Just In! for August 26, 2023

The weekly newsletter of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO)

Just In! is NY-GEO's weekly news feed for members. See more information on memberships here. If we send you a complimentary copy and you're not a member of NY-GEO, it means we value your role in the transition to renewable heating, but without a membership, please don't count on getting Just In! weekly. For past issues, check out the Just In! Archive available on the NY-GEO.org website.

Industry Updates:

Ciovacco from NY-GEO Board Joins IRA Meetings in D.C. - On July 26th and 27th, US based manufacturers of geothermal heat pumps (GHP) met with US Congress members and their staffs to push for clarifications regarding the incentives for GHP offered through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). John Ciovacco, NY-GEO board member and President of Aztech Geothermal, took part in the trip, which was organized by GeoExchange’s Ryan Dougherty and the lobby firm Invariant.  Three teams were assembled consisting of the leaders from WaterFurnace, the Climate Control Group (Including ClimateMaster) and Enertech with the additional support of compressor manufacturer, Copeland.  Specifically, these teams were asking for Congress to urge the US Treasury to:

  • issue guidance allowing Third Party Ownership under the commercial tax credit,
  • provide clarifications on the 1MW threshold for prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements, and
  • adopt an achievable standard for US manufacturers to access the Domestic Content 10% adder.

Collectively, the three teams met with nearly 60 legislators or their key staff !

Bottom Left: Ryan Dougherty (GeoExchange), John Ciovacco (Aztech Geothermal), Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY), Jennifer Butsch (Copeland), Titian Burris (ClimateMaster),  Top Left: With Rep. Nikki Budzinski (D-IL),  Top Right: With Rep. Joseph Morelle (D-NY),  Bottom Right: With Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO)


Con Edison Posts Details on Price Guarantee for Geo-Friendly Electric Rate – “The first 500 customers to sign up for the Select Pricing Plan will also receive a one-year price guarantee. At the end of 12 months, we’ll compare your bills on the Plan with what you would have paid on your prior rate. If your bills were higher on the Plan, we’ll apply a credit to your account in the amount of the difference, so you won’t pay more than what you would have paid on your old rate.”  Note – this rate applies to current customers, not just new ones. The price guarantee is a great chance for geothermal installers to give all their residential customers in Con Edison’s service area a risk-free opportunity to try this rate, which is providing substantial savings for current enrolled geothermal homeowners over basic Con Edison rates. Select pricing website here.


200+ Organizations, Urge Governor Hochul to Fully Support the NY HEAT Act – On August 23rd, Renewable Heat Now delivered a letter signed by 200+ organizations, including NY-GEO, representing tens of thousands of New Yorkers from every region of the state, urging Governor Hochul to “fully support the NY HEAT Act by including all of its provisions in your upcoming Executive Budget. The NY HEAT Act aligns the Public Service Law with the 2019 Climate Act so that instead of compelling ratepayers to continue to invest in new gas distribution infrastructure, we can invest in the efficient and clean electric home energy solutions called for in the Climate Action Plan.  The obligation to serve and the 100-foot rule are obstacles to progress in the energy transition… Any further delay in passing the NY HEAT Act puts us further behind in realistically achieving meaningful emissions reductions in the building sector. The NY HEAT Act also contains an energy affordability guarantee, capping utility bills at 6% of income for low and moderate income households. Without this provision, the planned energy transition risks falling on the shoulders of those most harmed by our extractive energy system and least able to pay.” Full text of the letter with list of signers here

Residential U.S. Heat Pump Market Update – Zachary Strauss – Building Hub – “Despite lagging rates of residential electrification, the national heat pump market share has continued to grow over the past fifteen years, however slightly. According to Buildings Hub, from 2005 to 2020, the share of U.S. households that primarily use heat pumps for space heating jumped from 8 percent to 14 percent, an increase of six percentage points (Figure 3). In terms of total deployments, the number of U.S. households with primary heat pumps grew from 9.1 million to 17.2 million between 2005 and 2020. The vast majority (80 percent) of those 17.2 million households are in the U.S. South, with 14 percent residing in the West and the remaining six percent in either the Midwest or Northeast.”   The three graphics below provide interesting looks at the data.  Article link here

