Conservation in the Kootenays
Monthly eNews
Love of conservation is in the air! Our February eNews is packed with conservation-related news, career opportunities, resources and more.
Registration has opened
for the first-ever Local Government Forum on "Tools for Conservation in the Kootenays" taking place on March 13, 2019 in Creston. This is an event for local government elected officials and staff and space is limited so register soon. The Draft Agenda and online registration can be accessed here.
And our 2019 Winter Webinar Series is now underway! See the KCP News and General Events sections below for details and links to online registration.
Please click here throughout the month to check in on current news and events. You can click here for our KCP Partner list and click here to read more about some of the great organizations that support conservation in the Kootenays. You can also like us on Facebook to hear more news from partners throughout the month.
KCP Winter Webinar Series
2019 Theme: Conservation in the Context of Climate Change - Restoration in Action
The 2019 Winter Webinar Series is focusing on the Fall Gathering theme of "Conservation in the Context of Climate Change".
On February 7th, Neil Fletcher (The BC Wildlife Federation) will discuss Wetland Restoration in the Kootenays. On February 21st, Gregoire Lamoureux (Slocan River Streamkeepers) will present on Riparian and Wetland Restoration in the Slocan Valley. On March 7th, Marc Trudeau, (Rocky Mountain Trench Natural Resource Society) will discuss the Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program. The recording of our first webinar with Adrian Leslie from the Nature Conservancy of Canada speaking on "Whitebark Pine Restoration: How it's Done and How You Can Help" is now available on our website.
KCP Local Government Forum
March 13, Creston
People in the Kootenays value fish and wildlife and their habitats, clean water and aquatic systems, and open spaces like grasslands. Local governments play a key role in protecting these values. The goal of this Forum is to identify specific tools/resources required by local governments of the Kootenays to integrate conservation principles into planning. This is an event for local government elected officials and staff and space is limited so register soon.
019 KCP Fall Gathering - Save the Date!
October 4-5, Invermere
Did you have a fun, enlightening time at the 2018 Fall Gathering - or wish you did because you missed it? Mark your calendar for the 2019 event, which will be taking place in Invermere in the East Kootenay. The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary vehicles to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region, complete with a guest speakers series, field tour, catered meals and more at no cost to attendees.
Visit the Fall Gathering page for coverage of the 2018 event.
Faces & Places Monthly Feature
Kimberley-based wildlife biologist Leigh Anne Isaac, PhD RPBio, is the coordinator of the Kootenay Community Bat Project, a program that is working to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Kootenay's diverse bat population before the fatal white-nose syndrome arrives in B.C.
Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology
Call for presentations for the Regulated Rivers II conference
On May 8-9 in Nelson, the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology is hosting "Regulated Rivers II: Science, Restoration, and Management of Altered Riverine Environments". This 2019 conference, which is a follow-up to the 2015 "Regulated Rivers: Environment, Ecology and Management" conference held in Castlegar, will provide a platform for the dissemination of findings to peers, First Nations, stakeholders, students, and community members from studies that are nearing completion or have been completed since 2015. Posters, displays and presentations are welcome. To apply, submit your abstract by February 6. Event details can be found
Selkirk College
Community-Based Research Internship Opportunity
Students and community-based organizations are invited to apply to the Teck Serv internship program. This annual fund supports a Selkirk College student to undertake a community-based research project for a non-profit organization in the West Kootenay Boundary region. Up to $10,000 in student internship funding is available to conduct an applied research project that will support rural development at the community or regional level. Applied research involves the use of new or existing knowledge to solve real-world challenges or questions. Applications are due February 15, 2019.
Columbia Basin Trust
CBT renews funding for environmental education programming
The Columbia Basin Trust is renewing its commitment to environmental education programs in the region, with nearly $1.3 million over the next three years. It's one of the ways the Trust is delivering on its Environment Strategic Plan goal to engage Basin residents in learning about the Basin's diverse landscapes, waterways and ecosystems, and how to care for them. CBT is partnering with the Columbia Basin Environment Education Network and Wildsight to engage students through in-class studies, outdoor experiences and in-depth projects to build their personal connections with nature.
Columbia Basin Watershed Network
CBWN/SGRC Summer Mapping Program intake now open
In partnership with the Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre, CBWN is now accepting applications for the 2019 Summer Mapping program. This is an opportunity for your watershed group to work with a GIS student to create snazzy maps that engage your community. Communicate complex watershed information in beautiful and easy-to-understand maps.
