Sottile
Doris Waldman
Yahrzeits March 13-19
(will be read March 18)
Harold Cohen
Daniel Eskin
Gayle Friedlander
Thelma Goldstein
Evelyn Katz
Eunice Klein
Ira Klein
Harry Marcus
Laura Mizen
Elizabeth Richards
Stella Schaevitz
Cara Sevigny
Hansi Sorell
Alice Truitt

Yahrzeits March 20-26
(will be read March 25)
Vernon Beck
Miriam Graber
Delmyrna Moore
Yahrzeits March 27-April 2
(will be read on April 1)
Elizabeth Burke
Meyer M. Dreher
Adelle Egan
Lillian B. Fostie
Helen Gross
Thomas Herring
Brian Howard
Bernard Lovitz
David Carl Menaker
Patricia Sedgwick
Nathan Singer
Joseph Waldman
Donation Acknowledgements:

The following donations were received from January 1, 2022 through January 31, 2022. All donations are very much appreciated – thank you!

Donations from our members

General Fund
Stuart & Susan Bernstein (for the Yahrzeit of Shirley Wettreich)

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Gerald & Anne Indorf (for the Yahrzeit of Noel Whitby)
Rachelle & Mark Toomey (in memory of Alan Salus)
1 anonymous donation

Rabbi Terry Bard Lectureship Fund
Marc Scolnick & Irma Cole (for the Yahrzeit of Lena Scolnick)

Donations from friends of Congregation Shalom

Helping Hand Fund
Charles & Ellen Powis (in memory of Harry Rubinstein)
B'nai Mitzvot

3/26/2022    Leo Jegasothy Bar Mitzvah

Please note that B'nai Mitzvah services are open to all members either in-person or virtually. While all services will follow the current Congregation Shalom COVID 19 restrictions and policies, each family may choose to add additional restrictions. Individual service details will be shared in the Weekly Updates.
New Members
Please welcome the following new member to our temple family: 

Danielle Daniel
Thank Yous
We so appreciate the many good wishes and donations to the temple on the birth of our first grandchild, Emilia. It’s deepens the joys of life to share the excitement with friends.

Joanna and Cory Myers
Congregant of the Year

The Board of Trustees is accepting and reviewing recommendations for Congregant of the Year recognition. Please privately contact a member of the Board of Trustees with your recommendation and reasons for recommending your nominee. Due date for recommendations is March 11th.
And Don't Forget...
Youth Scholarships
Throughout the year, there are many enriching Jewish experiences available to our youth through our synagogue or the community.These include, but aren't limited to, summer camps and trips to Washington, New York, and Israel. Fortunately, there is some scholarship money available through the temple to those families in need of financial assistance for these opportunities. Please contact Margie Berenson at with any questions and/or for an application form. 
Grocery Cards

Grocery cards are available for Hannaford, Stop&Shop and Donelan's, and the Temple earns a 6% profit. This leads to thousands of dollars for our programs, with no extra out-of-pocket money from you. Contact Toby Sedgwick, to sign up for the monthly program, or to just get a few cards when you are doing a lot of shopping, and then start giving back to Congregation Shalom while you fill your fridge. You can have grocery cards sent to college students too!
Order Bookplates for our High Holiday Prayerbooks

We are always pleased to accept bookplate orders at any time of the year. One set of bookplates costs $36.00. Since there are 2 bookplates, you do not have to have the same name on both plates. Use this LINK to obtain the order form. Please send the completed form and check (addressed to Congregation Shalom) to Laura Rodman at 35 Digital Drive # 201, Nashua, NH 03062.

This is a beautiful way to remember lifecycle events.
Caring Committee

The Caring Committee is always available to provide meals or transportation to those members and families who need a little help. Please don't hesitate to email Katie Wolman at or Rabbi Perry at, or feel free to call Katie at home.
Changed your address? 

Notify us at and we'll make sure all the right organizations at the Temple are informed. Please include your full name in your request.
iGIVE for Congregation Shalom

Shop online at 783 different well-known stores and donate money to Congregation Shalom. It's free and easy! Register at iGive for Congregation Shalom. Then, just go to the link when you shop.
If you make a purchase through iGive within 45 days of signing up, an extra $5.00 will go to Congregation Shalom. If you have any questions, please contact Laura.
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