NY HEAT Ice Cream Tour Continues – Gothamist – “There was a peculiar sight in front of Brooklyn Borough Hall at high noon on Wednesday, and it’s one New Yorkers might spot across the city over the coming weeks: a 10-foot sign on the back of a white pickup, advertising free ice cream and the NY HEAT Act — a state bill designed to phase out natural gas infrastructure and put a lid on rising energy costs. Deputy Borough President Kim Council distributed popsicles and ice cream bars at what was the first stop of a monthlong citywide tour to rally public support for the legislation…On its first day, organizers purchased a total of 400 ice cream treats distributed over four stops in Brooklyn, including Sunset Park and Greenpoint.” Article link here,

$ to Support Decarbonization - Under the IRA, the EPA has a $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) available to non-profit lenders and available through a competitive award program.  The GGRF $ are expected to be available next summer for the following purposes:

  • Significantly reduce greenhouse gas
  • Prioritize investment in low income and disadvantaged communities
  • Animate the transformation of the capital markets to adapt carbon reduction in the work that they do

NY state-based Community Preservation Corporation (CPC) is part of Climate United, a coalition of three non-profit lenders applying for the funds. CPC’s role in the coalition is to finance electrification and efficiency in buildings to meet EPA defined net zero emissions standards.  CPC’s subordinate debt will be extremely low cost and long term. Climate United website here.

NY Renews Posts Toolkit for Comments to Help Shape NYs Cap & Invest Program – NY’s Cap & Invest program is a key measure for sending the right price signals to help New Yorkers be part of decarbonizing our economy and meeting climate goals. The State is currently taking public input on the program and NY Renews has set up an easy to use website to help New Yorkers comment on the program and steer it in the right direction. Toolkit link here.

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Progress Report on NYS Retirement Fund Climate Action Plan – “My third annual Climate Action Plan Progress Report outlines the Common Retirement Fund's ongoing efforts to address climate risks and opportunities across the Fund’s diversified portfolio and to reach the targets we have laid out, including achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.” Report link here

Fires At Three Grid Battery Storage Facilities In NY – Julian Spector – Canary Media – There were no injuries from the fires; however, the fires present a challenge to Governor Hochul’s goal of increasing NY’s battery storage capacity from about 300 MW today to 6,000 MW in 2030. The sources of the fires have not been identified. At each site, the same business entity did not supply, install, and operate the batteries, which complicates the investigations. Article link here.

Contractor's Corner:

10 Key Contractor Takeaways from DOE’s New IRA Rebate Guidelines – Bethany Violette – Energy Circle – “Learn what was included in the 100-page IRA guidelines about the HOMES and HEEHRA rebate programs and how it impacts your contracting business.” Article link here.

HVAC Refrigerant Regulatory Changes – Copeland - ACHR News - "The HVAC industry is preparing for the next round of refrigerant and efficiency regulations for air conditioning and heat pumps.  Although the industry has a significant amount of experience in increasing efficiency and transitioning to new refrigerants, the timing and uncertainty have made this regulatory cycle more complex." Article link here.

NYSERDA Seeks Residential Energy Services Suppliers – “NYSERDA has released Request for Qualifications (RFQL) to establish a diverse pool of skilled vendors and contractors specializing in residential energy efficiency and clean energy services, including:

  • Market Development and Implementation Services
  • Residential Services Providers
  • Technical Support, Analysis, and Tool Development
  • Housing and Policy Expertise

Selected proposals will lead to a no-cost umbrella agreement with NYSERDA. While not tied to a specific program, participation in the RFQL 4902 contractor pool offers a streamlined pathway to future residential projects with NYSERDA. Task Work Orders, along with funding, will be assigned through mini-bids or direct Task Work Orders.”  Request for Qualifications (RFQL) 4902 here.



Refrigerant Transition Quiz – Copeland – ACHR News - How knowledgeable are you about the coming transition away from refrigerants with a high greenhouse gas impact? Test yourself by taking this quiz.

