Conservation in the Kootenays
Monthly eNews

A big thank you to all the local government representatives who participated in the KCP Local Government Forum on March 13 in Creston and contributed to this successful event, which also served as the launch of the new Stewardship Solutions toolkit for landowners and land managers in the Kootenays.  The 2019 KCP Winter Webinar Series also concluded last month and we're happy to report registration surged to record-breaking numbers. Details on these initiatives and more can be found in our KCP News section below. 
Please feel free to submit any photos, news or events you'd like us to share by the third  week of each month to .

Please click  here  throughout the month to check in on current news and events. You can click  here  for our KCP Partner list and click  here  to read more about some of the great organizations that support conservation in the Kootenays. You can also like us on  Facebook  to hear more news from partners throughout the month.
As always, a big thanks goes out to our supporters !

KCP Local Government Forum
Access presentations (video recordings & PDFs) online
The KCP Local Government Forum in Creston on March 13 brought almost 30 local government staff, elected officials and conservation group representatives together for a full-day workshop that showcased examples of voluntary and regulatory tools used in the Kootenays and elsewhere in B.C. to promote conservation in local government activities. The goal of this Forum was to identify specific tools/resources required by local governments of the Kootenays to integrate conservation principles into planning. Video recordings of all the speakers are now available on our website, as are PDFs of the slideshow presentations.

Stewardship Solutions
Online toolkit and handouts now available to the public!
The KCP team has developed a fantastic resource for landowners and land managers in the Kootenay region featuring conservation groups engaged in landowner outreach in their respective regions. Find your "Conservation Neighbourhood" based on your location to access all the private land stewardship services available in your area. The toolkit is accessible online as an engaging and interactive website, or comes in the form of full-colour handouts that can also be downloaded from the website. The goal of this tool is to support organizations that do landowner outreach for conservation to showcase other organizations and services available in their region. This resource leverages the outreach work of partner organizations. Email KCP Stewardship Coordinator Adrienne Shaw at if you would like print copies of the Stewardship Solutions for your region.

KCP Online Partner Directory
Now available
Our new online Partner Directory allows for partners to search for other organizations by geographic location and key words!

Kootenay Connect
Preliminary Report now available
Sponsored by KCP, Dr. Michael Proctor from the Trans-Border Grizzly Project and Marcy Mahr from EcoMosaic Consulting captured the concept of Kootenay Connect in the document "Kootenay Connect: Riparian Wildlife Corridors for Climate Change". This report outlines the concept of landscape connectivity in the Kootenays including biodiversity hot spots to focus on, provides a "proof of concept" for conservation actions to protect corridors, and outlines next steps moving forward.

2019  KCP Winter Webinar Series
See our website for webinar recordings 
Our 2019 webinar series has concluded but if you missed a webinar you think you would benefit from, all the recordings are available on the KCP website. A big thank you to Kristin Assen of the  Columbia Basin Watershed Network for partnering with us to co-host our two wetlands-focussed presentations. We look forward to doing it all over again next winter 2020!

2 019 KCP Fall Gathering - Save the Date!
October 4-5, Invermere
Did you have a fun, enlightening time at the 2018 Fall Gathering - or wish you did because you missed it? Mark your calendar for the 2019 event, which will be taking place in Invermere in the East Kootenay. The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary vehicles to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region, complete with a guest speakers series, field tour, catered meals and more at no cost to attendees. 
Visit the Fall Gathering page for coverage of the 2018 event.

Faces & Places Monthly Feature
Tim Hicks
As the Senior Manager of Delivery of Benefits for the Columbia Basin Trust, Tim Hicks' focus includes ecosystem conservation and restoration, climate change, water stewardship, environmental education and supporting capacity building for non-organizations working on environmental well-being.

Fish & Wildlife Compensation Board
You're invited: Help the FWCP update its Action Plans
The Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) is updating its Action Plans, which guide close to $6 million each year toward fish and wildlife projects in the Columbia Region. The FWCP is hosting the following afternoon workshops and evening open houses: in Valemount - April 8, Golden - April 10, Revelstoke - April 11, Nakusp - April 16, Castlegar - April 17, Kaslo - April 18, Fernie - April 24, and Cranbrook - April 25. Two online information sessions will also be hosted on April 7 & 20 and there's an online feedback form.

