A Note from Scott and Marsha
January 21, 2021
I love this time of year. While we have experienced more rain than normal and grayer days than we like, winter is our time to refocus, set new goals and take a deep breath. When spring arrives, we hit the ground running for what seems like an eternity. In reality, it is a fast, insanely busy 10 weeks. Now, 2020 was a bit different and the entire spring rolled into summer and then fall. We weren't sure what to make of that, but it's a new year so let's be optimistic, ok?  

As we prep for spring, we always have some of our largest orders of hardgoods arrive. I placed the pottery order prior to Mariah's arrival so I delicately tried to share with her the order (Mariah is our relatively new Pottery Sales Department Lead). At the time I placed it, I didn't think much of it. I looked at it and I thought, "Well, that should cover it. (I think.)" And on to the next thing I went.  

The vendor called and let us know the semi was coming Monday morning. Of course. Monday. And then I find out it was 20 pallets. 20? Dear God. Shoot me now. Mariah, and every garden center team member, is going to kill me.  

Fast forward and I'm blinking. They unloaded the truck in half the time that I thought it would take. And they have moved pottery into place like little tasmanian devils! What the heck?! The funniest part of the story ties in with unloading.  

Julia is all of maybe 5' 2" , if that, on her tippy toes and as fiery as I am. One set of pottery was double stacked and the largest set we ordered. It looked like it might have been as tall as her and she could easily hide in it. BUT she thought she could pull it down. Aurora was telling me this story and all I could say was, "It would flatten her like a pancake!"  

Aurora, one of the chillest and most reasonable team members, pushes Julia's pause button. (Yes, some of us have pause buttons.)  Phew. These girls go get the skid steer and line the bucket up level with the top stack. Then , they scootched the pieces into the bucket and brought them down to the ground safe and sound.  BOOM.  

I seriously can't brag enough about all of them. When you visit the garden center, you don't even realize the legends that are walking among you. LEGENDS, I tell you. Legends.  

It was cookies for everyone and we will see if they read my story today because tomorrow, I'm throwing them a pizza party for lunch for finishing pottery in record time. They have certainly earned the calories!  Y'all - don't pack your lunch!

Come one, come all. We have pottery out the kazoo. We need your trunks people! Get here and get here now for the best selection. Counting down to spring with love for you.  
Garden Center Features
Calathea are beautiful houseplants that amaze you with their leaves which appear to be painted. They love humidity and prefer medium light. We love that they are pet-friendly and the many varieties you can collect.
Edgeworthia, also known as Paper Bush, produces highly fragrant blooms in the deep of winter. They are deciduous, so the winter blooms on the branches make these shrubs extra special. Plant them in a shady spot for best success.
We love flowers any time, but there is something amazing about a gorgeous bloom in winter. Hellebore blooms vary from pale green to pink to varieties like this 'Wedding Party Confetti Cake'. Hellebores prefer shade to part-sun (think morning sun).
Let Our Crews Exceed Your Expectations
Our lawn maintenance services go above and beyond. From the first time you speak with our team, you will notice the FGS difference. We prioritize communication with our clients, and weather permitting, you will see us on the same day around the same time every week. Plus, we don't just mow, blow and go. There are many services we offer that will keep your lawn and landscape beautiful and well-cared for.

Contact us today to schedule a free estimate. We can't wait to exceed your expectations.
Succulent Class
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your partner or best friend by taking part in our Succulent Class! Price includes: beautiful planter, succulents, supplies and one drink. The bar will be open for additional purchases. Space is limited--only 9 spots available per class--since this class will be held indoors. So don't delay! Click the day and time above to register.
Presenter: Aurora, Plant Coach
Class Fee: $45

Happy, Healthy Houseplants – Level 2
Saturday, February 20, 10am-11am (ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT!!)
Saturday, February 20, 2pm-3pm (ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT!!)
So your houseplants are doing well and you are ready to take your new hobby (or obsession) to the next level! This class will address both the environmental and cultural needs of houseplants. Horticultural practices will be discussed so you can better choose plants to fit your lifestyle. We will also review potting options and how to spot and fix common problems. Be sure to bring your questions and concerns! Space is limited--only 9 spots available per class--since this class will be held indoors. So don't delay! Click the day and time above to register.
Class fee: $10
Will You Leave us a Review?
If you love us as much as we love you, could you take the time to leave us a review? We would really appreciate it. If you can't leave us a great review, please let us know why. We love your feedback! We have included links above to make it as easy for you as possible. THANK YOU!
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We post daily to Instagram @fgsdurham (Garden Center) and @fgslandscapes (Landscape and Lawn Maintenance) and Facebook to keep you up to speed with the latest information about what we are up to, what's in stock, or all the fun we're having!
For Garden's Sake | 919.484.9759| www.fgsdurham.com