Sales is the transfer of belief from seller to buyer; when the transfer is complete, the sale is made, and the business relationship begins. (Tweet that J)
In selling radio advertising there have always been distractions. Shiny new “things” that grab the attention of our clients and prospects. One of the positives that has come out of COVID-19 is the amount of research that has been conducted on media consumption, reach, and engagement. (See Radio wins, again, as it has consistently for years. At the same time, everywhere sellers turn there is an attack on their belief in radio.
The number one thing that a radio seller must possess to be successful is belief. Do they truly believe in what they are selling? I dare argue that belief is beyond even skill and intellect. This week I had the opportunity to coach a seller from Calgary, Alberta Canada. She was sharing how she lost a sale to a company that was going to start up their advertising again as things move forward and the client chose Adwords instead of her proposal. In theory, Adwords could substantiate the value for the client, and she had nothing similar to prove the effectiveness of radio. (“Except the last hundred years or so of clients having success,” was my thought). It was clear that she needed an infusion of belief in the product she was selling.
If you’re a sales manager, the best gift you can give to your sellers is building their belief in the effectiveness and power of advertising and marketing radio as a medium and its effectiveness as an ROI-generating advertising strategy as part of an integrated, multi-platform plan. Each week in your sales meetings you could be sharing research, sharing success stories of current clients. The media attention trying to shake seller belief is fierce. It’s our job to push back with facts, figures, stories, and case studies. Facts, figures, and case studies help you build the stories that build belief for sellers and clients.
Your belief in radio will be transferred to your sellers; your sellers’ belief will be transferred to clients, and we will continue to have a measurable, sustainable impact on the bottom line of our customers everywhere.
Are you a believer? Visit and go to the “Radio Facts” tab. You could literally spend all day in that one section of the website building belief. A good story requires good content. At you will find more than enough ways to help build your belief and the belief of your sellers.
It all starts with belief. Are you a believer?