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Preliminary list of approved Enhancement & Restoration projects available (see Kootenay Region)
A preliminary list of approved 2018-19 Enhancement & Restoration projects is now available. Projects included on this preliminary list have been approved in principle but may have reduced budgets or funding conditions. 
Click here to access the preliminary list.

Regional District of Central Kootenay
RDCK to purchase lands around Cottonwood Lake
On March 21, 2019, the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) approved the purchase of 21.6 hectares (ha) of private land around Cottonwood Lake that had been slated for logging by the private landowner. The purchase is being partially funded with a $200,000 grant from Columbia Basin Trust. The remaining funds will come from loan proceeds from a debenture loan with the Municipal Finance Authority.

Columbia Basin Trust
Projects Will Have Significant Positive Environmental Impacts
Five large-scale projects will be significantly improving ecosystem health in the Columbia Basin, bringing areas closer to their natural states and improving habitat for many species. The projects are being initiated and supported through Columbia Basin Trust's (the Trust) Ecosystem Enhancement Program.
The projects will take place around Kootenay Lake and the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench. They will enhance and restore areas of alpine, forest and wetland habitat.

Living Lakes Canada
Full STREAM ahead: eDNA in practice
Living Lakes Canada is collaborating with partners World Wildlife Fund, Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canad, and the University of Guelph to deliver STREAM (Sequencing the Rivers for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring) DNA, a new community-based project which involves the collection of eDNA from rivers across Canada. The STREAM project will focus on 5 priority watersheds for Year 1 including the Columbia Basin.

Government of B.C.
Species at Risk 2018 Public Engagement Summaries
From April through July 2018, British Columbians provided feedback to inform B.C.'s first standalone species-at-risk legislation. During the first week of March 2019, the B.C. Government's Species at Risk team published summaries of their 2018 engagement activities with stakeholders, citizens, and Indigenous nations. In the coming weeks, a discussion paper containing draft proposals on key themes will be released. This will be followed by more targeted engagements with Indigenous nations, stakeholders, and the public to discuss key themes heard to date, the opportunities and potential solutions around protecting species at risk. Government anticipates publishing a policy intentions paper for proposed species-at-risk legislation in fall 2019.

The KCP encourages partners to take advantage of our eNews - send your content to 

Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey
April 3, 10 & 16, Columbia Wetlands
Wildsight Golden is currently seeking citizen-scientists to survey for birds near Parson, Spillimacheen, Brisco, Radium, Wilmer, Windermere, Invermere and Columbia Lake. A major goal of the CWWS is to collect baseline data necessary for achieving Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) status for the Columbia Wetlands. A limited number of high quality optical gear sets can be lent to those in need. Free bird ID training is available to all participants. If you are interested in participating in the CWWS or have questions, please email or call the Wildsight Golden office at 250-344-5530.

Nelson Community Science Celebration
April 6, Nelson
This free community event will feature stage shows and activity stations by Science World and more importantly, local exhibitors such as yourselves doing science in so many different ways - an excellent opportunity to connect with families. For more info, visit There is still some room for a few exhibitors. If you are able to attend, please sign up by Tuesday April 2.

Big Game Symposium
April 13, Cranbrook
The Kootenay Wildlife Heritage Fund has organized a one-day Big Game Symposium with six professional presenters, each covering a different topic relating to the decline of big game populations in the Kootenay District and across British Columbia, particularly elk, moose, mountain sheep and deer. The event takes place April 13 at Key City Theatre in Cranbrook.

Critical Habitat Screening Workshop
April 17, Revelstoke
Habitat loss and modification are leading causes of population decline in many rare and endangered species. The federal Species At Risk Act (SARA) describes Critical Habitat (CH) as the habitat that is necessary for the survival or recovery of a listed wildlife species (schedule 1), and that is identified as the species' critical habitat in a recovery strategy or in an action plan for the species. Many projects now require screening for critical habitat (CH) as part of the impact assessment process. This workshop offered by the Columba Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology will provide tools and methods for screening for CH, including how to obtain CH mapping information; how to determine if one has the most current CH information for a given species; how Species at Risk (SAR) legislation is applied (for example, in the case of migratory birds that are also species at risk); and how to determine if a SAR permit is required. This workshop will also include an update of the proposed provincial BC Species at Risk legislation.

Golden Earth Day Event
April 22, Golden
Bring your favourite potluck dish to share, your own dishes, cutlery, mug & gloves. Wildsigt Golden will supply bags, hot and cold drinks, and wash water. Meet at 5 p.m. at Reflection Lake.

