January 2015 eNews

Happy New Year from the KCP


We are excited to embark on another year of conservation and collaboration in the Kootenays!  


The KCP still has three webinars left in our first Winter Webinar SeriesClick on the links below to register for the upcoming webinars:

Thursday, January 15: Freshwater Storytelling

Applications for KCP's Professional Development Bursary Program are still being accepted. This program provides financial assistance to our partner organizations to allow their staff and volunteers to attend professional development activities. Click here to read more about the program and to apply.

We hope you enjoy your monthly conservation update! You can click here at anytime during the month to check out current news and events on our blog.

As always, please submit any news you'd like to share with our network by the 26th of each month to info@kootenayconservation.ca.

Claire de la Salle

Kootenay Conservation Program Stewardship Coordinator


This month Claire de la Salle is our Faces and Places feature. A familiar face in the Kootenay conservation community, Claire was KCP's Stewardship Coordinator since 2013. She has now stepped down from this position to pursue other interests in conservation. Over the past 18 months Claire has offered great energy, passion and dedication towards enhancing stewardship efforts across the Kootenays. On behalf of KCP's partners we would like to offer Claire a huge thank-you for her tireless work. Please watch for the advertisement to fill KCP's Stewardship Coordinator position.


Please click here for a few highlights of Claire's many notable accomplishments.

Voters say 'Yes' to clean water, wildlife, and open space

Regional District of Central Kootenay

The rural areas around Kootenay Lake have become the second region Canada to adopt a comprehensive local conservation fund tax. On November 15, 2014 voters in the Regional District of Central Kootenay (Areas A, D, and E) around Kootenay Lake said 'yes' to clean water, wildlife, and open space. The Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund represents an investment of over $1 million in conservation over the 10-year term of the fund. The fund was established through a service bylaw, which ensures that the funds can only be spent on conservation within the service area. Click here for more information. 


Re-licensing of Mica, Hugh Keenleyside (Arrow Lakes), and Duncan Dams under the International River Improvements Act

Environment Canada

The federal Minister of the Environment has received applications by the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) for the re-licensing, under the International River Improvements Act (IRIA), of the Mica, Hugh Keenleyside (Arrow Lakes) and Duncan dams and their associated water storage reservoir on the Columbia River. The current IRIA licences, which authorize the construction, operation and maintenance of these dams and the storage of water upstream of the dams, will expire on August 1st, 2015. BC Hydro is applying of the continued operations and maintenance of the facilities for a second 50 year term. Background information on the IRIA can be found byclicking here. The re-licensing of the three above noted facilities does not require an environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. For more inforrmation on the IRIA, the regulations made, or the re-licensing process under the IRIA, or to share any views or concerns you may have, please contact Ms. Manon Lalonde at manon.lalonde@ec.gc.ca or at (613) 943-8063, prior to February 7, 2015. 


Trust receives environmental award

Columbia Basin Trust

Throughout the Columbia Basin, many educators, volunteers, community groups and organizations dedicate themselves to enhancing environmental well-being through education. As a supporter of these efforts, Columbia Basin Trust has earned an award from the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication. It received a 2014 Award of Excellence in Environmental Education and Communication.The award was presented to the Trust by the nominating organization Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN). "We were both surprised and humbled by this recognition," said Neil Muth, Columbia Basin Trust President and CEO. "This achievement would not be possible without the incredibly committed and passionate educators, volunteers, community groups and organizations in the region, like CBEEN, that help us deliver on our mandate to enhance environmental well-being in the Basin. We accept this award on behalf of all of our environmental partners." 

Click here for more information. 


Stewards of the Future

Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia 

The Stewards of the Future program stems from the Lieutenant Governor's long-standing connection to the land and the importance of biodiversity. Its purpose is to promote the concept of a holistic approach to our endeavors based on respect, relationships and the responsibility of all for the future. Stewards of the Future encourages and supports our emerging leaders to get outside and explore their own communities to discover and document unique attributes, identify and research key issues of concern, and investigate stewardship initiatives. Stewards of the Future provides funding and support for high school teachers and other educators to go on field trips, visit local sites of interest, and engage in stewardship projects in their communities.

Click here for more information. 


Conservation Double Shot

Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)

Kicking Horse Coffee, NCC's long-time corporate partner, has pledged to match $1,000 for the next 101 supporters who join the Leaders in Conservation program. NCC's Leaders in Conservation are among the most important investors in our conservation work in British Columbia. By making an annual gift of $1,000 or more in support of NCC's core work, Leaders in Conservation provide the critical funding that makes possible the due diligence activities that need to occur before every conservation land purchase or stewardship project can go ahead. This reliable, annual funding allows NCC to conduct field work, property research and analysis, scientific evaluation, education and public outreach.


Annual Report


Connection. Community. Commitment. Wildsight's Annual Report is hot off the press! Read about everything Wildsight accomplished together in 2014 by clicking here. 

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment - Guidance for Climate Change Impact on Flood and Drought 
Deadline: January 14

The Contractor will review, assess and compile guidance including best management practices for presenting and using complex climate change data and for addressing uncertainty to develop and implement policies and programs for flood and drought and will provide rationale for why this guidance is appropriate for Canadian provinces, territories and local governments. The Contractor will compile adaptation measures for flood and drought applicable to provinces, territories and local governments and will develop a summary of current knowledge on projected changes to frequency and severity of flood and drought for each province and territory.  

Click here for more information.  

KCP Professional Development Bursary Program

Deadline: Ongoing intake until March 31

The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) Professional Development Bursary Program provides financial assistance to our partner organizations to allow their staff and volunteers to attend professional development activities. It is funded by the generous support of the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) and delivered by the KCP.