Climate Updates:

Richest Households Are Responsible for 40 Percent of US Climate Emissions - Zach Burdyk - The Hill - A new peer-reviewed study sheds new light on the role wealth plays in driving climate change.  The study, led by the University of Massachusetts, revealed that the wealthiest tenth of U.S. households were responsible for 40 percent of the nation’s total greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2019.  It also found that the wealth-emissions gap has only grown, with emissions for the bottom 90 percent of households falling during that time period while those of the top 10 percent increased.  Article link here.

10 Facts That Prove The World Is In A Climate Emergency – Sabrina Weiss, Matt Reynolds and Maria Paula Escobar-Tello – Wired – The 10 facts cover a wide range of issues including: CO2 levels historic and present; present and predicted global warming; extreme weather events; sea level rise and ice pack loss; and impacts on human and wildlife populations. Article link here.

60% of Ecuadorians Vote to Stop Drilling in Amazon Rainforest - Grist - "In a historic referendum held over the weekend, Ecuadorian voters said no to oil drilling in a swath of Yasuní National Park, a protected part of the Amazon rainforest that’s home to at least two self-isolated Indigenous tribes."  Thanks to Michael J. Coren, Washington Post Climate Coach, for this tip. Article link here.

In a New Climate Reality, Community May Be a Farmer’s Greatest Resource – Ellyn Lapointe – Sierra Magazine – “The 10th of July had been a typical day at work for Caroline Hauser until she received an urgent email from the Intervale Center and its farms. They were calling for volunteers. The Intervale Center, a nonprofit farming cooperative in Burlington, Vermont, was bracing for intense rains and flooding forecasted to hit in the next 24 hours. It needed all hands on deck to harvest everything they could before disaster struck. Hauser messaged her manager to say she needed the day off.” Article link here.

Tips for Climate Messaging - Climate Advocacy Lab – “96% of people in the United States have faced extreme weather risks this summer (from flooding, storms, heat, or fire) according to the new ‘Danger Season’ tool from the Union of Concerned Scientists that tracks county-level alerts…, recent polling from Data for Progress and Climate Power found two-thirds of voters consider climate change and extreme weather to be “kitchen table” issues for their households that they think about and discuss either “sometimes” (41%) or “often” (26%) – with 34% of voters reporting that their finances and cost of living have been impacted by extreme weather events.”  Article link here.

Parts of Tropical Rainforests Could Get Too Hot for Photosynthesis, Study Suggests – Laura Paddison - CNN - “Leaves’ ability to photosynthesize – the process by which they make energy from carbon dioxide, sunlight and water – begins to fail when their temperature reaches around 46.7 degrees Celsius (116 Fahrenheit). While this may seem high, leaves can get much hotter than the air temperature, according to the report published Wednesday in Nature by a group of scientists from countries including the US, Australia and Brazil…Currently, 0.01% of leaves are passing the critical temperature threshold beyond which their ability to photosynthesize breaks down, the report found, potentially killing the leaf and the tree.”  Thanks to Michael J. Coren, Washington Post Climate Coach, for this tip. Article link here.

This Week's Work of Art:

Visit speedbump.com for more Dave Coverly cartoons.

Frequent Sources for Just In! briefs:

Green Energy Times

City & State First Read

POLITICO Weekly NY & NJ Energy email)

Canary Media

National Building Electrification Network & Sunstone Strategies

Just in! thanks NY-GEO board member John Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal for his frequent proofreading contributions to this publication and Paul Maliszewski and John Rath for their work on the briefs.


*Indicates a New Listing or Updated Information

2023 08 28 – IRA Rebates Guidance – 12:30 – 2:00 pm ET – Federal Electrification Policy Coalition – “The IRA home energy rebates guidance is out and we’re eager to share the details with you!... hear from policy experts and agency staff about what the recently released guidance means for IRA home energy rebates. We’ll walk through the guidance, anticipated timelines, outstanding questions, and most importantly, leave plenty of time to answer your questions.” Register here.


2023 08 31 – Industry & the Cap-and-Invest Program (Session 7) – Noon ET – Georgetown Climate Center -“The Georgetown Climate Center, Resources for the Future, and Columbia's Sabin Center for Climate Change Law are pleased to announce the final installment of the Learning Sessions to Inform New York State's Development of an Economy-Wide Cap-and-Invest Program…More than 500 people so far have joined these sessions, in which policy experts explore a range of topics important for New York State to discuss and consider in the development of their ground-breaking climate pollution-reduction program and share examples from other states.”  Register and get links to earlier sessions here.


