January 24, 2023 | Issue 11


Coffee with Christine - January 26 and February 2

The next series of "Coffee with Christine" events will occur on the following dates:

  • Thursday, January 26 at 6:30 pm via Teams
  • Thursday, February 2 at 8:30 am in LWHS Career Center

Come join other LWHS parents and community members for an open Q&A discussion with LWHS Principal Christine Bell. Meetings last about an hour. 

Please be sure to read Principal Bell's letter in the "School" section below.

Parents of Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors - We Need You!

The Senior Party event needs you to pay it forward!


The LWHS PTSA Senior Party is looking for at least 15 volunteers to help out at the June 15 event. You can volunteer for the entire night or a portion of it. It is a great opportunity to pay it forward and to find out what Senior Party is all about! 


For more information or to sign up, email seniorparty@lwhsptsa.org.


Thank you!

Jennifer Grimes and Joanie Thomas, LWHS PTSA Senior Party Co-Chairs

LWHS PTSA Grants Available

LWHS PTSA has funds to support grants for school staff and ASB clubs. The teacher/staff enrichment grants provide an opportunity for staff members to request funding to support programs, equipment, or other activities that will help enrich the educational experience at LWHS. ASB Club grants can support activities by funding equipment and participation at events. The PTSA is excited to be able to support the Kang community by funding equipment and activities that will help to foster connection and learning.

Additional information and the application form are on the PTSA website under the Teachers and Staff section. The deadline for the Spring grant requests is Friday, January 27. Applicants will be notified about funding in late February.

Questions? Contact Christine Woskett, LWHS PTSA Grants Committee Chair

Staff Appreciation

Roses are red, violets are blue, our school is so lucky to have parents like you!

To spread some Valentine love to our staff, we are building gift bags full of sweet treats and fun school supplies to make their Valentine Day a fun one! Click here to find out how you can participate. Donations are needed by February 10.

Questions? Contact Beatrice Joe, LWHS PTSA Staff Appreciation

LWHS PTSA General Membership Meeting Recap

Our January General Membership Meeting was held Wednesday, January 18 at 7:00 pm in the LWHS Library and via Zoom. LWHS health teacher Jill Lewinski presented information about the new yoga program sponsored by LWHS PTSA to promote student health and wellness in our school community. Nichole Swanger from the LWHS College & Career Center also provided information about potential schedule changes and AP classes for the next school year.

Our next General Membership Meeting is April 19, 2023.

Washington State PTA Updates

Game Development Competition

Students attending a middle or high school with a PTA/PTSA in good standing may participate in this competition either individually or in teams of up to five, using their creative talents to develop a computer game or a board game. This year's theme is "Curiosity". Entries are due February 15, 2023. The submission process is new this year. Visit WSPTA's Game Development Competition page for details.

Essay Contest

Every day, kids are exposed to a variety of people, and each one has an opportunity to influence the path a child takes. This contest is a platform for students to share their appreciation for the important influencers in their lives and education. Entries are due February 15, 2023. The student must personally know the influencer they write about. The submission process is new this year. Visit WSPTA's Essay Contest page for details.

Scholarship Program

Washington State PTA offers four $2,500 scholarships to graduating seniors from Washington public high schools with an active PTA/PTSA, who will be starting either a two-year or four-year college the following fall. Applications are due February 15, 2023, and scholarships are awarded by April 30. The submission process is new this year. Visit WSPTA's Scholarship Program page for details and eligibility requirements.

From the Desk of LWHS Principal Christine Bell

Greetings Kang Families,

It is hard to believe that a year ago we were midway through our two-week school closure. We were closed due to staffing shortages and COVID. Now, a year later, we just celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with an all school assembly. Our Black Student Union honored Dr. King with a tribute that included the choir, video clips related to peace, and a message for the student body about the ongoing work to create a culture of equity. This assembly was educational in nature and we could not have made it happen without the work of our student leaders. 

When you read this message we will be partway through first semester finals. As we prepare for second semester, it is an opportunity for students to reset their grades and to organize their school supplies. Please encourage your student to get a fresh start by setting goals for this semester and cleaning out their backpack/notebooks. It may be helpful for you to talk with your student about their goals. I suggest goals around no missing assignments, requesting help before/after school and during Roo Time when needed, and spending time each day reviewing notes. 

