Kurdistan Regional Government
Representation in the United States Washington D.C.
Welcome to our March 2022 Newsletter 
The Kurdistan Regional Government strongly condemned the cowardly missile attack on Erbil on March 13. Leaders in Kurdistan, Iraq, and friends around the world denounced the unwarranted attack. US Secretary of State Tony Blinken, in a phone call with Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, expressed support for the Kurdistan Regional Government and condemned the violation of Iraq’s sovereignty. 

The Secretary shared the U.S. commitment to work with the Iraqi government and others in the region to hold Iran accountable for its destabilizing behavior.

The KRG Presidency of the Council of Ministers called on the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, the Arab League, the Iraqi parliament and government, and the Iranian government to urgently investigate the attack and take a strong stance.

The KRG Representation team has been talking to members of the US Congress to seek their support for better protection of Kurdistan from aggression.

President Biden’s letter to President Barzani

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani received a letter from US President Joe Biden earlier this week.

In the letter, President Biden reiterated that Kurdistan Region is a critical partner to the United States. He wrote that he is grateful for the close cooperation between the Kurdistan Region and the United States over the years, and reaffirmed America’s support to Iraqi security forces and Peshmerga. President Biden condemned the missile attack on Erbil and stated his administration’s continued commitment to the long-term security and stability of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

Government formation

Some baseless reasons have been given for the missile attack on Erbil, but many observers believe the real reason behind it was to put further pressure on Kurdish leaders in their negations with other Iraqi parties on the formation of the next federal government.
Iraq held elections in October 2021 and the main political groups in Iraq have formed blocs and alliances, but the Iraqi parliament has yet to elect a new president or prime minister. The delay in electing a president and the arrival of Ramadan this week are likely to mean that little progress will be
made in the next few weeks.

PM Barzani meets UAE’s Prime Minister

Prime Minister Barzani traveled to the United Arab Emirates and met with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister of the UAE. Mr Barzani also took part in the Global Energy Forum and signed an MOU with UAE Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Mohammed al-Gergawi, on governance and the exchange of information on the digitalization process.

Newroz celebration

The KRG Representation in Washington DC hosted a Newroz celebration to mark the Kurdish new year and the arrival of spring. We were delighted to welcome colleagues from the Iraqi Embassy, including Mohammed Alfityan, the chargé d'affaires, US officials, diplomats, and the Kurdistani diaspora. 

The celebration followed a more somber event – the commemoration of the genocide in 1988 in Halabja. The KRG Representation hosted an online event with Halabja Governor Azad Tofiq, State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Jennifer Gavito and Senator Chris Van Hollen among the speakers.

USKBC visits Kurdistan

A delegation of American companies under the umbrella of the US Kurdistan Business Council (USKBC) visited Kurdistan in early March and were received by Prime Minister Barzani and Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani.

The delegation was also hosted by US Consul General Robert Palladino at a reception at the Consulate in Erbil.
The visit enabled American companies to see the business opportunities in Kurdistan for themselves and meet KRG ministers and officials as well as the chambers of commerce and individual companies. 

Focus on Canada

This month, our podcast, Kurdistan in America, features an interview with Ashti Waissi, a Kurdish-Canadian who arrived in Canada as a child refugee. She discusses her family’s journey and her work today as a member of staff at the Canadian Parliament.

Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman
Representative to the United States
Kurdistan Regional Government
KRG Representation in the United States partners with USKBC to take American companies to Kurdistan

The KRG Representation in the United States and the US Kurdistan Business Council (USKBC) have together arranged a trade delegation to visit Kurdistan...

Prime Minister Barzani meets with USKBC delegation of American companies

A delegation of American companies under the umbrella of the US Kurdistan Business Council met with Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and other high officials during...

KRG Representation welcomes the American University of Kurdistan delegation

KRG Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman and her team had a productive meeting with the American University of Kurdistan (AUK) delegation at the...

Kurdistan Representative meets a senior official from the Barzani Charity Foundation

Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman and her team had a cordial meeting with the Barzani Charity Foundation's administrative board...

State Department DAS Gavito and Senator Van Hollen join Halabja Governor at genocide commemoration

The Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in the United States hosted an online event on March 16 to mark the 34th anniversary of the genocide in...

