Conservation in the Kootenays
Monthly eNews

Happy Holidays from the KCP Board and Team! We wish you all the best for the end of 2018 and a merry start to the New Year! 

Our 4-part Winter Webinar Series - Restoration in Action - begins with the first webinar on January 17, 2019. See the KCP News section below for details. 

Our 2019 KCP Fall Gathering is taking place at Copper Point Resort in Invermere on October 4, 2019, which will be followed by a field tour to local conservation areas in the Columbia Valley on Saturday, October 5, 2019. Please save the date so you don't miss next year's great event! Note the 2019 date has been revised since last month's KCP eNews so please correct your event calendars to reflect October 4-5, 2019 for the next Fall Gathering. 

If you're curious to learn what KCP has accomplished over the last year, our 2017-2018 Annual Report is now available here on our website, located on the KCP Resources page under "Resources".
Please feel free to submit any photos, news or events you'd like us to share by the third week of each month to

Please click here throughout the month to check in on current news and events. You can click here for our KCP Partner list and click here to read more about some of the great organizations that support conservation in the Kootenays. You can also like us on Facebook to hear more news from partners throughout the month.
As always, a big thanks goes out to our supporters!

KCP Winter Webinar Series
2019 Theme: Conservation in the Context of Climate Change: Restoration in Action
KCP is pleased to bring back the Winter Webinar Series starting next month and ending in March. This four-part series will focus on the Fall Gathering theme of "Conservation in the Context of Climate Change".  The first presenter will be Adrian Leslie from the Nature Conservancy of Canada speaking on "Whitebark Pine Restoration: How it's Done and How You Can Help" on January 17, 2019 at 10 am PST/ 11 am MST.  

2 019 KCP Fall Gathering - Save the Date!
October 4-5, Invermere
Did you have a fun, enlightening time at the 2018 Fall Gathering - or wish you did because you missed it? Mark your calendar for next year's event, which will be taking place in Invermere in the East Kootenay. The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary vehicles to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region, complete with a guest speakers series, field tour, catered meals and more at no cost to attendees. 
Visit the Fall Gathering page for coverage of the 2018 event - details for 2019 will be posted as they become available.

Faces & Places Monthly Feature
Michael Proctor
Kalso-based Independant Research Scientist and Principle Researcher for the Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project, Michael Proctor, has made a career out of grizzly bear conservation, and one of his reasons why is that he views grizzly bears as a measure of wildness in the world that he wants to keep alive and well.

Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey
Fall 2018 results are in with the highest counts to date!
The results of the fall 2018 Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey (CWWS) are in, and with the highest bird counts since the project's inception in 2015, and with the largest number of volunteers participating, this was the best set of bird counts to date with 57,057 birds counted. One hundred and five citizen-scientists observed birds for three hours over three dates from 104 survey stations located between Canal Flats and Donald. The 2019 survey dates are April, 3, 10 and 16 and September 29, October 5 and 15. Next year will be the last chance to participate in the surveys before the Columbia Wetlands are nominated as an 'Important Bird and Biodiversity Area' (IBA) using data collected through this project. Email CWWS Program Biologist at to register, or for more details.

Nature Conservancy of Canada
Governments of Canada and British Columbia invest in expansion of Darkwoods Conservation Area
The investments total $14.65 million ($7 million from the Government of Canada through the Natural Areas Conservation Program and $7.65 million from the Province of British Columbia) and will support the addition of 7,900 hectares (19,500 acres) to the Darkwoods Conservation Area in southeastern BC. This funding will help to expand Darkwoods by 14 per cent and bring essential habitat for dozens of species at risk under conservation management. It will enhance protection within the world's only inland temperate rainforest.

Columbia Basin Watershed Network 
Fall Member Meeting Report
At their Fall Meeting on Saturday, November 17, 2018 in Nelson, CBWN featured a host of amazing speakers as well as the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER) and POLIS Water Sustainability Project soon-to-be released "Handbook for Water Champions: Strengthening Decision-Making and Collaboration for Healthy Watersheds." They also showcased summer mapping projects, member updates and more. See their website for copies of presentations, slides and audio of the afternoon session, and a recording of the eerie sounds of the American Bullfrog.

Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network
Take Me Outside for Learning program almost doubles
Over 7,500 local students will enjoy regular outdoor learning this year, thanks to their teachers' participation in the Kootenay-Boundary Take Me Outside for Learning School Year Challenge. This challenge is offered by the Kootenay-Boundary Chapter of the British Columbia School Superintendents Association (BCSSA) which involves schools in school districts 5, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 51. This is the second year that this school year challenge has been offered, with nearly twice as many classes participating this year compared to last.