In the upcoming weeks, we have our spring musical Legally Blonde and many opportunities to see our student athletes in action. You can check out kingcoathletics.com to find sports schedules and you can click here to purchase tickets for the LWHS production Legally Blonde, which debuts on February 3.

If you want to stay up to date with what is happening at LW you can do so by watching Kang News on YouTube, by following us on social media, and by attending "Coffee with Christine" parent meetings. 

"Coffee with Christine" is a great way to get information and to share your thoughts with the administrative team. This Thursday, January 26, we have Coffee with Christine at 6:30 pm on Teams. The best part of these virtual meetings is that you can join from the comfort of your own home while you make dinner or take care of tasks. Click here to join the meeting. I am so grateful to our PTSA for keeping this tradition going. Be sure to bring your own coffee this time.

Speaking of parent support, if you are willing to donate snacks for students, we appreciate it. Our schedule includes block periods and our students are hungry during breaks. Encourage your student to bring a healthy snack or two each day, along with a reusable water bottle. If you want to donate snacks to support other students you can do so by dropping them by the main office or sending them in with your student. We compile these donations and have them available in batches for teachers to pick up and distribute to students who do not have snacks and who are hungry during class time.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our learning community. Go Kangs!

Christine Bell  

LWHS Principal

LWHS Theatre Presents Legally Blonde, The Musical

February 3-11, 2023

A fabulously fun award-winning musical based on the adored movie, Legally Blonde, The Musical follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Action-packed and exploding with memorable songs and dynamic dances--this musical is so much fun, it should be illegal!

Tickets prices:

$10 Students w/ASB, Seniors (60+), Military

$15 General Admission

Click here to buy tickets

Additional information on the LWHS Theatre Website. Follow us on Facebook for event listings, updates and photos.


Senior Party Tickets Now Available

Prices go up February 21!


Your senior is invited to a safe and fun-filled post-graduation all-night party presented by the LWHS PTSA. We provide transportation to two venues, entertainment, food and a memorable end-of-the year experience. 


When: Thursday, June 15, 2023

Start Time: 8:30-9:30pm

End Time: 5:00 am on Friday, June 16, at LWHS  


Ticket prices:

  • $190 until February 21
  • $200 between February 22 and April 30
  • $210 between April 30 and June 4
  • Ticket sales end June 4, 2023  
  • All ticket purchases are non-refundable. 


Scholarships or installment plans are available. Contact Jodee Hull at jhull@lwsd.org for more information.


How do you sign up your Senior? Click here to purchase Senior Party Tickets. You can also click here for additional information. You do not need to be a PTSA member to purchase tickets.


Questions? Do you want to help chaperone or plan the event? Contact the Senior Party Co-Chairs at seniorparty@lwhsptsa.org 


Lake Washington Schools Foundation News

SAVE THE DATE: Our In-Person Spring Luncheon Is Back!

We are delighted to announce a return to tradition: Once again, Lake Washington Schools Foundation's spring benefit will be held as an in-person luncheon on Thursday, March 23 at noon! Join us for this event and discover how we're activating our mission by removing barriers, building connections, enhancing learning and supporting wellness for students in the Lake Washington School District. Registration opens soon at lwsf.org/bethebridge.

For Middle and High School Families: How to Select Classes in High School 

Save the Date! On January 24, independent college counselor Mary Pat O’Neil will be teaming up with LWSD school counselor, Taylor Reuhl, to give students and families guidance on how to pick classes in high school. 

More details to come! Stay tuned at www.lwsf.org/our-work/find-your-fit 

Check out additional Lake Washington Schools Foundation events and resources at lwsf.org.


January 23-27: First Semester Finals Week

January 26: Coffee with Christine, 6:30 pm via Teams

January 27: End of First Semester

February 2: Coffee with Christine, 8:30 am, LWHS Career Center

February 16-17: No School (Mid-Winter Break)

February 20: No School (Presidents Day Holiday)

Information distributed in the Kang Crier does not imply endorsement by Lake Washington High School PTSA. We assume no responsibility for any content that does not originate from lwhsptsa.org, nor do we independently verify or exert editorial control over information not specifically endorsed by LWHS PTSA. Lake Washington High School PTSA shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by the use of this content.