2023 09 05 to 07 - IGSHPA Accredited Installer Training Online - $1,250.00 – “Upon successful completion of the workshop and passing the IGSHPA installer’s exam, you will be issued IGSHPA accreditation as an installer of GSHP systems. You will receive an installer’s card and a certificate for 3 years." Instructors include Garen Ewbank, Cary Smith, Garry Sexton, and Roshan Revankar. Register here.


*2023 09 07 – IRA Resources for Home Electrification – 7:00 pm ET – Interfaith Power & Light – “Join us for a webinar with Jamal Lewis, Director of Policy Partnerships and Equitable Electrification for Rewiring America, for a conversation on electrification, what it looks like, and what federal resources are available to help you do it.” Register here.

2023 09 12 to 14 - IGSHPA Certified Geothermal Designer Training Online - $2,100 – This design course is created for professional engineers, registered architects, installers, and contractors. This course is essential for individuals wanting advanced training and experience in designing GSHPs, and required for experienced individuals who wish to earn certification. Instructors include Garen Ewbank, Cary Smith, Garry Sexton, and Roshan Revankar. Register here.

2023 09 13 – IGSHPA Town Hall with Brian Urlaub – 11:30 am ET – Speaker: Brian Urlaub of Salas O'Brien, Topic: Next Generation of Geothermal Adoption. Register here.

*2023 09 14 - Renewable Heat Now 2024 Campaign Kickoff – 7:00-8:00 pm ET – Renewable Heat Now (RHN) is organizing intensively for NY’s transition to clean, fossil-fuel free heating. Join RHN for the Fall kickoff off its 2024 campaign. A strategy meeting designed to inspire and inform. All are welcome to attend, and if you’re new to the movement for renewable heat, these meetings are a great place to learn and get plugged in!  Register here.

2023 09 17 – March to End Fossil Fuels – 1:00 pm ET – New York City – “The United Nations is calling on world leaders to take real steps to lead us off fossil fuels to protect people and the planet. On September 20th in New York, the UN Climate Ambition Summit will gather world leaders to commit to phasing out fossil fuels. Thousands of us will take to the streets before the summit to demand President Biden take bold action to end fossil fuels.” Details here.

2023 09 19 to 21 - IGSHPA Certified Geothermal Inspector Training Online - $2,100 – “Designed for the code enforcing inspectors of city and state governments, this course will teach you to inspect the ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems of both residential and commercial properties. Instructors include Garen Ewbank, Cary Smith, Garry Sexton, and Roshan Revankar. Register here.

2023 09 20 – NGrid Contractor Open House - 8:00 am to Noon – “Please join us to talk in person about how we can support your business in our service territory. Visit our Buffalo, NY office (at 93 Dewey Avenue), have coffee and a light breakfast, and network with our Energy Efficiency, EV, Economic Development, and Distributed Generation Team members. They will answer your questions and explain how you can use new and enhanced program incentives to reach more customers." RSVP by Sept. 15.


2023 10 17-19 – IGSHPA Accredited Installer Training with WaterFurnace – Hampton Inn and Suites – Poughkeepsie – “Learning to install Ground-Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems will keep you competitive in a market forced to deal with rising energy costs and resource depletion. Installer accreditation enables you to open new markets and offers customers a low-maintenance, economical, and environmentally friendly alternative for their space conditioning needs. With more than 35 years of experience teaching these workshops, accrediting thousands of installers, and developing the industry standards, IGSHPA has pioneered training in GSHP installation.” Register here.


*2023 10 27 IGSHPA Dig Deeper - GHP Impact Analysis – 11:30 am ET – Speaker: Jeff Winick & Sean Porse of U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office, “In Fiscal Year 2022, with GTO support, ORNL and NREL conducted a modeling assessment of the grid impacts resulting from the mass deployment of GHPs. Modeled changes in end use load profiles for the US building stock and their impacts on the bulk power system were analyzed under various carbon policy, electrification, and sensitivity scenarios using capacity expansion modeling (ReEDS) and production cost modeling (PLEXOS). The results demonstrate GHPs’ significant aggregate value to a decarbonizing grid through reduced infrastructure requirements, reduced emissions, and improved grid efficiency.” Register here.