Lake Windermere District Rod & Gun Club
Abel Creek Habitat Restoration Project
A historic fish spawning habitat in Invermere saw some massive improvements in late October when the Lake Windermere District Rod & Gun Club lifted the Abel Creek stream bed up 40 centimetres, allowing fish access into a culvert that was previously perched and preventing fish from getting into it and moving upstream to their spawning grounds. The project was funded in part by the Columbia Lake Local Conservation Fund. Photos can be viewed in the KCP Photo Gallery  here

Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology
Regulated Rivers II: Call for Presentations closes January 16
If you participated in CMI's 2015 "Regulate Rivers: Environment, Ecology, and Management" conference held at Selkirk College in Castlegar, you may be interested to know that CMI will be hosting a follow up event to this conference. "Regulated Rivers II: Science, Restoration, and Management of Altered Riverine Environments" will be held in Nelson, BC May 8-9, 2019. More info can be found on the event webpage here.

The KCP encourages partners to take advantage of our eNews - send your content to 

CRED Talks - Ecological changes to the Revelstoke Reach of the Columbia River since inundation
December 12, Revelstoke
With the construction of the Hugh Keenleyside dam in Castlegar, 200km of the Columbia river, and the Arrow lakes was inundated. Prior to inundation, the valley bottom was a matrix of riverine, riparian habitat, and rural development. Since impoundment, this landscape has gone through significant changes, with subsequent changes to the wildlife using habitat in the drawdown zone. There have been several studies on almost all aspects of the effects of reservoir operation on the natural environment of the Revelstoke Reach; this talk will be a high level view of those changes between 1969 and 2018.

CRED Talks - Keeping Toads off Roads: Western toad ecology and Hwy 31A mortality at Fish & Bear Lakes 
January 9, Revelstoke
Western toads by their very nature and lifecycle require both terrestrial hibernating and aquatic breeding habitats. Consequently, a highway running between these habitats can result in a lot of dead toads on the road during annual migrations. Marcy Mahr's (MSc, Senior Research Biologist, Valhalla Wilderness Society) presentation will discuss how in a remote, mountain pass between Kaslo and New Denver in the south Selkirk Mountains, a population of western toads are getting some assistance from the Valhalla Wilderness Society to cross Highway 31A, a popular route for summer tourists. Over the past 4 years, researchers and volunteer Toad Ambassadors have been keeping thousands of adult toads and baby toadlets out of harm's way while identifying highway crossing hotspots where toad underpasses and directional fencing could be installed

KCP Winter Webinar Series: Restoration in Action
January 17, Online
Join KCP for the first of four winter webinars that will focus on the Fall Gathering theme of "Conservation in the Context of Climate Change". The first presenter will be Adrian Leslie from the Nature Conservancy of Canada speaking on "Whitebark Pine Restoration: How it's Done and How You Can Help". The webinar will take place 
on January 17, 2019 at 10 am PST/ 11 am MST. 

Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk
Deadline: December 21
The Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk (AFSAR; Species at Risk Stream and Prevention Stream) is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 funding cycle. In its 16th year, AFSAR provides funding to support projects aimed at supporting continued capacity development of Indigenous organizations and communities so that they can participate in the recovery of species at risk, protection of their habitat, and in preventing other species from becoming a conservation concern. Please note that this call applies to terrestrial species only.

Habitat Stewardship Program
Deadline: December 21
The Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP; Species at Risk Stream only) is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 funding cycle. 
In its 20th year, the HSP provides funding to help Canadians protect species at risk and their habitats. The program fosters land, water and resource use practices that maintain the habitat necessary for the survival and recovery of species at risk, enhancing existing conservation activities and encouraging new ones. Please note that this call applies to terrestrial species only.
Columbia Basin Trust Environment Small Grant
Deadline: January 31
Environment Small Grants funds projects that take place within the Columbia Basin Trust region requesting up to $5,000 that will strengthen the environmental well-being and address one of the following four categories: ecosystems, climate, water and environmental education. 

Columbia Basin Trust Career Internship Program
Deadline: First-come, first-served basis
CBT's new Career Internship Program provides wage funding for employers to hire college and university graduates in permanent, career-focused positions. Eligible employers are businesses, registered non-profits, municipalities, regional districts and Indigenous organizations within the Columbia Basin Trust region that have a demonstrated fiscal and organizational need for an intern and wage funding. The funding is up to 50 per cent of the new employee's wage over the first seven to 12 months, to a maximum of $25,000. The intern position must include a training plan that provides structured learning to the new employee and transitions to full-time, permanent employment at the end of the internship.

