Volume 341 | April 2024

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President's Note

Please join me in welcoming Steve Ring to the KWPOA Board of Directors. Steve and his wife Nina, along with their Redwood sophomore Aidan, live on Ridgecrest and have been in the Woodlands for 17 years. During Steve's career, he has held local and national positions on real estate-related boards and committees, including President of the Local Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) board. He has served with the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), the advisory board of the California Business Property Association (CBPA), and with then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom as Chair of his Mayor's task force on sustainability-related issues to commercial real estate. In 2015, after the death of his father, he started his firm, Fulcrum Real Estate and Development. Inspired by his father's search for quality elder care, his firm, located in Sausalito, focuses on the development of assisted living and memory care sites in the Bay Area, including one coming up in Marin. He currently enjoys spending time with his family while also chairing the local Boy Scouts Troop 59 Committee. His son Aidan is now working on his Eagle Scout, has played RVLL baseball and CYO basketball, and is currently playing football and mountain biking for Redwood High School. As an Eagle Scout myself, it's encouraging to hear of others pursuing this path. I am excited to work alongside Steve and the other dedicated volunteer members of our board while we pursue several important priorities here in our wonderful neighborhood. 

Insurance has, unfortunately, become a hot topic in Kent Woodlands. I've recently learned that many of you have had your insurance dropped and are scrambling to secure coverage, while potential home buyers have also been struggling to obtain the coverage needed to satisfy their mortgage requirements. Our very own Woodland Sponsors (a group of about 100 women who reside in Kent Woodlands) are presenting “Insuring Your Peace of Mind: Navigating Home Insurance in Fire-Prone California and Fortifying Your Home for Coverage Success.” To learn more about the evolving insurance landscape in Kent Woodlands (and California as a whole) feel free to join the Woodland Sponsors’ online presentation. You'll hear from a panel of home insurance experts organized and moderated by Bitsa Freeman. The date is June 19 from 7-9 pm. To register for this Zoom meeting, please contact Ann Becker, President of Woodland Sponsors, at annbecker@comcast.net.

Thanks to the many of you that attended our March KWPOA board meeting, where PG&E addressed undergrounding power lines. We learned that this is likely not going to happen in Kent Woodlands anytime soon unless PG&E decides to prioritize it. The cost would be well into the six figures per home and PG&E is focused on undergrounding other areas in California which they deem as posing a much higher fire risk. With this said, they shared a multitude of other steps they are taking to mitigate the risk of fire in Kent Woodlands. If you would be interested in joining the sub-committee on undergrounding that might be formed as a follow-up to this meeting, please email us at info@kwpoa.com.

Thank you for the feedback regarding the proposed increase in design review fees. The change is necessary because the current design review fees do not cover the direct costs required to administer the process. For instance, last year, the Association had to access our cash balances (accumulated from prior years' membership dues) in order to cover the design review shortfall of about $30,000. The Board believes the applicants should cover the costs of design review, not the membership at large. Please keep in mind several activities can be completed without approval by the Architectural Committee, including, but not limited to: rooftop solar panels; removal of dead, diseased, or hazardous trees (with an arborist’s report); repainting with the same colors; re-roofing with the same materials; rebuilding decks, fencing, bulkheads, etc. in the same location/height with the same materials. 

Finally, we have received several competitive bids for the proposed entrance project at Woodland Road and College Avenue. During our March meeting, we discussed the budget line items and next steps. In short, we were pleasantly surprised with bid totals and expect to be coming to all of you within the next several months with a detailed ballot to allow all of you to vote whether you believe we should proceed with this project or not. Either way, we'll be satisfied that we've heard how our membership believes we should proceed. 

I encourage you to join our next KWPOA board meeting either in-person or via Zoom on Monday April 15th at 6:00 p.m. 




Jeff Leh, President


Fire Safety: Beyond Defensible Space

If you own a property with over 10% canopy cover, including oak woodlands, you are considered a small forest landowner; and might be interested in signing up for the UC ANR Forest Stewardship Workshop. This workshop series aims to help landowners develop ecologically and sustainably managed forest management plans to improve and protect their forest lands.

The workshop will cover management objectives and planning, forest restoration, fuel reduction, project development, permitting, and cost-share opportunities. By participating, you'll be able to connect with other landowners and learn how to collect information to develop your management plans.

Here's what you can expect from the workshop series format. You'll have access to professionals from UC ANR Fire and Natural Resource Advisors, Registered Professional Foresters, and Cal Fire. Each week ecological materials will be posted online at your own pace, complete short activities related to drafting a forest management plan, participate in weekly Zoom meetings, and attend an optional one day in-person field day.

Once you register for the workshop, you'll receive a syllabus with material and date specifics. If you complete the course, you'll be eligible for a free visit by a Registered Professional Forester to assess your plan's content. This workshop series is one of the best-kept secrets in California! Visit ucanr.edu/sites/forestry/Stewardship/ForestStewardshipWorkshops/


— Heather Hill, Hazard Mitigation Specialist



Thank you to everyone who came out for Cocktails + Climate! It was a great night of meeting neighbors and hearing about the vital work being done by the Climate Center. We learned about micro-grids and SB 233, bi-directional charging legislation that, if passed, will ensure all electric cars sold in California are bidirectional capable! This means an EV parked in your driveway could provide electricity during an outage and help with grid resiliency. To read more about Ellie and the critical work being done by the Climate Center, please visit them online: theclimatecenter.org.

Green Home Tours – Save the Date!

Sunday, September 15

 CNKW is excited to bring you the 1st Annual Green Home Tours exclusively for the Kent Woodlands Community. Please email Bitsa Freeman at bfreeman@kwpoa.com if you want your home considered for the tour or are interested in volunteering!

Resilient Neighborhoods

Climate Action Workshop: Spring Sessions

TAKE A CLASS AND LOWER YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT! Join us for our third KW Resilient Neighborhoods Class. RN teaches Marin residents how to reduce carbon emissions by adopting simple and sustainable practices. The bi-weekly, five-session Climate Action Workshop is free and meets virtually online. Spring Classes are forming now; the Thursday team begins March 28th (4:00-5:30pm), and the Wednesday team begins April 1st (6:30 PM-8:00pm). KW residents participated in the Resilient Neighborhoods class last fall and made bold commitments to take energy-saving measures in their homes between now and 2030. To learn more and sign up, visit www.resilientneighborhoods.org/sign-up-for-a-team.html.

— Julie Johnson, CNKW Chair

Architectural Committee Application Notices

Please direct any Architectural Committee inquiries to the Kristin Tiernan at AC@kwpoa.com.


Monday, April 15, 2024 at 6:00pm


IN PERSON at 1010 Sir Francis Drake, Suite 200, Kentfield

AND via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4157217429)


  • Call to Order
  • Public Comment
  • Fire Safety & Hazard Mitigation Report
  • Approval of March 25, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
  • AC Report and Ratifications
  • Proposed Design Review Fee Changes - Discussion and Vote
  • Entrance Project: Next Steps/Special Assessment Process
  • Administrative Correction to 2024 Budget
  • Proposed Update of KWPOA Bylaws
  • Carbon Neutrality Task Force Report
  • Kentfield/Ross Magazine
  • Social Events Update
  • Officer Reports
  • Operations Report
  • Next Regular Board Meeting Agenda
  • Adjourn and Reconvene in Executive Session


Executive Session Agenda:

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of March 25, 2023 Executive Minutes
  • Enforcements and Legal Matters
  • Personnel
  • Adjournment
Visit our website at www.kwpoa.com