Click here for more information on the program.
Wolverine Denning Habits Project
Have you seen signs of wolverine?
Female wolverine have low reproductive rates and are particularly vulnerable to human disturbance at den sites. Consequently, recognizing and protecting denning habitat during the reproductive season is probably essential to species persistence on the landscape. Doris Hausleitner and Andrea Kortello, two wildlife biologists from Nelson, will be launching the new phase of their wolverine project in winter/spring 2019. Their objective is to identify explicit locations used by wolverine for denning, thereby providing the specific information needed to target access management and improve habitat where it is most effective for conservation. Please consider helping them by reporting any wolverine tracks and animal sightings.
Blog: Species on the Brink - Selkirk and Purcell caribou relocated to Revelstoke
Efforts to rescue mountain caribou in the Purcell and southern Selkirk Mountains over the past two decades have resulted in translocation of animals to the Revelstoke maternal pen. Provincial biologists recently moved the only known remaining female from the South Selkirk herd and one female and one male from the South Purcell herd to the maternal pen near Revelstoke. This is the latest chapter in the heartbreaking story of a species on the brink. There are no known caribou remaining in the South Selkirks and only three males in the Purcells.
Living Lakes Canada
Groundwater Monitoring Program looking for wells
Living Lakes Canada is continuing to coordinate a Groundwater Monitoring Program to help effectively manage and protect groundwater resources in the Upper Columbia Basin. Through engagement of citizens, the program works with landowners, community groups and governments to identify groundwater wells and monitor water levels in priority aquifers. Priority wells are those constructed in accordance with the Groundwater Protection Regulation and are not being used as a source water well. If you have a suitable well or you are interested in groundwater monitoring in your area, contact Carol Luttmer at
Valhalla Wilderness Society
Western Toad project featured in video
A 10-minute video produced by the Valhalla Wilderness Society tells the story of the "Fish/Bear Lake Western Toad Ecology and Highway 31A Mortality Mitigation Study: 2015-2019" project. The Western Toad is yellow-listed in British Columbia and considered a "threatened" species at risk federally. The annual cycle of adult and toadlet migrations is a locally significant phenomenon that has captured the public's attention in the West Kootenay region. The goal of the project is to enhance the survivability of both adult toads and toadlets at the mountain pass of Fish & Bear Lakes wildlife corridor along Highway 31A. This project receives financial support from the
Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund administered by KCP on behalf of the Regional District of Central Kootenay.
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Species at Risk Act
On Saturday, December 29, 2018, a proposal to amend Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) for nine migratory bird species was published in part I of the Canada Gazette. Species found in British Columbia that are in included in the proposal are the following: Black Swift (Cypseloides niger), Cassin's Auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus), Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus), Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus), and Pink-footed Shearwater (Ardenna creatopus). This marks the beginning of a 45-day public comment period during which you can share your comments on the proposal either by writing to ec.LEPreglementations-SARAregulations.ec@canada.ca or calling 1-800-668-6767. The public comment period will end on Wednesday, February 12, 2019.
Wild and Scenic Film Festival Creston 2019
February 2, Creston
Join the Creston Valley Branch of Wildsight for the 5th annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival, an evening of outdoor adventure, at the Prince Charles Secondary School Auditorium on Sat. Feb. 2, 2019. Show starts at 7 p.m.
KCP Winter Webinar Series - Wetland Restoration in the Kootenays
February 7, Online
Join Neil Fletcher with the BC Wildlife Federation for the second webinar in the
KCP Winter Webinar Series where he will discuss Wetland Restoration in the Kootenays. Wetlands are a critical component of ecosystem conservation for a number of reasons including supporting a variety of species at risk, holding and filtering water, recharging groundwater, and storing carbon. In the Kootenays, many wetlands have been lost due to dam impoundment and land development. This webinar will discuss the importance of wetland restoration, results from a BCWF-led monitoring study of past restoration projects, recent BCWF-led restoration projects in the Kootenays, and ways to get involved in the conservation movement. This webinar is presented in collaboration with the
Columbia Basin Watershed Network.
Click here to register for this webinar.
CRED Talks - Using eBird and DNA analysis to track the evolution of BC's "Whiskyjacks"
February 20, Revelstoke
Biodiversity in British Columbia is nothing short of spectacular. Its latitudinal stretch, convoluted topography, medley of climates, and perch on the western rim of the continent, have given rise to a variety of species unparalleled within Canada. In this presentation, presenter Dr. John Woods, a zoologist in Revelstoke, will look at the intraspecific evolution and post-glacial dispersal of Canada Jays. This free event will take place at the Revelstoke Community Centre.