Columbia Basin Watershed Network Spring Member Meeting & AGM
April 27, Cranbrook
Registration is now open! Lorna Visser - Principal of Carmanah Strategies and fundraising expert - will share the principles of raising money in the charitable sector, ways to do fundraising smarter, be more targeted and efficient, and collaborate in coalitions. The meeting will also feature the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring & Data Hub initiative update, eDNA for water and AIS monitoring, member updates and more! Stay tuned for the meeting agenda.

EKISC Pesticide Applicator Course
April 29-May 2, College of the Rockies Cranbrook Campus
This course will prepare participants to write the provincial examination for the "Pesticide Applicator Certificate - Industrial Vegetation and Noxious Weeds" and "General Landscaping." Participants will spend 3 days reviewing key material in the Ministry of Environments Industrial Vegetation and Noxious weed Pesticide Applicators CORE manual, including current noxious weed and herbicide legislation, impacts, safety, mixing herbicide, calibrating equipment, troubleshooting, pest management, and labeling.

Wings over the Rockies Festival
May 6-12, Columbia Valley
Every year, the Wings Over the Rockies Festival is celebrated in the Upper Columbia Valley in early May. The 2019 event is planned around the theme: "Go ahead... Explore!" and offers over 100 events to choose from. The keynote speaker is Laval St. Germain, the only Canadian to have climbed Mount Everest without the use of supplemental oxygen, the only person to have climbed and skied Iraq's highest peak, and the holder of the fastest ever crossing of the North Atlantic Ocean by solo ocean row boat from mainland North America to mainland Europe. Registration starts on Monday, April 8 at 9 a.m.

Regulated Rivers II: Science, Restoration, and Management of Altered Riverine Environments
May 8-9, Nelson
Regulated waterways provide important services; nevertheless, the damming and regulation of rivers incurs ecological costs via the operation of reservoirs and alteration of downstream flows, combined with the often permanent loss of valley bottom habitat. An increase in smaller hydro-electric (i.e. run-of-river) projects has led to a spike in research around their unique impacts, and many of these projects are concluding their 5-10 year monitoring programs. Several multi-year studies on large reservoir systems (e.g., Arrow Lakes and Kinbasket) in the Columbia River basin are also now nearing completion and these results may play a role in determining future operational scenarios under the Columbia River Treaty. Despite their large footprints, considerable ecological function remains in these regulated systems. The wealth of research that continues to emerge increases our understanding of ecosystem processes within regulated rivers with the potential to mitigate footprint and operational impacts to plants, fish, and wildlife. Through a keynote address, 2 days of presentations, a poster session, and networking opportunities, this conference will provide a cutting-edge opportunity for scientists and managers to share results of recent research on regulated river environments, processes, and operations in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere.

EKISC 2019 Annual General Meeting & Speaker Forum
May 9, Cranbrook
The 2019 Annual General Meeting will take place at the Heritage Inn Hotel & Convention Centre in Cranbrook. This year's theme, "Research for the Future," invites guest speakers to speak on a wide-range of topics about up-to-date research and information in the invasive species in the RDEK. This is an excellent opportunity to learn the latest on how organizations fighting invasive species are succeeding and what their future plans are.
Click here to learn more and to register.

Creston Valley Bird Fest 2019
May 10-12, Creston
Explore the wonderful bird biodiversity of the Creston Valley. Besides guided birding tours and family friendly kayaking on the Kootenay River, events include night outings, art workshops and visits to local food producers. Keynote speaker Dr. David Bird will present on "Watching Birds Naked", a humourous but educational slide show on the sensory ecology of birds. Remove those beautiful coats of feathers and you'll discover that birds have some of the most incredible physical and physiological adaptations to keep them in tune with their environment and with each other. As an Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Dr. Bird has published close to 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers and supervised 50 graduate students on a wide range of wildlife themes, most recently the application of UAVs (drones) to wildlife research and conservation. Online registration and in-person registration at the College of the Rockies opens first week of April 2019.

Priority Invasive Plant Identification Course
May 21, Invermere
This professional level course offered by the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council identifies the top priority invasive plant species across the East Kootenay region. These species have known sites in the region with varying degrees of establishment. Proper identification of these species is critical to preventing new infestations. The course takes place at College of the Rockies - Invermere Campus from 1 to 5 p.m.

