SC&I Welcomes Jonathan Holloway, the 21st Rutgers President
It is my pleasure to begin this newsletter by formally welcoming, on behalf of SC&I, Jonathan Holloway as the new President of Rutgers University. Like me, I expect you have viewed some of his thoughtful presentations. I am impressed by the steadiness that he has brought in this challenging environment and believe he will thoughtfully address the profound issues raised by the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. These issues will require energy, focus, and creativity for years to come; SC&I can be an important source of positivity and engagement. The president has arrived during the world’s worst health crisis in over a century, one that has transformed how we work and how we relate to one another. There will be tough decisions to manage, which will likely come to shape the success of his presidency. He will need all of our help.
Back in May, SC&I made the decision to plan for the likelihood that fall teaching would be delivered online. We didn’t make that decision lightly. Teaching in this way presents huge challenges to faculty and staff as we reconfigure what we offer to provide our students with pedagogy of the very best standard. None of us wanted to go down that route; the crackle of engagement in the live classroom is central to our experience as academics. Nevertheless, the safety of faculty and staff was our number one priority. I don’t underestimate how much effort has been involved for all faculty reinventing their courses and for the staff supporting this move. This is combined with the huge pressure on staff managing the new financial processes and preparing buildings for a limited but safe return. We have consulted with all groups within SC&I to ensure it is secure for all. My sincere thanks to all involved for their effort and sacrifices.
While we will not be able to have the usual face-to-face welcome event in September, please clear the morning of Wednesday, September 9, for an online welcome event which will be exciting in its own way.
Our school is extremely thrilled to announce our new master's program in Health Communication and Information (MHCI). We have accepted several MHCI students already and look forward to the inaugural semester in January 2021. The MHCI is the result of a long planning process and collaboration across SC&I’s departments and areas. It celebrates our special collection of strengths. The program addresses those areas of health behavior, communication systems, information retrieval, and health data management that lead to successful health outcomes. At the same time, it provides an important bridge between SC&I’s researchers and the medical community of New Jersey in a way that will catalyze new research thinking and provide new project opportunities. Given that we are in the middle of a pandemic where the outcome is based on much more than clinical practice, it could not be more timely. I am enormously excited by this program and I believe this will be a huge success.
New MHCI Degree will Prepare its Graduates for Competitive and Rewarding Positions in the Growing Healthcare Profession
After 35 Years and a World-Renowned Career, Nicholas Belkin Transitions to Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Two-Thirds of Adults Support Vaccination, National Survey Reports
Ever Seen the Ocean Floor? Drones Enable Journalists to Create Exciting New Immersive Stories
Marc Aronson co-authored “Poisoned Water: How The Citizens of Flint, Michigan, Fought For Their Lives and Warned the Nation.”
Mark Beal co-authored "Engaging Gen Z" book with Gen Z Harvard student.
A study written by Vivek Singh and Mary Chayko found Occupational Gender Bias Prevalent in Online Images.
Lauren Feldman co-authored “A Comedian and an Activist Walk into a Bar: The Serious Role of Comedy in Social Justice," and found comedy can help change the world.
E.E. Lawrence received the Berner-Nash Memorial Award for ‘Outstanding’ Doctoral Dissertation.
Dafna Lemish received the Rutgers Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Research.
Regina Marchi won the 2020 Top Faculty Paper Award given by the Division of Visual Communication Studies of the International Communication Association for her paper, "Meaningful Properties: Bathtub Madonnas as Media in an Italian-American Neighborhood in Transition."
Rebecca Reynolds guest-edited special open-access Issue of Information and Learning Sciences on Emergency Transitions to Remote Online Education.
Brent Ruben published a white paper to guide colleges and universities as they adapt to COVID-19.
Vivek Singh, among a team of Rutgers professors, developed the COVIDNearby App that allows reporting with privacy.
Khadijah White and Britt Paris launched Power and Inequality in Media Technology Group to create new collaborations within SC&I.
Khadijah White published her first book, “The Branding of Right-Wing Activism: The News Media and the Tea Party” and co-guest-edited special #CommunicationSoWhite Issue of Communication, Culture, and Critique.
A study written by Itzhak Yanovitzky, Nicole Gesualdo, Ph.D. ’19, and former SC&I faculty member Matthew Weber found Journalists’ Role as Knowledge Brokers Enhances Understanding of Science.
Marc Aronson and Jeffrey Lane collaborated on "City/Game: Basketball in New York” exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York.
Jack Bratich was quoted on Qanon and was awarded the Excellence in Teaching & Mentoring Award from SGS Awards Committee.