KRG Representation hosts Newroz celebration in Washington

The Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in the United States hosted a Newroz celebration to mark the Kurdish new year and the arrival of spring.

KRG envoy meets State Department’s Jacques Etienne to discuss commercial initiatives

Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman had a productive meeting with Jacques Etienne, the Iraq Economic Chief at the U.S. Department of State's Bureau...

KRG and US Congress discuss Iraq government formation and missile attack

The Kurdistan Regional Government Representation met with several members and staff of the US Congress to discuss political negotiations on the formation...

KRG envoy and USCIRF chief discuss religious freedom in Kurdistan

Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman met with Nadine Maenza, Chair of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, on March 2.

The Kurdistan in America podcast is honored to have Ms. Ashti Waissi as its guest this month.

Ms. Waissi is Legislative Assistant at the Canadian Parliament and a former staff assistant to the Co-Founder of the Parliamentary Friends of the Kurds Group, Mr. Tom Kmiec, MP for Calgary Shepard. She has a dual degree in Political Science and Sociology.

Ms. Waissi's family is from Iranian Kurdistan, but she was born in a refugee camp in Iraq. She tells us her experience living in the camp and the challenges of integrating into Canadian society. She also shares some new and surprising information on the Kurdish diaspora in Canada.
President Barzani receives a letter from President Biden

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani received a letter from the President of the United States of America Joe Biden. President Biden reiterated that Kurdistan Region is a critical partner to the U.S. and demonstrated his administration's...

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President Barzani receives US Ambassador to Iraq

President Nechirvan Barzani received US Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Matthew Tueller, in Erbil today. Ambassador Tueller delivered a letter from US President Joe Biden to President Nechirvan Barzani, reaffirming ...

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President Nechirvan Barzani's Nawroz message

On the occasion of Nawroz and the Kurdish New Year, I offer my warmest wishes to the families of the fallen heroes, to the Kurdish people, and to all peoples and communities of Kurdistan and its brave...

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President Barzani's message on the Halabja Genocide

Today, we mark the 34th anniversary of the heinous chemical attack on Halabja city in which more than 5000 innocent people lost their lives. They were killed in one of the most terrifying crimes of history...

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Statement by President Barzani on Erbil missile attack

We strongly condemn the cowardly and unwarranted missile attack that targeted the people, peace and stability of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region late last night. Fortunately, there were no...

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President Barzani and PM Kadhimi discuss issues in Iraq

President Nechirvan Barzani received the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Kadhimi and his accompanying high-level delegation, in Erbil today. The meeting covered a wide range of pressing issues including ...

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President Barzani meets with US delegation

President Nechirvan Barzani received today in Erbil a delegation from the United States headed by US Ambassador to Baghdad, Mr. Matthew Tueller, and accompanied by Commander of the Combined Joint Task Force...

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President Barzani receives US military delegation

President Nechirvan Barzani received Brigadier General Keith C. Phillips, Senior US Defense Official and Defense Attaché, and his accompanying delegation, in Erbil today. The meeting focused on the latest...

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PM Masrour Barzani meets with Emirati counterpart

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Sunday met with H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, and Vice President and Prime Minister of...

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Readout of PM Barzani's call with US Secretary of State

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today spoke by telephone with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken regarding yesterday's missile attack in Erbil. Both sides agreed that the attack was...

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PM Masrour Barzani meets with US delegation

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Wednesday met with an American delegation led by the US Ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller. In the meeting, the latest developments in Iraq and the...

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PM Masrour Barzani meets new Canadian ambassador to Iraq

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Tuesday met with Gregory Galligan, the new Canadian Ambassador to Iraq. Prime Minister Barzani congratulated the Ambassador on assuming office and...

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PM Masrour Barzani attends Industrial Forum in Erbil

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Sunday attended and supervised the Industrial Forum for Developing Market and Job Opportunities in Erbil. In his remarks to the Forum, Prime Minister...

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PM Masrour Barzani meets with USKBC delegation

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Tuesday met with a delegation from the US-Kurdistan Region Trade Council, along with representatives from several US companies. Opening the meeting,...

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Deputy PM Talabani meets US military delegation

Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani on Tuesday met with a US military delegation led by Brigadier General Keith Phillips, senior military advisor to the US embassy in Iraq.