Vancouver Foundation Systems Change Grants - Develop Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Systems Change Grants support projects that take action to address the root causes of pressing social, environmental or cultural issues by influencing the behaviours of populations, organizations, and institutions. Short-term grants (Develop grants) are a one-time application that can be submitted any time throughout the year and decisions are made the following month. The next granting cycle for multi-year grants (Test and Scale grants) opens January 2, 2019. 

Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Delivered for the Columbia Basin Trust by the Kootenay Livestock Association, the Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program supports efforts to maintain and/or enhance grassland resources while meeting conservation, environmental and recreational objectives. Objectives include promoting the stewardship of the grassland resource, striving to maintain and enhance biodiversity and long-term fish and wildlife productivity in public grassland ecosystems and improving compatibility between livestock management and recreation use.

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Community Engagement Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
The goal of the Community Engagement Grant is to provide an opportunity for FWCP stakeholders (e.g. environmental groups, rod and gun clubs, non-profits, stewardship organizations, government, and First Nations), to apply for small amounts of funding to support their conservation and enhancement work. 

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
Canada Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) Coordinator
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Canada is organizing a two-year project to identify and implement Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in Canada. A KBA Coalition is being established to implement the standard in Canada. The Canada KBA Coordinator will serve as the manager of the KBA Secretariat, responsible for developing, planning and overseeing the implementation of Secretariat activities and managing its financial and human resources.
Click here for how to apply.

BC Public Service: Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development - Range Branch
Senior Invasive Plant Specialist - Licensed Scientific Officer Agrologist 4
The Senior Invasive Plant Specialist provides expert professional and technical advisory services related to invasive plant prevention and management programs, legislation, policies, standards, and guidelines. The position leads the provincial Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response Program including identification of risk and climate change implications, manages operational program resources and provides direction to invasive plant specialists and regional/district government staff and non-government partners. This position can be performed from any of the following communities depending on operational and organizational requirements: Kamloops, Nanaimo, Nelson, Prince George and Victoria. This posting has been extended and the new close date is December 9, 2018. 

Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Watershed Planner
Qualified applicants are invited to apply for the full time position of Watershed Planner within the RDKB Planning and Development Department for work at the RDKB office building in Grand Forks. The position of Watershed Planner is primarily responsible for the implementation of the goals and actions in the Kettle River Watershed Management Plan for the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB). Candidates should have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in geography, environmental science, biology, land use planning or a related discipline. The candidate should also have a minimum of two years experience in a water stewardship or similar position, preferably with a local government.Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m., Friday, December 21.
Click here for the full job posting. 

Kinship Conservation Fellows
2019 Fellowship
Kinship Conservation Fellows is now accepting applications for the 2019 Fellowship. Conservation leaders with at least five years of experience who are interested in the application of market-based solutions to solve environmental problems are invited to become part of this expanding global community of innovative conservationists. Those who are selected receive a $6000 stipend and a month of valuable training. The deadline to apply is January 8, 2019.

Kootenay Conservation Program
Conservation Resources for our Region
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) helps partners to coordinate and facilitate conservation efforts on private land, and in an effort to support this, KCP has developed a webpage that compiles some of the best conservation and stewardship resources available for our region. 

Securing Private Land for Conservation in the Kootenays
FAQ document available online
KCP has prepared a Frequently Asked Questions document to provide an overview of conservation securement in  the Kootenays. This is a living document that may be updated regularly to reflect the evolving and variable securement process. 
Click here for the online PDF.   

Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project
Important new grizzly report now available
A new report by Michael Proctor et al titled  Resource Roads and Grizzly Bears in British Columbia and Alberta  represents the best available science to date on the topic of grizzly bear management.
Click here for the report.

Association of State Wetland Managers
ASWM-NRCS Wetland Training Webinar Series
This webinar series has been designed to provide participants with a general level of knowledge about wetlands and wetland restoration options and considerations. Participants will come away from trainings with key knowledge, the ability to be more conversant about wetland issues, knowing what questions to ask when looking at restoration opportunities, and knowing when to contact or bring in an expert.
Click here for past and upcoming webinars in the training series.


If you have news or announcements that you would like to share via our eNews, please email them to by the 25th of each month.