Volume 343 | June 2024

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President's Note

Dear Neighbors,


I hope you're enjoying the great weather and beautiful scenery we have here in Kent Woodlands during this time of year. Here are a couple of topics to keep on your radar:


The board has finalized concept plans and financial requirements for the entrance project, and as a result we'll be holding the official election in late summer. With the help of some local history buffs, I recently learned that in the late 1800's and into the early 1900's, Kent Woodlands had a distinct and dramatic entrance with stone on either side. As we've seen over time, our entrance has degraded, and in the last 40 years it has not undergone any upgrades or material improvements, even as the neighborhood continues to evolve. As we can also see, the adjacent neighbor (on College Avenue) to KWPOA's Acorn lot property also is undergoing a significant project that will culminate with a large investment in landscaping on their side which has and will further expose the unattractiveness of our entrance. It's for these reasons — and many more — that our board is taking the action to move forward with this special assessment vote to see what all of you would like to do (or not) with our entrance. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions or comments. 


For those of you who haven't yet hardened your home and/or removed vegetation growth within 10 feet of the road (which is the responsibility of each of us as homeowners), KWPOA’s Hazard Mitigation Specialist, Heather Hill, is available to meet you at your property free of charge to you to share advice on what you specifically need to do to reduce the risk of fire on your property. She can also assist with possible grant money and landscaping services vendor information. 


Finally, should you want to alert Heather to any concerning area of overgrown vegetation anywhere in Kent Woodlands, that is always appreciated. Contact her at hhill@kwpoa.com or 415-721-7429.


Have a great summer, whether you're out and about or at home here in our wonderful neighborhood.




Jeff Leh, President

Fire Season is Starting...It's Time to Prepare!

Much of Kent Woodlands is privately owned right down to the edge of the road. This means that property owners are ultimately responsible for providing the county-mandated defensible space along the road. This is crucial for safe evacuation and access for firefighters.


For this reason, I’m focusing on the top of Kent Woodlands and working down. I’ll also ask Marin County Open Space when clearing will begin, especially along Ridgecrest and open space bordering the Woodlands.


To give you a framework of the typical vegetation projects, Marin County Open Space completes roadside projects, including mowing and brush removal, typically up to the 100 block of Crown, Ridgecrest, and Blue Ridge. At the same time, Public Works clears the drainage swales and ditches along some primary access routes.


Planned activities for 2024:

MWPA’s defensible space evaluation program will be active throughout the Fire District again this year. Kentfield Fire Department anticipates Kent Woodlands will receive evaluations in July this summer. After evaluation, property owners will receive information regarding access to their reports. They can also look at last year's results at www.marinwildfire.org/dspace.


To further support our community's fire safety  efforts, there will be five more FREE CHIPPER WEEKS this year. These additional weeks will be in June, July, August, September, and November. Any Kentfield resident can easily access this service by visiting www.reserve.chipperday.com/marin to learn about the next available service dates and to make a reservation. It's a convenient and accessible way to manage vegetation and reduce fire risk on your property.


Stay safe, and be sure to contact me with any fire safety concerns.


— Heather Hill, Hazard Mitigation Specialist


We are excited to share some motivating news that our neighbors, Heather Hughes and John Botti, have taken a bold and inspiring step towards a sustainable future by committing to becoming carbon neutral. They attended our March Event with the Climate Center, and reached out to Carbon Neutral Kent Woodlands for guidance on decarbonizing their home. Let’s celebrate their efforts and let them motivate us to take our own steps towards a healthier planet. Thank you to Heather and John, for being an essential part of this journey with us!



Did you know we have our own renewable   electricity provider here in Marin County? MCE’s Deep Green “Local” provides 100% renewable energy produced right here in Marin. As you transition away from burning fossil fuels, clean electricity is a critical first step. Call (888) 632-3674 to make the switch.


— Julie Johnson, CNKW Chair 

Road Safety

With summer bringing more people outdoors, we ask that residents be especially cautious while driving on our streets. Of course, this includes watching your speed on all our roads and keeping an eye out for pedestrians and bicyclists, particularly around blind curves.


Thank you for keeping the neighborhood safe!


Architectural Committee Application Notices

Please direct any Architectural Committee inquiries to the Kristin Tiernan at AC@kwpoa.com.


Monday, June 24, 2024 at 6:00pm

IN PERSON at 1010 Sir Francis Drake, Suite 200, Kentfield

AND via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4157217429)


  • Call to Order
  • Public Comment
  • Fire Safety & Hazard Mitigation Report
  • Approval of May 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
  • AC Report and Ratifications
  • Entrance Project: Next Steps/Special Assessment Process
  • Letter to County Re: Construction Parking Advocacy
  • Carbon Neutrality Task Force Report
  • Kentfield/Ross Magazine
  • Social Events Update
  • Officer Reports
  • Operations Report
  • Next Regular Board Meeting Agenda
  • Adjourn and Reconvene in Executive Session


Executive Session Agenda:

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of May 20, 2024 Executive Minutes
  • Enforcements and Legal Matters
  • Personnel
  • Adjournment

This is a preliminary agenda. Final agenda to be posted at the KWPOA office and on our web site four days prior to meeting.

Visit our website at www.kwpoa.com