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DPM Talabani meets with USKBC delegation

Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani on Tuesday met with a delegation from the US-Kurdistan Region Trade Council along with representatives from several US companies.

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Parliament holds remembrance vigil for Halabja Genocide

Kurdistan Parliament's Presidency, MPs and staff on 16 March 2022 held five minutes' silence outside the Parliament building in remembrance of the chemical bombing of Halabja 34 years ago in 1988, which killed 5,000 civilians.

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Deputy Speaker welcomes US Consulate delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 17 March 2022 met with Ms. Dew Tiantawach, the US Consulate General's Chief of Political and Economic Affairs, and Mr. Joshua Lewis, Political and Economic Officer. They ...

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Deputy Speaker and UNAMI officials discuss upcoming election

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 16 March 2022 met with Ms. Annette Lyth UNAMI's Senior Women's Adviser and Head of Human Rights in Erbil, and Mr. Francesco Revuelto-Lanao, Political Officer. They...

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Webinar: 34th Anniversary of Halabja Genocide: Commemoration, Justice, and Accountability

The KRG Representation in the United States hosted a webinar commemorating the 34th anniversary of the chemical bombardment of Halabja. The genocide against the people of Halabja has come to symbolize all of the atrocities committed against the people of Kurdistan.

The theme of the panel discussion was on the pursuit of justice and accountability.
Documentary | How one man defused thousands of landmines in Iraq

Fakhir Berwari was a bomb disposal expert who disarmed thousands of landmines across Iraq.

Between the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and the chaos and destruction wreaked by ISIL more than a decade later, Fakhir Berwari’s unwavering bravery saved thousands of lives in Iraq.
Iraqi Kurdistan has energy capacity to help Europe, says Iraqi Kurdish PM

The Kurdish region of northern Iraq has the capacity to make up for at least some of the energy shortfall in Europe, Kurdish Prime Minister Masrour Barzani...

US reiterates support for Kurdistan Region in Biden letter to Barzani

 Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Wednesday received a letter from US President Joe Biden, reiterating the key role the Kurdistan Region plays...

Iran attacks Iraq's Erbil with missiles in warning to U.S., allies

Iran attacked Iraq's northern city of Erbil on Sunday with a dozen ballistic missiles in an unprecedented assault on the capital of the autonomous...

KDP to suspend activities in Baghdad over storming incident

The Kurdistan Democratic Party in Iraq announced, on Monday, that it would close its headquarters and stop its political and civic activities in the capital...

UAE desires to increase investments in Kurdistan Region

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) desires to increase its investment in Iraq, especially in the Kurdistan Region, said Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei....

Erbil citadel hosts multicultural music concert

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Part of the Mosul Classic Music Festival, a music concert was held at the Kurdish Cultural Center of Erbil citadel on Saturday...

UNFPA hands over 11 women centers in Duhok to KRG Directorate 

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and its partner Harikar Organisation handed over 11 Women Community Centers to the Directorate...

ICRC opens Iraq’s largest physical rehabilitation centre in Erbil

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Iraq on Tuesday opened the largest physical rehabilitation centre in the country, based in the semi...

Kurdish Talent launches cultural project in Kurdistan Region 

The online project was launched in the presence of the Erbil governor and a number of artists and singers in the Kurdish capital. It features a wide...

Nashville’s Kurdish community celebrates Newroz

On Sunday morning, thousands gathered at the Ward Agriculture Center in Lebanon to celebrate Newroz, marking the new year. It was the Tennessee...

Meet the Kurdish filmmaker who lost both her legs in an ISIS attack

When Lisa Calan—clad in a traditional white Kurdish gown and stylish turban—walked onto the inaugural stage of the International Film Festival of Kerala...

Nashville Mayor declares March as Kurdish Heritage Month

Mayor John Cooper has signed a proclamation declaring March as Kurdish History Month — a designation that members of the Kurdish community...

New Iraqi funding initiative detrimental to the Kurdistan Region

A new funding initiative by the current Iraqi government to ensure food security in the country could prove to be extremely disadvantageous to the...

Albright holds ‘special place’ in Kurdish history: President Barzani

The Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani said on Thursday that the former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright holds a “special...

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For inquiries, please contact Delovan Barwari, the Director of Public and Humanitarian Affairs, at: delovan.barwari@us.gov.krd