Well done, folks. You've demonstrated determination and enthusiasm throughout PA Produce Month 2018.

Don't stop now!

August may be over but we all know Fall brings an abundance of vegetables and, therefore, an abundance of opportunities to continue marketing your products and services.

Communicate frequently.

While your knowledge and day to day operations, even the small tasks, may be commonplace to you, that doesn't mean they are not interesting to consumers.

Be genuine and keep it simple.

Continue to use the tools and resources directly from PAVeggies.org or look to them for inspiration, then add a personal touch. We've summarized the resources below. Make the most of them in these final PA Produce Month days...and beyond!
The PA Veggies' Blog is chock full of stories, recipes, videos, tips, and more. It's all perfect for enriching your communications. There are even seasonally appropriate blog posts, like How to Preserve and Can Veggies , and the Winter Veggie Infographic , as well as general vegetable information that's valuable for consumers all year long, like the Vegetable Guide and the Recipe Database . Share the material directly from PAVeggies.org on your website, Facebook, or in an email campaign.
Here you'll find instructions, videos, and tangible tools to download and use for promoting your personal farm. If you can't find what you're looking for, or have a question about anything within the Toolkit, don't hesitate to  contact the Program .
Growers who are part of the PA Preferred program are eligible to receive free point-of-purchase materials from the Department of Agriculture – including small and large price paddles, plant stakes, plant tags, stickers, seasonal calendars, roadside signs, banners posters, and more. Visit PAVeggies.org for further details about the POP options available to you.
In addition to enriching your external communications, PA Veggies offers farmer resources that aid internal operations, too. The Newsletters & Reports are thorough and consistent, offering hard data and narrative reflections as valuable insight for the Pennsylvania farmer.
Best of luck with the remainder of your season. Please don't hesitate to contact the PVMRP with questions, comments, or requests.