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INSIDE: Improving youth justice; Trends in juvenile justice data; Centering equity in behavioral health; and more. 

June 26, 2024 | Edited by Peter Tomao


Improving Youth and Justice Outcomes

Youth across the country are facing unprecedented challenges, from community violence to mental health issues and school absences. But we need to strengthen our juvenile justice and other youth/family service systems and community providers to support them effectively. During this week, we’re highlighting “Improving Youth Justice & Outcomes” and including resources to help policymakers and stakeholders analyze youth justice data, reevaluate state policies, and develop evidence-based solutions for better public safety and youth outcomes. 

Latest Data Trends in Juvenile Justice

This analysis provides a detailed examination of the most recent data available on youth behavioral health, arrests, court cases, incarceration, and racial disparities. Explore key national data trends to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing youth in our justice system. This project provides the data and insights policymakers need to shape effective strategies.

Why Harsh Punishments Do Not Work with Youth

Data shows that two-thirds of states allow youth who commit noncriminal offenses like truancy to be held in police custody. Most states still use police contact and court involvement for these youth and children as young as 10 years old. Explore how many state policies are confusing, inconsistent, and insufficient to improve youth outcomes and learn about better alternatives. 

Probation's Impact on Youth: A New Resource

In The Pew Charitable Trusts’ latest brief, From First Offense to Future Arrests: The Impact of Probation on Youth, our research shows that youth on probation after their first offense are more likely to be rearrested. Learn how diverting youth from probation can improve justice system efficiency and public safety. 


New Report Calls for Brain Injury Screening in Justice Settings

The latest Mind Matters: Building a Justice System That Is Inclusive and Responsive to Brain Injury report sheds light on the prevalence of undiagnosed brain injuries within the justice system. It presents recommendations for effective training, screening, responsive care, and other critical elements in improving outcomes for people with brain injury. The report calls on criminal justice agencies to implement change and pave the way for a more inclusive justice system.


Safety and Justice Challenge Offers Roadmap for Centering Equity in Behavioral Health

The CSG Justice Center has released a guide outlining how counties and cities can center equity in criminal justice-behavioral health initiatives. This tool applies an equity framework to key phases of program design, emphasizing key questions communities should be asking and offering practical strategies from sites participating in the Safety and Justice Challenge, a network of 57 jurisdictions across the country committed to tackling America’s jailing crisis. Learn about how localities from Missouri to South Dakota have used thoughtful program design to address disparities and reduce the overincarceration of people with behavioral health needs.


June 27: Nine Years of Stepping Up

Celebrating Stepping Up’s ninth anniversary, this webinar will reflect on the initiative’s progress in addressing the overincarceration of people with mental illness and improving connections to treatment and services in counties across the country. Partners will preview what lies ahead for the initiative so counties can continue advancing their goals for improved justice system and behavioral health outcomes regardless of where they are in their Stepping Up efforts. Click here to register!

June 27, 2024

12:00–1:30 p.m. ET

July 29: Navigating Concerns on Youth Crime, Violence, and Behavioral Health: What Does the Data Say?

Youth nationwide face rising mental health issues, absenteeism, community violence, and victimization. Join us for a webinar aimed at refocusing the juvenile justice system to prioritize serious offenses, optimizing resource allocation for public safety, and developing state plans to support vulnerable youth. Click here to register!  

July 29, 2024 

12:00–1:00 p.m. ET


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