Invasive Plant Management Techniques
May 28, Cranbrook & May 30, Invermere
This introductory level course offered by the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council teaches proper management techniques for people who manage invasive plants at an operational level. The course takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at both locations.
Click here to register for May 28 and click here to register for May 30.

Strategic Approaches for Management Professionals
June 4, College of the Rockies Cranbrook Campus
An EKISC Professional level course designed for management professionals, land managers, and other interested individuals with management techniques relevant to industrial sites, roadsides, and lands used for producing crops. A great networking opportunity.
Click here to learn more and to register.

Meadowscaping Citizen Science Training Workshop - Save the Date!
June 8, Location TBD
Both meadow plant species and the native pollinators (bee, butterflies) of these wildflowers support are imperilled. Meadowscaping, the creation/enhancement of meadow habitat through a coordinated planting of native wildflower seeds, can result in direct and effective conservation benefits. In partnership with the Idaho Panhandle Bees to Bears Climate Adaptation Project (B2B) and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation (Y2Y) Initiative, and funding from Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund, Kootenay Native Plant Society (KNPS) is hosting a Meadowscaping Citizen Science Training Workshop during which participants will learn plant identification, seed collection methods, and the meadowscaping process. As part of this project, Kootenay Lake residents also can aid in the establishment of a regional Wildflower Seed Library and the enhancement or creation of new pollinator meadows. The workshop will run 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Bumble Bee Biodiversity, Ecology, and Identification
June 17-18, Revelstoke
British Columbia has around 36 bumble bee species and identification to species can be challenging. This Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology course will provide instruction on Bumble Bee (Bombus) taxonomy and identification and will be accomplished in a classroom setting through a combination of lectures, problem solving activities, and microscopy. The goal is to provide participants with the skills to conduct research, monitor, and assess these taxa. The instructor is 
Lincoln Best who is the lead taxonomist for the Oregon Bee Project and Atlas at Oregon State University, Corvallis in partnership with the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

The 6th International Columbia River Transboundary Conference
September 12-14, Kimberley
Online registration is open for the Columbia Basin Transboundary Conference: One River, One Future, an international conference addressing key issues related to the future of the Columbia River, its ecosystem, management, and international implications. Join Columbia Basin Trust and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council from September 12 to 14, 2019 in Kimberley, B.C. to connect and collaborate on the future of the Columbia River.

2019 Inquiring Voices Environmental Education Gathering
September 20-22, Whatshan Lake Retreat (near Nakusp, West Kootenay)
CBEEN's 2019 Inquiring Voices Environmental Education Gathering will take place at Whatshan Lake Retreat near Edgewood (south of Nakusp) from September 20-22, 2019. The goal of this annual event is to bring together educators to form a rich learning community meet to share, support, and collaborate with one another. These retreats are a great opportunity to network, share resources and stories, inspire one another and have fun through dialogue and activity.

2019 KCP Fall Gathering - Save the Date!
October 4-5, Invermere
The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary vehicles to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region, complete with a guest speakers series, field tour, catered meals and more at no cost to attendees. 

Canada Nature Fund: Community-Nominated Priority Places for Species at Risk
Deadline: April 26
Canada Nature Fund: Community-Nominated Priority Places (CNPP) for Species at Risk is a 4-year (2019 to 2020 through 2022 to 2023) $15.6 million funding initiative administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). CNPP is seeking joint proposals (lead applicant plus one or more partners) that: identify defined priority places where there are opportunities to protect and recover multiple terrestrial species at risk listed under the Species at Risk Act and their habitat; and implement coordinated, multi-partner conservation actions in these identified priority places. Projects should result in a high return on investment and benefits to multiple species.

Columbia Basin Trust Environment Small Grants
Deadline: April 30
If you have an idea that will strengthen environmental well-being, and your project requires $5,000 or less, you can apply for a Environment Small Grant. Eligible applicants include registered non-profits, public organizations, municipalities, regional districts and Indigenous organizations. Businesses may be considered depending on the project and its broad community impact. There are multiple intake dates throughout the year. The next deadline is April 30, 2019 at 2 P.M. PT / 3 P.M. MT.

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation PCAF Grants
Deadline: May 16
The Public Conservation Assistance Fund provides small grants to organizations and individuals who need financial help to implement a conservation project. Since 1974, the Province of BC and the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation provide approximately $150,000 each year to help implement on-the-ground conservation work, with a particular focus on hands-on, community-based, and public awareness initiatives.

