February 2024

You're Invited:


Lent started with Ash Wednesday this week, and MSJC's Issue and Project Teams have been hard at work putting together a Lenten Justice Journey for our Marianist Family, supporters, and friends. Lent is a time of reflection and preparation. Many of us learned to "give something up" as part of our Lenten spiritual practice, being careful not to make this sacrifice one of only discipline or self-improvement. We here at MSJC want to ask--what can you DO, instead of give up, during Lent this year to positively impact our world?

Our MSJC Lenten Justice Journey is a valuable tool one can use to lean into difficult questions, to take time for reflection, and to DO something (or a few things!) that embodies the meaning of Lent. Use the calendar below to sign up for events, read reflections, find resources, and participate in an action challenge for the 2024 Lenten season. Challenge yourself to commit to at least one thing per week!

Click the calendar image above and you will be brought to a larger PDF image, which you can download and save on your computer for the next few weeks. Anything underlined on the calendar is a live link--either to a reflection, resource, or event registration page. CHECK IT OUT!

P.S. If you are on our database, GivePulse, we will send out a quick weekly reminder communication on each Monday of Lent with the engagement opportunities for that specific week. If you want to be a part of our community there, you can sign up below!

Join MSJC's GivePulse Community




Lenten Antiracist Program

Facilitated by the Adele Social Justice Project (ASJP) and Racial Justice Volunteer Teams

What: All are welcome to this collaborative multi-week guided reflection and education series using the stages of confession as a pathway to becoming antiracist. The program will consist of google classroom discussion boards, various resources from antiracist and Catholic scholars, and 4 virtual zoom gatherings to connect with others who are in the program and doing the work.

When: This program will go from February 19 - April 8 and participants can join at any stage. The 4 one-hour gathering times, meeting at 8pm ET | 7pm CT | 6pm MT | 5pm PT, will be on the following Monday evenings: 

  • February 19 (Introduction to the Program)
  • March 4 (Contrition/Confession)
  • March 18 (Satisfaction/Absolution)
  • April 8 (Wrap Up & Outro)
Join Us for this Lenten Antiracist Program!

Facilitating Difficult Conversations Training Event

Hosted by the Racial Justice Issue Team

When: Thursday, February 22 at 7:30 PM ET | 6:30 PM CT | 5: 30 PM MT | 4:30 PM PT | 2:30 PM HT

What: Are you interested in becoming a better facilitator to people of all backgrounds? Do you want to learn how to navigate and lead discussions around difficult topics? Join MSJC's Racial Justice Team at our Facilitating Difficult Conversations Virtual Training! The team has put together a guide for anyone who will be leading a discussion about the topic of racism, or any other group dialogue about sensitive topics. The resource is meant to accompany training which we are offering here. This training is open to all MSJC volunteers, or folks in the Marianist Family, who want to become better facilitators and take anti-racist practices into their programmatic work. 

Register for the Feb 22nd Facilitating Difficult Convos Event

Open Wide the Unlocked Door Panel Discussion - A Conversation about Women & the Diaconate

Facilitated by the Women & Justice Issue Team

When: Thursday, March 14 at 7pm ET | 6pm CT | 5pm MT | 4pm PT | 2pm HT

What: Did you know that there is an active discernment in our Church about giving official recognition to the diaconal ministry exercised by women? Did you know that there is a history of women deacons in our Church? Did you know that women in our Church are already doing the work of deacons? Join us for a virtual panel discussion to discuss these topics and more! There will be time to hear from experts and plenty of opportunity for audience participation - Q&A session and discussion to follow the panel.  

Register for the March 14th Women & Justice Event

Stations of the Cross Event

Hosted by the LGBTQ+ Initiative Team

When: Monday, March 25 at 8pm ET | 7pm CT | 6pm MT | 5pm PT | 2pm HT

What: MSJC's LGBTQ+ Initiative Team is leading a Stations of the Cross experience during Holy Week for anyone interested. Join us to pray, reflect and meditate of each of the 14 stations. 

Sign Up for our Stations of the Cross Event


LGBTQ+ Initiative Team Member Lenten Reflection

Friday, February 23: Read this beautiful reflection by Beth Garascia.

Love, Stardust, and Conversion this Lent 

Death Penalty Abolition and Restorative Justice Team Member Lenten Reflection

Friday, March 8: Read this thoughtful reflection written by Sr. Grace Walle, FMI.

What We Do for the Least of These 


A Lenten Journey with Immigrants and Refugees - A Weekly Reflection and Action Resource

Created by our Immigrant Justice Issue Team

This resource provides weekly reflections which can be used by individuals or shared with faith communities and used collectively. It is a way, during this season of Lent, for us to unite ourselves with the struggles and difficulties refugees and immigrants face daily. If you would like to receive weekly reminders of these reflections please sign up here to join the team's monthly Immigration & Refugee Update mailing list. Here is a list of additional resources for you to check out as well.

A Lenten Journey with Immigrants and Refugees


Marianist Meatless Mondays

Created by MSJC's Integral Ecology Issue Team

Want to have an impact on climate change? Here is an easy way to make a big difference. We invite you, and our entire Marianist Family, to commit to not eating meat one day a week!

All food production requires fertilizers, land, machinery, and transportation, but meat demands more of these resources than crops do. In addition, cows and sheep directly release methane, a greenhouse gas, as they digest their food. Consider that over half of the CO2 emissions from the average American diet are a result of eating meat—and 45% come from beef alone. Going vegetarian for a year would save the average American over one metric ton of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of driving 2475 fewer miles. So, one day a week for a year for 1000 Marianists would save about 350,000 miles of driving! Wow!

In launching the Laudato Si’ Action Platform in 2021, Pope Francis said: “I therefore renew my appeal: let us take care of our mother Earth ... let us overcome the temptation of selfishness that makes us predators of resources, let us cultivate respect for the gifts of the Earth and creation, let us inaugurate a lifestyle and a society that is finally eco-sustainable.” Our Marianist Family Encounters Project Goals invite all of us to do something! Marianist Meatless Mondays is a response to those appeals, combining care for the Earth with a simple sustainable lifestyle and concern for others. In this way, Marianist Meatless Mondays is aligned with Marianist spirituality, with Mary’s care for others at Cana and the virtues Blessed Chaminade encouraged to promote a lifestyle of trust and empathy that supports community living.

To help you get started, here is a recipe for this upcoming Monday that is both meatless and delicious. A special recipe is linked on the MSJC Lenten calendar for each Monday of Lent as well. Throughout 2024, we plan to share more recipes, more background information on the importance and benefits of this practice, and how to share your recipes and successes.

Convinced? Join us in this impactful practice by signing up below. Your sign up will allow us to gauge mutual support for this project and monitor our collective impact!

Sign Up for Marianist Meatless Mondays!
Questions, comments, or feedback for Justice Jottings can be sent to us at info@marianistsjc.net.