Conservation in the Kootenays
Monthly eNews

Welcome to the final KCP newsletter of 2017 and Season's Greetings from the KCP Team!  

Please feel free to submit any photos, news or events you'd like us to share by the third week of each month to As always, a big thanks goes out to our supporters! 

Please click  here throughout the month to check in on current news and events. You can click here for our KCP Partner list and click here to read more about some of the great organizations that support conservation in the Kootenays. You can also "like" us on Facebook to hear more news from partners throughout the month.

2018 KCP Fall Gathering
Save the Date! October 12-13, 2018 
Please join us in the West Kootenay on October 12-13, 2018 for the 2018 KCP Fall Gathering! Please "Save the Date" by marking it in your calendars. We are currently sourcing out an exact location which will we will make public in the New Year as soon as it's been confirmed.
South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program.
NEW - Just Released: Local Conservation Funds in British Columbia
The second edition of  Local Conservation Funds in British Columbia: A Guide for Local Governments and Community Organizations has been published! Print and electronic versions of the guide will be widely shared as more and more people in various regions of B.C. and beyond express interest in establishing conservation funds in their communities. The guide web page, hosted on the South Okanagan-Similkameen Conservation Program website, includes - in addition to the guide itself - links to KCP's two  Local Conservation Funds. An Executive Summary PDF (2-pager) will soon be available to view and download.

KCP Strategic Priorities
New Strategic Priorities 2017-2022 approved at KCP AGM
Over the past year, KCP has been consulting with Partners to update our strategic priorities. The new KCP Strategic Priorities 2017-2022 document was approved at the KCP Fall Gathering AGM that took place on Friday, September 29 and is now available on the KCP website.
Click here for the shorter visual summary and click here for the full-length document.

Faces & Places Monthly Feature
Gillian Sanders  
Gillian Sanders is a passionate grizzly bear conservationist working in the Meadow Creek area of the West Kootenays, which is seeing tangible positive results from the initiatives she's put into place.
Click here to read about Gillian and her Grizzly Co-Existence Solutions project.

Local Conservation Fund Feature Project
North Kootenay Lake Water Monitoring Project
The North Kootenay Lake Water Monitoring Pro ject is working to improve understanding and prediction of how small- and medium-sized watersheds are going to behave in a changing climate, especially in conditions of extreme high and low precipitation.

Canadian Conservation Achievement Awards Program
Let's nationally recognize someone from the Kootenays who is doing amazing conservation work!
Who is making a difference in the conservation of our wildlife? Whose efforts are inspiring great strides in conservation education? Whose project will result in long-term conservation benefits to a community? Who is using an artistic platform to stir passions about wildlife conservation? Which youth have taken it upon themselves to do something profoundly impactful for wildlife? The Canadian Wildlife Federation is inviting nominations for their Canadian Conservation Achievement Awards Program. Chosen recipients of the 2018 Conservation Awards will receive an expenses paid trip to Regina, Sask. to attend the CWF Awards Banquet in June, 2018. Winners will also be professionally photographed and receive a full feature story in the July/August edition of both Canadian Wildlife and Biosphere magazines, available in Chapters stores across Canada. Entry deadline is January 31, 2018.
KCP & Columbia Basin Watershed Network
Creating Sustainable Funding for Ecosystems and Watersheds Webinar Video
The first part of this webinar focuses on watersheds and opportunities for new partnerships that can bring new dollars to watershed protection. The second part of this webinar focuses on the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund, a tax-based fund for conservation that was the first of its kind in Canada. Speakers are Dr. Tara Lynne Clapp (Senior Manager for the Columbia Basin Watershed Network and Adjunct Professor, Great Plains IDEA Program, Iowa State University) and Juliet Craig (KCP Program Manager).
Click here for the the direct link to the YouTube video.
Click here for the link to the Brandon University webpage, where you can find the link to the video as well as the Powerpoint presentation and information for upcoming webinars.
Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology
CRED Talks (Columbia Region Ecological Discussions)
Starting November 16, 2017 and ending March 31, 2018, the Columbia Region Ecological Discussions taking place at the Revelstoke Community Centre will include speakers addressing a diversity of topics such as science communication, active ecological management, citizen science, research skills and techniques and the influences that our natural environment has on art and culture. The talks will be recorded and posted to the CRED Talks event page so anyone can listen in.


The KCP encourages partners to take advantage of our eNews - send your content to 

Call for Abstracts: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Managing Health of Fish and Wildlife
Deadline: January 19
"Interdisciplinary Approaches to Managing Health of Fish and Wildlife" is a two-day conference taking place at the Kimberley Conference Centre May 1-2, 2018. This upcoming conference, hosted by the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology, will provide an opportunity for improved dialogue among experts; First Nations, veterinarians, academics, epidemiologists, wildlife biologists, stakeholders, managers, stewardship groups, and the public to ensure proactive conservation of wildlife populations. Presentations, posters and displays are welcomed and encouraged.
Taste the Wild
January 27, Nelson
The Kootenay Native Plant Society is holding a gala evening with a tasting menu featuring camas and other wild foods, presentations celebrating camas restoration in the West Kootenay, and a silent auction. All proceeds will support the Camas Conservation Area in Millennium Park, Castlegar. KNPS is also looking for sponsors and donations for the silent auction. KNPS is also looking for event sponsors and silent auction donations.