2023 12 05 to 07 - IGSHPA Annual Conference – The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) will be holding its annual conference at the Las Vegas Convention Center. IGSHPA is partnering again this year with NGWA (National Ground Water Association). Keynote speaker will be Alejandro Moreno, the Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the Department of Energy. Early bird registration is open now, along with exhibitor, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities.   For more information, check out the conference page.


2024 05 28 to 30IGSHPA Research Conference - The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) is pleased to announce that the next IGSHPA Research Conference will be held at Polytechnique Montréal. This is the fourth in a series of research conferences held in Denver (2017), Stockholm (2018), and Las Vegas (2022). Like the previous three conferences, papers will undergo peer-review to ensure quality. Details will follow, but it is anticipated that abstracts will be due on September 18, 2023 and papers due around November 20, 2023. Conference website - https://igshpa.org/igshpa-research-conference/

JOBS !                                                                    * = new listing

New Yorkers for Clean Power is proud to lead the charge for green jobs through Clean Energy Careers NY, a collaborative initiative to create equitable clean energy careers pathways in New York to help achieve the state’s climate and clean energy goals…”We're excited to launch the Clean Energy Careers New York Newsletter! The newsletter is chock-full of Clean Energy Careers NY resources, event information, job opportunities, and more. If you're a job seeker, a trainer, an employer, or a clean energy advocate, this newsletter is for you! (listed 2023 07 22) Read the newsletter here.

NY Renews – 3 Part Time Fellowships – “We’re looking for strong organizers, writers, and social media pros who are deeply passionate about climate and environmental justice… Coalition Organizing Fellow focuses on organizing coalition members, project management, and coalition operations, Digital Organizing Fellow assists in running our online organizing platforms including Action Network, New/Mode, and the peer-to-peer text platform Spoke, among others, and Social Media Fellow will help manage social media, digital ads (Meta and Twitter), graphics, and online video (Reels/TikTok). This is an exciting opportunity for advocates to build their skills and make a real-world difference. Applications are due Friday, Sept 8th by 5 pm. Please spread the word to your family and friends, and feel free to reach out to me at marie@nyrenews.org with any questions.” (listed 2023 08 19).  Job postings here.

Building Electrification Institute (BEI) Managing Director - “BEI works with high-ambition cities and partners across the country to advance equitable and holistic building electrification policies, programs, and strategies. Our work is centered in community, with a firm commitment to social equity, racial justice, stopping the climate crisis, and ensuring a just transition to a fossil fuel-free future. The new Managing Director will report to BEI’s Executive Director, work closely with the existing Managing Director, and will help manage our growing team to support BEI’s cities, partners, and communities. We will be accepting applications through September 15. (listed 2023 08 12) Details on the position may be found on BEI’s LinkedIn page.

Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) seeks an Energy Advisor for EnergySmart CNY. The Energy Advisor role involves collaborating on outreach development, executing activities, assisting community members with accessing programs and pursuing energy-saving measures. The position allows for remote work, but regular attendance at meetings and local events is required in Central New York. Compensation ranges from $40,000 to $50,000 per year, with benefits including health and dental insurance, paid leave, and vacation time. Bilingual fluency in English with Spanish or other

language strongly preferred. (listed 2023 01 14) The posting is available here.