Click here for event details.
KCP Winter Webinar Series - Riparian and Wetland Restoration in the Slocan Valley
February 21, Online
Join Gregoire Lamoureux for the third webinar in the
KCP Winter Webinar Series. The Slocan River Streamkeepers have implemented over 40 riparian restoration projects in the Slocan Valley since 2005, restoring the equivalent of 5 km of riverbank. Some of the projects have also included fish habitat enhancement. More recently, the Streamkeepers have also implemented some wetland restoration and enhancement projects. In this webinar, Gregoire Lamoureux, restoration ecologist with Slocan River Streamkeepers, will talk about some of the projects that have been implemented over the years, the importance of good relationship with landowners, the challenges & benefits of the projects and more.
This webinar is presented in collaboration with the Columbia Basin Watershed Network.
Click here to register for this webinar.
Fungi Slideshow & Talk
February 21, Golden
Wildsight Golden is hosting a slideshow and discussion on fungi at the Golden Public Library on February 21 starting at 7 p.m.
KCP Winter Webinar Series - Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program
March 7, Online
Join Marc Trudeau for the fourth and final webinar in the
KCP Winter Webinar Series. Marc is the coordinator for the Rocky Mountain Trench Natural Resources Society and will be discussing Ecosystem Restoration (ER) in the Rocky Mountain Trench. As long ago as the 1950s, it was becoming evident that the grasslands and open forests of the Southern Trench were changing for the worse. Modern-day wildfire suppression was bringing an end to the cycle of frequent, low intensity fires that maintained these ecosystems for thousands of years. In this webinar, we will discuss the impacts of wildfire suppression, fire ecology, ER strategies, operations and monitoring within the Rocky Mountain Trench.
KCP Local Government Forum
March 13, Creston
The goal of this forum is to identify specific tools/resources required by local governments of the Kootenays to integrate conservation principles into planning. The forum will showcase examples of voluntary and regulatory tools that have been used in B.C. to promote conservation in local government activities. If you are a local government elected official or staff in the Kootenays, this event is for you.
Critical Habitat Screening Workshop
April 17, Revelstoke
Habitat loss and modification are leading causes of population decline in many rare and endangered species. The federal Species At Risk Act (SARA) describes Critical Habitat (CH) as the habitat that is necessary for the survival or recovery of a listed wildlife species (schedule 1), and that is identified as the species' critical habitat in a recovery strategy or in an action plan for the species. Many projects now require screening for critical habitat (CH) as part of the impact assessment process. This workshop will provide tools and methods for screening for CH, including how to obtain CH mapping information; how to determine if one has the most current CH information for a given species; how Species at Risk (SAR) legislation is applied (for example, in the case of migratory birds that are also species at risk); and how to determine if a SAR permit is required. This workshop will also include an update of the proposed provincial BC Species at Risk legislation.
Creston Valley Bird Fest 2019
May 10-12, Creston
Explore the wonderful bird biodiversity of the Creston Valley. Besides guided birding tours and family friendly kayaking on the Kootenay River, events include night outings, art workshops and visits to local food producers. Keynote speaker Dr. David Bird will present on "Watching Birds Naked", a humourous but educational slide show on the sensory ecology of birds. Remove those beautiful coats of feathers and you'll discover that birds have some of the most incredible physical and physiological adaptations to keep them in tune with their environment and with each other. As an Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Dr. Bird has published close to 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers and supervised 50 graduate students on a wide range of wildlife themes, most recently the application of UAVs (drones) to wildlife research and conservation. Online registration and in-person registration at the College of the Rockies opens first week of April 2019.
Regulated Rivers II: Science, Restoration, and Management of Altered Riverine Environments
May 8-9, Nelson
Regulated waterways provide important services such as flood regulation, power generation with low greenhouse gas emissions, and energy storage. Nevertheless, the damming and regulation of rivers incurs ecological costs via the operation of reservoirs and alteration of downstream flows, combined with the often permanent loss of valley bottom habitat. Regulation affects both upstream (reservoir) and downstream environments, and does so at a range of scales. An increase in smaller hydro-electric (i.e. run-of-river) projects has led to a spike in research around their unique impacts, and many of these projects are concluding their 5-10 year monitoring programs. Several multi-year studies on large reservoir systems (e.g., Arrow Lakes and Kinbasket) in the Columbia River basin are also now nearing completion and these results may play a role in determining future operational scenarios under the Columbia River Treaty. Despite their large footprints, considerable ecological function remains in these regulated systems. The wealth of research that continues to emerge increases our understanding of ecosystem processes within regulated rivers with the potential to mitigate footprint and operational impacts to plants, fish, and wildlife.
