Keep McIntosh Beautiful

"Working Together

for a Clean, Green and

Beautiful McIntosh County"

Newsletter MAY 2024

WELCOME! You are receiving this newsletter as a KMB member, friend, volunteer or supporter to stay updated on KMB news, events, and volunteer opportunities. YOU make KMB activities possible, and through your actions every day, you help keep our community clean, green, and beautiful. THANK YOU!

The McIntosh Community Spring Recycle Event - In Celebration of EARTH DAY was a huge success! We had less vehicles to come through than in Darien last November, but much MORE stuff! Thank YOU! #communitystrong

THANK YOU Sensible Recycling from Jacksonville! Your employee Austin is a rock star! TVs, computers, small appliances, 50+ batteries and ink cartridges. And kudos to Southern Metals Recycling Brunswick! We filled the largest container with appliances, grills, all kinds of iron, steel, and more appliances. We took in over 50 fluorescent bulbs. And applause for Waste Management, Commissioner Kate Pontello Karwacki, and beautiful Eulonia Park. The park has a great new walking/biking path! Check it out!

If KMB were to bestow an “Eco-Champion Award: Recognizing Outstanding Recycling Efforts” it’d have to go to Tina Ridley! I’ve never seen such dedication! Thank YOU!

And THANK YOU to the hardworking KMB volunteers that came out to help! Alan & Cheryl Evans Shedd, John & Barbara Wilke Hawthorne, Selso Tello, Mary & Kirsten Stimmel, and high schooler Trinity Sparks.


~Tracy, Executive Director

“What does litter REALLY tell us? It's not just an eyesore - it sends a subconscious message that an area is neglected and unsafe.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design strategies teach us that our surroundings can discourage bad behavior. Less litter = a more clear message that this is a cared-for space.

Litter is just one of many environmental signals, but it's a great place to start. Cleaning up our community shows that we care and respect our shared spaces.

How you can help:

* Pick up litter! Every piece removed makes a difference.

* See illegal dumping? Report it to your local government.

Together, let's send a new message: THIS COMMUNITY CARES!”

Reposted @keepgvillebeautiful. Thanks Greenville!

Celebrating Earth Days at the Darien waterfront! #earthdayeveryday #differencemakers #DoBeautifulThings #plasticsvsplanet

SCAVENGER HUNT IN CELEBRATION OF EARTH DAY! Seventeen teams headed out to solve riddles and find landmarks this morning! Searched for pollinators, parks, pine cones, even plastic bottles. Explored tabby ruins and waterfront marine life. Most important - they picked up LOTS of trash along the way! KMB’s Scavenger Hunt in celebration of Earth Day 2024 winners were girlies Ember-Sage, Amilah, lil’ brother Makai, with parents Angel and Dion. They won cool, colorful reusable water bottles! Say NO to plastics! Thank you Board Members Tonisha, Mary & Cheryl for helping out today! So eager to share their enthusiasm with ways everyone can get involved in making/keeping McIntosh County clean, green & beautiful! We even had a couple of people join KMB today! You can too!

Storm drains are a huge source of water pollution in the United States. Washing dirt and pollutants off driveways, over-fertilizing their lawns, and dumping debris directly into storm drains helps to pollute local waterways and ocean areas.

Polluted runoff from a variety of sources - roofs, streets, parking lots, and lawns - enters storm drains and is discharged untreated into local waterways.

What Individuals Can Do:

In General

* NEVER dispose of anything down a storm drain!

* Never throw trash on the street, and pick up street litter when you find it.

* Clean up after pets. Discard their wastes in trash cans.

Fertilizers and Pesticides

* Use fertilizers sparingly, if at all, and never apply fertilizers before a rainstorm.

* Instead of using pesticides, weed by hand, and create habitat to attract birds and insects that eat garden pests.

Household Hazardous Wastes

* Use less toxic alternatives, such as milk-based paints, natural cleaners, and pest repellents.

* Buy only as much paint and other chemicals as you need, and be careful not to spill them on the ground.

* Do not discard hazardous wastes, including paint, with the regular trash. Contact your local solid waste authority for approved hazardous waste disposal locations.

Automotive Wastes and Pollutants

* Keep your car properly maintained so that it doesn't leak oil or other toxic fluids.

* Clean up spilled antifreeze, brake fluid, oil, and grease with absorbent materials. Do not hose them into the street or driveway.

* Put used oil and antifreeze in separate containers- never mix oil and antifreeze-and take them to a local service station to be recycled.

* Wash your car on the grass, which can help to filter out pollutants before they reach local streams.

THANK YOU to our 2024 PARTNERS! Are you interested? Call the Director 912.289.1083 and let's discuss which partnership level works best for you! There's a really great fit for everybody! #COMMUNITYSTRONG

A BIG THANKS TO ALL OF OUR ADOPT-A HIGHWAY, PARK OR SPOT VOLUNTEERS THROUGHOUT MCINTOSH COUNTY! There are still plenty of miles and places needing some TLC. Please consider making this a way you help keep our community clean, green and beautiful!



Looking for a way to remove an abandoned building or mobile home from your property? Keep McIntosh Beautiful may be able to help.

Dilapidated and abandoned buildings are eyesores that detract from our community’s appearance and reduce the value of the property where they are located. They can also be unsafe and unhealthy nuisances that are locations for criminal activity. 

To address the problem in McIntosh County, local non-profit KMB offers financial assistance to OWNERS for the demolition and removal of abandoned buildings from THEIR property. We salvage and recycle what can safely be removed.


Thank you to the many dedicated partners that help with this program. You are appreciated!



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KMB needs your support and your volunteer participation. Please join us or renew your membership TODAY! It's easy to do on our website, with a downloadable form or credit card/PayPal.

Keep McIntosh Beautiful is a volunteer-based, self-funded 501(c)3 non-profit affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, but we receive no funds from either organization or financial support from any government entity.

Individual and local business support is VITAL for our operation and to fund KMB activities for Litter Prevention and Control; Recycling, Education; Beautification Projects & Abandoned Buildings Removal Assistance Program, benefitting Darien & McIntosh County.

Thank you!  

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