PWGC Environmental Engineers, Bohemia, NY - Geothermal Engineer – PWGC, a multi-year award-winning environmental engineering firm seeks an experienced professional engineer for closed loop geothermal projects in the downstate New York area. Expert knowledge of commercial building sciences, mechanical system design, conventional HVAC, heat pump technologies, building automation and energy modeling applications. This position requires 5-10 years related experience, bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical or chemical engineering and a PE License. Advanced knowledge of CAD 3D and 4D software and REVIT. Interested? Send your resume to hr@pwgrosser.com or apply on our website at pwgrosser.com/careers 


Sustainable Westchester - Clean Energy Associate, EnergySmart Homes. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) - The Community Energy Advisor (CEA) is a full time position at Sustainable Westchester. This position will provide assistance, direction, organization, coordination of programs that work to inform residents, multifamily building owners, and small businesses, with an emphasis in low-to-moderate income and priority communities, of the options for adopting clean energy strategies in their homes and businesses. $50k-$60k/year. (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Sustainable Westchester - Marketing, Communications and Outreach Director. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) The Director of Marketing, Communications and Outreach will be responsible for developing and implementing Sustainable Westchester’s marketing, communication and outreach plans & strategies including public relations, digital communications, key messaging, storytelling and brand experience. $75k-$80k/year.  (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Cornell Cooperative Extension, Dutchess County Energy Advisor - The CCE Dutchess Environment & Energy Program currently has an open job posting for five (5) Energy Advisor positions to join our team. These positions will continue and expand on the work that we have been doing to assist residents, small businesses, and non-profits in the Mid-Hudson region to access energy efficiency and clean energy programs. We are looking for locally based candidates with a passion for educating and empowering individuals within their community to make informed energy decisions. Fluency in Spanish, and/or other locally relevant languages, is a plus and will be needed for at least 2 of the candidates hired (if not more). We encourage applications from candidates who have related skill sets but may lack direct experience with delivering programing around energy topics. On the job training will be provided, therefore a candidate with a related skill set and a strong desire to learn more about these topics could excel in a position such as these. (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Clean Energy Associate (PAID INTERNSHIP) - Sustainable Westchester aims to educate and train the next generation of leaders in sustainability in Westchester. We hire students and recent graduates who have the skills, passion, intelligence and maturity to take on significant responsibility to help bring clean energy solutions to our residents. Throughout the duration of the position, associates may work with elected officials, municipal leaders, community members, subject matter experts, and consultants to provide a one-of-a-kind experience. We are committed to providing these valuable work opportunities to people from communities that have been underrepresented in the environmental field. (listed 2022 08 06) See Sustainable Westchester website for more.


Rewiring America – Federal Senior Policy Manager – The FSPM will own and drive critical efforts to influence federal policy initiatives. This role will manage the Federal policy team and lobbyists, lead the strategy and execution of federal policy, oversee targeted research and the drafting of key content, and provide critical perspectives in support of the multi-pronged policy strategy for Rewiring. This important work will continue and grow Rewiring America’s ability to affect federal policy, removing key barriers for electrification. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here


Rewiring America – Local Policy Director - With a clear vision, smart strategies, and significant and sustained financial support, Rewiring America is growing rapidly. As the Local Policy Manager on the Policy team you will lead on efforts to influence local policy initiatives around the country, particularly in public schools. This role will drive policy strategy, targeted research, support the drafting of policy and campaign documents, and provide input into the policy team’s public school electrification work. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here


The Climate Solutions Accelerator of the Genesee Finger Lakes Region – Is looking to hire two staff members: 

·    The Manager of Organizational Programs will lead our efforts to educate, inspire, and support businesses and nonprofits that want to take action on climate.

·    The Program Director will be in charge of developing an exciting new program that we're not allowed to talk about until our contract with the funder is fully executed (which makes the hiring process a bit complicated). (listed 2022 05 28). The posting is available here


Energy Department Will Recruit 1,000 Additional Staffers For New Corps To Tackle The Climate Crisis • The DOE is starting up a Clean Energy Corps to help implement the bipartisan infrastructure law and develop clean-energy solutions to the climate crisis, the agency said. It will hire 1,000 new employees through a newly launched hiring portal.” (from 2022 01 14 Green Energy News) [CNN]


Citizens for Local Power Executive Director - CLP’s mission is to help communities in the Mid-Hudson Region transition to a locally-based, clean energy economy. Combining research, education, advocacy, and project coordination, CLP supports community and municipal engagement in energy decision-making, transforming energy policy and practice to strengthen local economies, mitigate climate change and increase resilience…persons with strong community organizing experience are welcome to apply; training in energy policy areas can be provided. (listed 2021 12 27) See more here 