Click here for more information.

RBC Blue Water Community Action Grants

Deadline: January 22

These grants range from $1,000 to $10,000, and are awarded to local or community-based organizations in Canada, the United States or the Caribbean. 

Click here for more information. 


Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program (WTCP)

Deadline: January 31

The Waneta Expansion Limited Partnership (WELP), a partnership between Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust, is accepting applications for the 2015 Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program (WTCP). This program provides a total of $50,000 annually to projects in the Waneta area that promote conservation and restoration through research, physical works, and other on-the-ground or applied projects.

Click here for more information. 

The Nature Trust of BC Brink/McLean Grassland Conservation Fund

Deadline: February 6

For over 50 years, Dr. Bert Brink and the Dr. Alastair McLean dedicated their lives to the conservation of BC's natural legacy, particularly the grasslands of the Southern Interior. To ensure this conservation continues, this fund promotes applied research, habitat restoration and other stewardship activities that will assist in the management of the land, plants and animals of BC's native grasslands. 

Click here for more information. 


HCTF Public Conservation Assistance Fund

Deadline: May 15

The Public Conservation Assistance Fund provides small grants to organizations and individuals who have a conservation project in mind but need financial help to make it happen.  Each year since 1974, the Province of BC and the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation provide approximately $150,000 in PCAF grants to help implement on-the-ground conservation work, with a particular focus on hands-on, community based and public awareness initiatives. More than 1000 such projects have been carried out under the program so far.

Click here for more information. 

Columbia Basin Trust Community Workshops
January 14, Kimberley
January 20, Cranbrook 
January 21, Invermere
January 21, Fernie
Columbia Basin Trust is asking residents where it should focus its efforts to best support residents and communities in the Columbia Basin now, and into the future.
Click here for more information. 

Freshwater Storytelling Webinar
January 15, Online
The language of science and policy can be difficult to connect with, yet to be successful in our work we need to be able to engage new and existing audiences. Join David Minkow of the Canadian Freshwater Alliance to explore ways of building meaningful connections with your audience.
Click here for more information. 

Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) Webinar
February 12, Online
The Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) system is a key tool for natural resource management and conservation in British Columbia. This webinar will outline the major changes to BEC that are anticipated to be released within early 2015 and 2016, with an emphasis on changes related to conservation and biodiversity, including an overview of some of the work being done around anticipating effects of climate change on ecosystems and how the updated BEC system will remain relevant in a changing climate context.
Click here for more information. 

Holistic Management Workshop
February 26 - 28, Clear Sky Centre
Are you a committed rancher, land steward or community builder challenged to meet your goals? Are you asking how do I do it all? Can I increase my bottom line, find time to spend with family and support healthy ecosystems? Jeff Goebel, certified holistic management educator and international consensus builder, specializes in leveraging issues which can accelerate and lead to the  long-lasting and effective changes you want. Jump out of the box and join Jeff Goebel at Clear Sky Centre. 
Click here for more information 

Emerging Issues in Mountain Watershed Management Webinar
March 5, Online
Mountain watersheds are very sensitive to changes in land use and increased climatic variability and recent extreme events show that we are experiencing significant changes in streamflow regimes, sediment transport and water quality. The session will show how land use activities and climate are affecting the availability of water, flooding problems, summer droughts and its effect on environmental services. Examples will be provided to show how Increased climatic variability combined with changes in forest cover, recreational activities, and agriculture are impacting watersheds and how innovative land use management practices can minimizing some of these impacts. It will also show what role community groups can play to protect streams and reduce the different risks.
Click here for more information.

Environmental Education Leadership Clinic
April 25 - 28, Nipika Mountain Resort
Building on the success of last years National Environmental Education Leadership Clinic, the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) will host a regionally focused Leadership Clinic this April. This Clinic will allow eight teams of four who have a great idea in environmental education to come together and develop an action plan to implement this idea. Team applications will open in mid-January. 

Regulated Rivers: Environment, Ecology and Management Conference
May 6 - 7, Castlegar
Call for presentations deadline: January 12. Through a keynote address, two days of presentations, a poster session, dialogue opportunities, and field-trips, this conference will provide a cutting-edge opportunity for scientists and managers to share results of recent research on regulated river environments, processes, and operations in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. 
Click here for more information.

International Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment
July 6 - 9, Kelowna
Building on the success of past international Forests and Water conferences (Beijing in 2006, Raleigh, NC in 2009, and Fukuoka in 2012), the fourth conference will focus on forest disturbance and hydrological processes in a changing environment. The goal of this conference is to provide a forum for experts specialising in forest hydrology, ecohydrology, geomorphology, watershed management and climate change in forested environments around the world to share research progress, exchange ideas, and develop international research collaborations.
Click here for more information.

CABIN Field Training 
August 11 - 12, Golden
This Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) field training session requires that online training modules be completed in advance (by March 15, 2015) in order to gain access to the CABIN database (Project Manager or Field Technician). For online module descriptions and fees, click here. 
For more information contact rachel@wildsight.ca.
BC Stewardship Series
Stewardship Centre for British Columbia 

The informative and widely acclaimed Stewardship Series challenges British Columbians with a new vision: to link human development and natural ecosystems, to focus limited human resources on limited natural resources and to create healthier and more sustainable communities.

The Stewardship Series is a roster of 19 guides published over the past 18 years that provides scientific, legal and technical information on protecting BC's natural heritage and implementing stewardship practices particularly in urban and sub-urban areas.

Click here to view the guides in the Stewardship Series.


If you have news or announcements that you would like to share via our eNews, please email them to info@kootenayconservation.ca by the 26th of each month.