Trends Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment
February 7-9, Revelstoke
Instructor: Carl Schwarz Environmental impact assessments want to know if trends over time differ between control and impact sites. Statistical methods for the analysis of trends over time use many of the same methods as the analysis of experimental data (e.g. ANOVA, regression) but must now deal with problems such as autocorrelation and process error. This course can accommodate students using both R and JMP software. This course will run on a schedule that will allow students to take up local winter recreation opportunities in the morning and/or by staying in Revelstoke for the weekend following the course.
Climate Change Education Workshop - CBEEN
March 3, Nelson
Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) will work with local and regional partners to offer 1-day workshop for educators to learn more about climate change science in the Columbia Basin, and best practices for sharing this information with audiences of all ages. Registration will open soon.

Columbia Basin Trust Environment Small Grant
Deadlines: December 29, 2017 & February 28, 2018
Environment Small Grants funds projects that take place within the Columbia Basin Trust requesting up to $5,000 that will strengthen the environmental well-being and address one of the following four categories: Ecosystems, Climate, Water and Environmental Education.  

Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program (WTCP)
Deadline: January 31, 2018
The WTCP provides up to $50,000/year for research or restoration projects in the Waneta/Trail, B.C. area. Preference is given to projects that focus on species at risk, or mitigating impacts related to the construction of the Waneta Expansion Project.Applications will be accepted from non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, and individuals. 

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Acquisition Grants
Deadline: March 31, 2018
HCTF accepts proposals for projects that acquire land or interests in land to secure the value of these areas for conservation of fish and wildlife habitats and populations. The deadline for submitting an HCTF Acquisition Proposal is March 31, 2018 at 4:30 PM PST.
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Public Conservation Assistance Fund
Deadline: May 16, 2018
The Public Conservation Assistance Fund provides small grants to organizations and individuals who have a conservation project in mind but need financial help to make it happen. Projects must be of a conservation nature, with priority given to projects that focus on activities that maintain, conserve or restore native (indigenous) fish and wildlife species and their habitats. PCAF will fund eligible expenses up to $10,000 in any one year. The annual application deadline is May 16th at 4:30 PM PST.

Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Delivered for the Columbia Basin Trust by the Kootenay Livestock Association, the Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program supports efforts to maintain and/or enhance grassland resources while meeting conservation, environmental and recreational objectives. Objectives include promoting the stewardship of the grassland resource, striving to maintain and enhance biodiversity and long-term fish and wildlife productivity in public grassland ecosystems and improving compatibility between livestock management and recreation use.

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Community Engagement Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
The goal of the Community Engagement Grant is to provide an opportunity for FWCP stakeholders (e.g. environmental groups, rod and gun clubs, non-profits, stewardship organizations, government, and First Nations), to apply for small amounts of funding to support their conservation and enhancement work. 
Wildsight - Golden Branch  
Outreach Coordinator
The Wildsight-Golden Branch is looking for an environmentally-minded, energetic, outgoing and well-organized person to coordinate communications and public outreach initiatives, and to work on capacity building. This is a 6-month contract position for 25 hours per week at $20/hr., starting on or before January 8th. There is a possibility of renewal for the right person. Office space is available for use and the position is located in Golden, B.C. Deadline to apply is noon on December 8th. 
Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society
Volunteer Opportunities
If you want to get more involved in your community, and want an opportunity to learn more about science, fish or wildlife in and around Kootenay Lake, Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society are seeking volunteers for a host of positions in the following areas: Administrative (data entry); Outreach support (website, public events); Annual General Meeting; Water Quality Monitoring; Wildlife Tree Monitoring; and Swallow and Nest Box Building.
Email to sign up as a volunteer today!
East Kootenay Invasive Species Council
The East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISS) will be seeking contractor expressions of interest in the new year.  
Contact to find out what it takes to be a contractor.

Kootenay Conservation Program
Conservation Resources for our Region
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) helps partners to coordinate and facilitate conservation efforts on private land, and in an effort to support this, KCP has developed a webpage that compiles some of the best conservation and stewardship resources available for our region. 

Species and Ecosystems at Risk Local Government Working Group
SEAR LGWG Symposium notes posted
The notes from the January 13 - February 1, 2017 Species and Ecosystems at Risk Local Government Working Group Symposium have just been posted online.
Click here for a Full Report (PDF, 22MB) and here for a  Highlights Report (PDF, 4MB) .  

Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute
Climate Adaption Indicators Project: Piloting the SoCARB Suite in 2016 and Beyond
The purpose of this RDI-led project is to pilot, evaluate, refine, and support uptake of the State of Climate Adaptation and Resilience in the Basin (SoCARB) indicator suite. SoCARB was developed in 2014 as a result of a research partnership between Columbia Basin Trust's Communities Adapting to Climate Change Initiative and the RDI. It is a "made in the Basin-Boundary" approach to measuring progress in adapting to climate change.

BEC (Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification) for the Kootenays
LMH#70 A Field Guide to Ecosystem Classification and Identification for SE British Columbia - Volume 1: South-Central Columbia Mountains
This field guide presents an updated and expanded site classification for the South-central area of the southern interior area, British Columbia.
Stewardship Centre of BC 
Stewardship Practices Guides
The Stewardship Centre of BC offers a diverse and comprehensive set of resources for the stewardship community of B.C., including four Stewardship Practices Guides on the following topics: Drainage Maintenance in Agricultural Waterways; Guidance for Restoration Activities in Riparian Areas; Riparian Areas in Settled Landscapes; and Reducing Domestic and Feral Cat Predation.
Columbia Basin Trust
Non-Profit Essentials Webinar Series 
The Trust has partnered with Vantage Point, experts in learning opportunities for volunteers and non-profits, to develop and deliver the webinar series that explores important topics non-profit societies face today. Combining online videos with slide notes and workbooks, the series offers tools to expand the knowledge and build capacity in non-profit organizations across the Basin.


If you have news or announcements that you would like to share via our eNews, please email them to by the 25th of each month.