KCL Insights
July 14, 2016
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KCL Client is Entitled to Termination of His Alimony Obligation Under Alimony Reform Law of 2011

KCL attorneys  E. Steven Coren and  Mary Beth Ayvazian  successfully argued that KCL's client was entitled to termination of his alimony obligation after paying 19 years of alimony under the new Alimony Reform Act. The case was heard and decided in the Worcester Probate and Family Court under G.L. c. 208, §§ 48 and 49. The Court fully adopted KCL's argument in its Order.
Under the Alimony Reform Act, "if the length of marriage is 20 years or less, but more than 15 years, general term alimony shall continue for not longer than 80 per cent of the number of months of the marriage." The original divorce action determined the length of marriage to be 18 years. In order to warrant a deviation from this rule, the defendant had to show clear and convincing evidence to support any deviation based on a material, substantial and unforeseeable change of circumstances. The Court ruled that the defendant failed to justify any deviation.


Understanding the Implications of Signing a Separation Agreement
Recently, I noticed a common theme while meeting with clients that wish to modify their Separation Agreements and it dawned on me that too often I hear, "What did I sign"?  It is not uncommon for one spouse to be represented by an attorney and the other spouse to try to go it alone in order to preserve marital assets.  While this is not a bad idea, a simple consultation with an attorney will allow you to fully understand what you are signing and the implications the agreement will have on the entire family moving forward.


781-997-1600  |  kcl-law.com

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