Columbia Basin Trust Career Internship Program
Deadline: First-come, first-served basis
CBT's new Career Internship Program provides wage funding for employers to hire college and university graduates in permanent, career-focused positions. Eligible employers are businesses, registered non-profits, municipalities, regional districts and Indigenous organizations within the Columbia Basin Trust region that have a demonstrated fiscal and organizational need for an intern and wage funding. The funding is up to 50 per cent of the new employee's wage over the first seven to 12 months, to a maximum of $25,000. The intern position must include a training plan that provides structured learning to the new employee and transitions to full-time, permanent employment at the end of the internship.

Vancouver Foundation Systems Change Grants - Develop Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Systems Change Grants support projects that take action to address the root causes of pressing social, environmental or cultural issues by influencing the behaviours of populations, organizations, and institutions. Short-term grants (Develop grants) are a one-time application that can be submitted any time throughout the year and decisions are made the following month. The next granting cycle for multi-year grants (Test and Scale grants) opens January 2, 2019. 

Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Delivered for the Columbia Basin Trust by the Kootenay Livestock Association, the Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program supports efforts to maintain and/or enhance grassland resources while meeting conservation, environmental and recreational objectives. Objectives include promoting the stewardship of the grassland resource, striving to maintain and enhance biodiversity and long-term fish and wildlife productivity in public grassland ecosystems and improving compatibility between livestock management and recreation use.

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Community Engagement Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
The goal of the Community Engagement Grant is to provide an opportunity for FWCP stakeholders (e.g. environmental groups, rod and gun clubs, non-profits, stewardship organizations, government, and First Nations), to apply for small amounts of funding to support their conservation and enhancement work. 

Regional District of Central Kootenay
Climate Action - Intern (Creston or Nelson)
The RDCK is seeking applications for a seasonal, full time Climate Action Intern to work in Creston or Nelson. Reporting to the Sustainability Coordinator, the Climate Action (CA) Intern will identify, report on and develop internal monitoring systems for the RDCK's climate adaptation indicators. 
This is an ideal summer position for postsecondary students studying Environmental Science, Solid Waste Management, Business and other environmental, policy or public education driven fields. 
Deadline to apply is April 1 at 11:59 p.m. PST.

British Columbia Conservation Foundation
WildSafeBC Community Coordinator (multiple locations, seasonal)
The WildSafeBC Community Coordinator position is more than just a job; it is a unique opportunity to make a real difference in reducing human-wildlife conflicts where you live. This position requires maturity, self-reliance and the ability to work alone for long periods of time with minimal supervision. Professionalism, commitment and good communication skills are also essential. Positions are available in the Columbia Basin in Castlegar, Kaslo, New Denver, Rossland/Trail and the Selkirk Purcells (Creston/Salmo). Deadline to apply is April 8.
Click here to access all the postings.

Ktunaxa Nation Council
Guardianship Team Lead - Lands & Resources Sector
The Guardian team seeks net positive benefits in ecological and environmental integrity through stewardship of lands, addressing applications for land use activity and ensuring meaningful engagement occurs with other governments and industry. This position provides overall leadership, project and program coordination, financial and human resource oversight. Deadline to apply is April 8.

Operations Manager - Kimberley
Wildsight is looking for a creative, collaborative and passionate Operations Manager. The Operations Manager will have wide ranging responsibilities including administrative functions, strategic planning, meeting coordination and facilitation, grant administration and management duties.  The Operations Manager is a member of the Management Team that oversees Wildsight's work and will work closely with all staff and contractors to carry out his/her duties. Deadline to apply is April 10.

Nature Conservancy of Canada
Director of Science and Stewardship - Invermere, British Columbia
The Director leads the development of the Nature Conservancy of Canada's conservation efforts in British Columbia through the planning, coordination and management of science and stewardship initiatives on existing and potential NCC conservation lands. This is a leadership position requiring a dynamic, flexible, self-motivated individual with team skills and a dedication to protecting and conserving the lands and waters, species and ecosystem services within British Columbia. Deadline to apply is April 12.

Wildsight Golden
Invasive Plant Program Coordinator
Do you love physical outdoor work, have a passion for the environment and have good communication skills? Wildsight Golden is seeking one qualified person to coordinate 'Golden's Community Invasive Plant Program' and to develop and deliver public education on invasive plants. Deadline to apply is April 12.