Business Manager Elizabeth Ciccone represented Elks Hall during a Preservation New Jersey press conference.
Ralph Gigliotti published "Punctuating Leadership Education and Development into Before and After."
David Greenberg’s article, “Why Biden’s VP Pick is Different From Any Other," was published in the Sun Journal.
David Greenberg, Caitlin Petre, and Juan D. González reviewed the Future of the Media in Rutgers magazine interview.
Doctoral student Diana Floegel won the ASIST&T's Emerging Social Informatics research award. She and Kaitlin Costello will present their paper, "Predictive Ads are Not Doctors: Mental Health Tracking and Technology Companies," at ASIST&T 2020.
Doctoral student Omar Hammad won the top student paper award from the Association of Educators in Journalism and a Mass Communication's Media and Religion Interest Group for his paper, "Negotiating Normality: Using Digital Media to Combat the Stigma and Perceptions of Islam in the West," which he presented at the virtual AEJMC in August 2020.
Amy Jordan was named chair of SC&I’s Journalism and Media Studies Department.
JMS students produced Kairos Winter 2020 edition and Kairos Spring 2020 edition.
Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair Naomi Klein received Emmy nomination for “A Message from the Future with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” a short film produced for The Intercept.
AAUP named Deepa Kumar recipient of the 2020 Marilyn Sternberg Award.
MI student, Stephanie Nakamura, shared her positive insight into distance learning.
The Intercollegiate Broadcasting System named Michael Pavlichko ‘00 recipient of the Jeff Tellis Outstanding Advisor Award.
Lilia Pavlovsky was appointed to the ALISE Board of Directors.
Teresa Politano was featured as the new editor of Edible Jersey Magazine, Balances Responsibilities One Bite at a Time.
Sonia Noemi Salmeron credited her new job to the PDS certificate classes she took at SC&I.
Charles Senteio was named Martin Luther King, Jr. Visiting Professor at MIT.
Lea Stewart was named chair of SC&I’s Communication Department.
Through the Johnson & Johnson Fellowship Program, MCM students engaged in a learning lab.
MCM new specialization focuses on CSR: “Corporate Purpose and Social Impact.”
The 2020 Hugh N. Boyd Journalism Diversity Workshop, directed by Karyn Collins, was held July 17-26, succeeded in a virtual format.
New Healthcare Innovation and Technology Capstone Course for Information Technology and Informatics majors was introduced by Ph.D. student Hajar Shirley.
- SC&I celebrated class of 2020 graduates with a virtual ceremony.
- SC&I’s 2020 Honors Day celebration recognized faculty, students, and staff.
SC&I’s 2020 first virtual public speaking contest was a success.
Kayla Brantley '17 was featured about her experiences being a reporter and correspondent at the Daily Mail as a Black and Latina woman.
John Bullinger, Ph.D. ’17, published "Reagan’s ‘Boys’ and the Children of the Greatest Generation."
Maria Pereira Colish ‘19 and Erica Saito ‘19 were named 2020 ALA Emerging Leaders.
Frank Educational Gilmore ’14, Founder and CEO of Learning Center, was featured on the"Ellen Show."
A new monograph celebrating the life and career of pioneering scholar Roger Greer, MLS ‘56, Ph.D ’64, was published.
Jeevan Hubbard ‘20 applied ITI skills at Apple Inc.
Frank ‘60 and Pat Kabela pledged a major gift to the Rutgers Future Scholar Program.
Kevin M. Lerner, Ph.D. '14, published “Provoking the Press: (MORE) Magazine and the Crisis of Confidence in American Journalism.”
Jessa Lingel, Ph.D. '13, published "An Internet for the People: The Politics And Promise of Craiglist.”
A new book by Marianne Martens ’12 explored how Harry Potter fans impact the franchise’s success, "The Forever Frandom of Harry Potter."
Library Journal named Maggie Murphy ’12 a 2020 “Mover and Shaker.”
WABC-TV traffic anchor Heather O’Rourke ’94 discussed her successful career.
Reporter Morgan Parrish ’16 received Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters Award.
ASIS&T named Diane Sonnenwald, Ph.D.'93, the 2020 recipient of its highest honor.
Jackson Thompson ’20 landed a staff writer job at the Sports Illustrated Giants Maven Network.
William Tuchrello ’74 was profiled in the piece, “I Learned from my Rutgers’ experience the value of listening."
Qun Wang ‘20 was awarded for her doctoral dissertation by the AEJMC and ICA.
Violeta Yas '07 translated a children’s book “The Meteorologist in Me,” into Spanish.
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