HVAC Project Manager – Aztech Geothermal, Ballston Spa, NY – Aztech Geothermal, a well-respected Geothermal Heat Pump design-build contractor, is seeking an experienced HVAC Project Manager responsible for estimating project costs, purchasing/sourcing materials & equipment, project planning including management of technicians and subcontractors. This position requires 3-5+ years' experience in Residential &/or Commercial HVAC, including AC/heat pump equipment, power and control wiring, HVAC plumbing, and sheetmetal/air distribution systems. Strong candidates must be comfortable with computers and common Microsoft programs with ability to learn industry specific analysis software. Interested? Send your resume to info@aztechgeo.com. (listed 2021 12 20)


AVANGRID, Inc. Engineer, Non-Wires Alternatives – AVANGRID, Inc. is seeking a full-time Engineer to support Non-Wires Alternatives (“NWA”) efforts in NYSEG and RG&E territory in New York. The Engineer will be responsible for providing engineering expertise to support the development and analysis of Distributed Energy Resources (“DER”) which are part of the innovative and growing NWA program in New York. This position is based out of any AVANGRID location including offices in NY, ME, and CT. Interested candidates should apply directly on the AVANGRID Career site here.


Campaign Director - Building Electrification – “Supervises: 2-6 core campaign staff, Salary: $120,000 non-negotiable. Scope: The Campaign Director for Building Electrification leads the Sierra Club’s national campaign work to end fossil fuel use in our homes and buildings, and implements just and equitable solutions in the buildings sector. The Campaign Director works alongside a team of Directors as part of Sierra Club’s Energy Campaigns to address climate disruption, transform the energy economy and protect communities from pollution.” See the job posting here.


Sierra Club Seeks Expert on “Renewable Natural Gas” - Sierra Club is looking for a new expert for PUC proceedings across the U.S. on "renewable natural gas" (including biomethane), synthetic gas and hydrogen. Experience with utility regulation and gas utility business models is a plus. If you have any recommendations, please email: Amneh Minkara (amneh.minkara@sierraclub.org)


UHAB is Hiring -UHAB (Urban Homesteading Assistance Board ) is hiring a Project Associate focusing on Energy Services, including Co-ops Go Solar, Clean Heat for Co-ops, and other energy efficiency and energy-reducing renewable technology partnerships... We also have a few other positions posted, for a part-time Affordable Housing Loan Officer, and a full-time Project Associate on the Co-op Improvement Program who’ll provide services to distressed affordable buildings. All of the job postings are viewable on our website here.


Aztech Geothermal is Hiring- Seeking an Experienced Heat Pump Technician in NY's Capital District - Aztech Geothermal is looking for an Experienced Residential HVAC Technician in the Capital Region to join our growing installation and service business based in Ballston Spa. Geothermal heat pump experience a plus. but not required; we are willing to train the right individual. Our company is based in Ballston Spa and principally serves the Capital District, Hudson Valley and Western Massachusetts. Contact info@aztechgeo.com for more information.

“Dandelion Energy is growing its Drilling Department and we are looking for Senior/Master Drillers to operate our new rigs and lead our on-site drilling efforts for residential geothermal projects.In this role, you will make a significant impact in redefining how residential ground heat exchangers are installed which will lay the groundwork for Dandelion’s future growth and success. The Senior Driller will be directly responsible for the production rate of geothermal boreholes, the operation, and maintenance of equipment, the safety of on-site workers, and delivering feedback to both the Operations and Engineering team on how to optimize the overall process. For more information about the Senior Driller opening please apply here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/dandelionenergy/jobs/4879245002

Not a Senior Driller? check out our other exciting opportunities on our career site: https://dandelionenergy.com/jobs


Ongoing – NYSERDA is hiring! The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has ongoing recruitment opportunities. Join our email list or check this page periodically to learn about new career opportunities. All qualified individuals will be evaluated for each relevant position for which they apply. Opportunities include:

NYSERDA Career Opportunities

NY Green Bank Career Opportunities

Paid Fellowship Opportunities

Paid Internship Opportunities

To learn more about NYSERDA, please visit our social media channels.


NY-GEO is not necessarily notified when jobs are filled. If you find one of these jobs are no longer available, please let us know.