This 2019 conference, which is a follow-up to the 2015 "Regulated Rivers: Environment, Ecology and Management" conference held in Castlegar, will provide a platform for the dissemination of findings to peers, First Nations, stakeholders, students, and community members from studies that are nearing completion or have been completed since 2015.
The 6th International Columbia River Transboundary Conference - Save the Date!
September 12-14, Kimberley
Join Columbia Basin Trust and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council from September 12 to 14, 2019 in Kimberley, B.C. to connect and collaborate on the future of the Columbia River.
019 KCP Fall Gathering - Save the Date!
October 4-5, Invermere
2019 Brink/McLean Grassland Conservation Fund
Deadline: February 8
The objective of the Brink/McLean Grassland Conservation Fund is to promote research, habitat restoration and other stewardship activities that will assist in the management of the land, plants and animals of BC's native grasslands.
Click here for more information and how to apply.
Mustang Survival Waterlife Fund
Deadline: February 28
The Canadian Freshwater Alliance has announced the launch of a new grant from Mustang Survival, dedicated to supporting the important work that you do for lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands across the province of BC. The Mustang Survival Waterlife Fund is open to individuals, organizations and not-for-profits working on innovative projects to address the major threats to the health of our waterways. The Waterlife Fund supports action-oriented projects that take specific steps toward ecosystem restoration and/or the collection of data for long-term monitoring initiatives.
Columbia Basin Trust Career Internship Program
Deadline: First-come, first-served basis
CBT's new Career Internship Program provides wage funding for employers to hire college and university graduates in permanent, career-focused positions. Eligible employers are businesses, registered non-profits, municipalities, regional districts and Indigenous organizations within the Columbia Basin Trust region that have a demonstrated fiscal and organizational need for an intern and wage funding. The funding is up to 50 per cent of the new employee's wage over the first seven to 12 months, to a maximum of $25,000. The intern position must include a training plan that provides structured learning to the new employee and transitions to full-time, permanent employment at the end of the internship.
Vancouver Foundation Systems Change Grants - Develop Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Systems Change Grants support projects that take action to address the root causes of pressing social, environmental or cultural issues by influencing the behaviours of populations, organizations, and institutions. Short-term grants (Develop grants) are a one-time application that can be submitted any time throughout the year and decisions are made the following month. The next granting cycle for multi-year grants (Test and Scale grants) opens January 2, 2019.
Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Delivered for the Columbia Basin Trust by the Kootenay Livestock Association, the Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program supports efforts to maintain and/or enhance grassland resources while meeting conservation, environmental and recreational objectives. Objectives include promoting the stewardship of the grassland resource, striving to maintain and enhance biodiversity and long-term fish and wildlife productivity in public grassland ecosystems and improving compatibility between livestock management and recreation use.
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Community Engagement Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
The goal of the Community Engagement Grant is to provide an opportunity for FWCP stakeholders (e.g. environmental groups, rod and gun clubs, non-profits, stewardship organizations, government, and First Nations), to apply for small amounts of funding to support their conservation and enhancement work.
East Kootenay Invasive Species Council
Program Manager
EKISC is seeking a new Program Manager. The Program Manager will have wide ranging responsibilities including; administrative functions, finances and fundraising, human resources management, strategic planning, outreach and education efforts, advocacy, partnership building and coordination, contract management and leading special projects. The Program Manager will lead a team of managers, coordinators and assistants focused on educational and field operational programs within the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK). It will be important to maintain existing relationships and develop new partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders, land managers/users, and partner organizations. The Program Manager will follow and refine the annual work plan and EKISC's strategic plan, with regular consultation with the Board of Directors. The deadline to apply is February 3.
Selkirk College
Faculty Researcher, Reconciliation Project (Temporary)
Selkirk College is currently seeking Faculty Researchers for their Reconciliation Project representing four Interior First Nations: Syilx, Métis, Sinixt and Secwépemc. This is a casual, temporary position up to 150 hours commencing approximately February 15, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019. The inquiry findings will support relevant programming relating to learning about the work of reconciliation in post-secondary education, specific to the peoples of the Southern Interior Region of British Columbia. The deadline to apply is February 4.