Grasslands Conservation Council of British Columbia 
Board of Directors and Officers Wanted - Call for Expressions of Interest
The Grasslands Conservation Council of British Columbia is seeking expressions of interest to fill 2 Director (2 year term) positions on their eleven member Board, from which they will elect two Board members to fill two Officer positions up for election this year: Chair (2 year term); Treasurer (2 year term). The primary qualities are a passion for BC's grasslands and the willingness to actively work on the Board and GCC projects. Time commitment expectations are in the order of 2 to 3 days per month. Candidates from throughout BC's grasslands regions who bring expertise in financial administration, fundraising, and public communications are invited to apply.  Completed expressions of interest must be received by April 15, 2019 by email with the Subject line: Board Recruitment. If you have questions about the positions or the duties required, please contact the Board Chair, Mark Hornell  at or the Recruitment Committee Chair, Peter Jones at 778-980-5424 or
Submit your Expression of Interest to

The Nature Trust of BC
Director of Conservation Land Management
NTBC seeks an enthusiastic and motivated conservation professional to be Director of Conservation Land Management. This senior position offers the successful candidate the opportunity to lead The Nature Trust of British Columbia's Conservation Land Management team, identify innovative conservation stewardship opportunities using science-based approaches and best management practices, and implement NTBC's landscape-scale conservation efforts on NTBC holdings across the province to ensure ecosystem resiliency. The position is based in Vancouver. Deadline to apply is April 15. This is a re-posting; previous applicants need not re-apply.

Lake Windermere Ambassadors
Water Stewardship Intern (student)
The Water Stewardship Assistant will be an outgoing, adventurous student who is passionate about the environment and is looking forward to a summer spent working outdoors. The main roles are to provide support to LWA water quality monitoring program and offer public stewardship education about Lake Windermere and the Columbia River Basin. The ideal candidate will enjoy working within the community and will have a strong interest in water resources and the environment. Deadline apply is April 18.

West Kootenay EcoSociety
Communications Coordinator
Working with our staff and volunteers, West Kootenay EcoSociety's Communications Coordinator will develop and implement communications strategies to reach more people for the West Kootenay EcoSociety's campaigns and projects, build our donors, and mobilize supporters to take action on the big climate, conservation and food issues in the West Kootenays.  Interviews will be done on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is found.

Invasive Species Council of BC
Multiple positions, based anywhere in B.C.
ISCBC is offering a wide range of employment opportunities for people who are passionate about making a difference to BC's outdoors. Many of the positions are flexible, based anywhere in B.C. and will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

East Kootenay Invasive Species Council
Pesticide Applicator Job Opportunities
EKISC aims to increase the number of experienced, licensed Pesticide Applicators in the East Kootenay region. If you are currently licensed and would like more information about contract opportunities, please contact Katie Reid, EKISC's Field Operations Manager, at for more details. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an invasive plant management practitioner, join EKISC for their annual spring weed management workshops. For information about the provincial Pesticide Applicator's Certificate, visit the  Ministry of Environment website

Kootenay Conservation Program
Conservation Resources for our Region
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) helps partners to coordinate and facilitate conservation efforts on private land, and in an effort to support this, KCP has developed a webpage that compiles some of the best conservation and stewardship resources available for our region. 

Securing Private Land for Conservation in the Kootenays
FAQ document available online
KCP has prepared a Frequently Asked Questions document to provide an overview of conservation securement in  the Kootenays. This is a living document that may be updated regularly to reflect the evolving and variable securement process. 
Click here for the online PDF.

Real Estate Foundation of BC
Opinion Poll: BC Views on Land Use, Sustainability, and Rural Planning
Through a public opinion survey, the Real Estate Foundation of BC (REFBC) found that British Columbians value nature and the environment, desire a sustainable economic future, and support stiff penalties for people and organizations who pollute land and water.
Click here for a summary and to download the full report.
Association of State Wetland Managers
ASWM-NRCS Wetland Training Webinar Series
This webinar series has been designed to provide participants with a general level of knowledge about wetlands and wetland restoration options and considerations. Participants will come away from trainings with key knowledge, the ability to be more conversant about wetland issues, knowing what questions to ask when looking at restoration opportunities, and knowing when to contact or bring in an expert.


If you have news or announcements that you would like to share via our eNews, please email them to by the 25th of each month.