Click here for more information on these postings and to apply.
Nature Conservancy of Canada
BC Stewardship Technician 2019
Every summer, NCC hires post-secondary students or recent graduates of a biological or ecological program to perform stewardship work on lands conserved by NCC. In 2019, the BC Region will be hiring two Stewardship Technicians to work primarily out of Nelson and the Darkwoods Conservation Area, with some travel to the East Kootenay Valley and the Southern Interior. The BC Stewardship Technicians will be responsible for assisting in the stewardship of NCC's conservation properties in British Columbia. This involves biodiversity monitoring, collection and entry of field data, property information management, hands-on management of NCC properties throughout out the region, and working collaboratively with a variety of partners, stakeholders and the general public. The deadline to apply is February 11.
Click here for the full posting.
Kimberley Farmers' Market Coordinator
Are you passionate about the role farmers' markets play in local food sustainability? Do you have event planning/market experience and are looking for a part time opportunity that allows flexible hours? The Wildsight Kimberley/Cranbrook Branch is currently seeking a dynamic and organized individual who is excited to run their Thursday evening Market in downtown Kimberley. The deadline to apply is February 11.
Click here for the full job posting.
BC Parks
2019 seasonal Park Ranger and Student Ranger opportunities
BC Parks is currently accepting applications for several different Park Ranger and Student Ranger positions. The seasonal Park Ranger recruiting has been an annual occurrence. The Student Ranger Program was launched in 2018 with great success and this year the Kootenay Section will have a crew based out of Cranbrook. Applications will be accepted until 11 pm PST on February 24. For additional information on the Student Ranger Program for 2019, please see the
Student Ranger Program website.
Click here for the list of postings and how to apply.
Kootenay Columbia Discovery Centre Society
Wetland Naturalist
Do you have a love of nature and science? Are you passionate about inspiring people about the natural world? As a Wetland Naturalist, you will motivate, inspire, and connect children and adults to the wonderful world of wetlands by providing quality environmental education programs and front country excursions at the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area.The deadline to apply is March 1.
Click here for the full job posting.
Kootenay Conservation Program
Conservation Resources for our Region
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) helps partners to coordinate and facilitate conservation efforts on private land, and in an effort to support this, KCP has developed a webpage that compiles some of the best conservation and stewardship resources available for our region.
Securing Private Land for Conservation in the Kootenays
FAQ document available online
KCP has prepared a Frequently Asked Questions document to provide an overview of conservation securement in the Kootenays. This is a living document that may be updated regularly to reflect the evolving and variable securement process.
Click here for the online PDF.
Real Estate Foundation of BC
Opinion Poll: BC Views on Land Use, Sustainability, and Rural Planning
Through a public opinion survey, the Real Estate Foundation of BC (REFBC) found that British Columbians value nature and the environment, desire a sustainable economic future, and support stiff penalties for people and organizations who pollute land and water.
Click here for a summary and to download the full report.
Canadian Land Trust Alliance
Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices revised
After a 15-month consultation process, the Canadian Land Trust Alliance has released the revised version of the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices. It means that the land trust community in Canada benefits from more readable, accessible and up-to-date industry standards. It will help land trusts to uphold public trust, and build stronger and more effective land conservation programs. While the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices are designed primarily for land trusts with charitable status, they also provide important guidance for any organization or government agency that holds lands or conservation agreements for the benefit of the public.
Click here to download the revised version.
California Landscape Stewardship Network
Report on Capacity Building for Stewardship Networks released
The California Landscape Stewardship Network recently released Capacity Building for Collaboration: A Case Study on Building and Sustaining Landscape-Scale Stewardship Networks in the 21st Century. The study outlines capacity building challenges and trends facing landscape-scale stewardship networks; shares advice and experiences from a wide range of experts and stakeholders in the field; and highlights mindsets and strategies that have been successful in building capacity for collaboration.
Association of State Wetland Managers
ASWM-NRCS Wetland Training Webinar Series
This webinar series has been designed to provide participants with a general level of knowledge about wetlands and wetland restoration options and considerations. Participants will come away from trainings with key knowledge, the ability to be more conversant about wetland issues, knowing what questions to ask when looking at restoration opportunities, and knowing when to contact or bring in an expert.
If you have news or announcements that you would like to share via our eNews, please email them to communications@kootenayconservation.ca by the 25th of each month. |