Just In! for June 17, 2023

The weekly newsletter of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO)

Just In! is NY-GEO's weekly news feed for members. NY-GEO's calendar-year memberships are open to everyone and available for as little as $35. See more information on memberships here. If we send you a complementary copy and you're not a member of NY-GEO, it means we value your role in the transition to renewable heating, but without a membership, please don't count on getting Just In! weekly.

Industry Updates:

NY-GEO 2023 Conference Recordings, Slide Decks and Pics Are Available – Christine Hoffer -NY-GEO Executive Director – The Conference recordings and presentation decks are now available on the NY-GEO website by clicking here or going to the website and from the top menu select Conference & Events and then NY-GEO 2023 Recordings and Presentation Decks. Rachel, our photographer, took thousands of photos and we have successfully edited Day 1 which can be accessed here. To the 100+ Speakers and Moderators - we are grateful. The expertise and knowledge shared during the two-day event ensures the growth of geothermal heating and cooling in New York State and beyond. 

Day 2 at NY-GEO 2023 John Ciovacco, Dan Ellis, Ryan Dougherty, Zeyneb Magavi and Zach Fink (L to R)

3 Takes on the NY Legislative Session: 

Senate Cites Climate Wins in the Legislative Session - Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins – Empire Report – “Just last week New York was the center of the world as we led the planet in worst air quality by hundreds of points–shattering all records since the EPA first started keeping track as a result of Canadian wild fires… We finished this Session strong on our commitments by getting the Build Public Renewables Act done, and passing the Climate Superfund Act, which requires our biggest polluters to pay up on the costs of adapting to climate change… We looked to make the everyday cost of living a lot cheaper by passing ratepayer protections, capping the price of insulin, prohibiting price gouging of medicine, and last week, passing the NY HEAT Act. With these measures, we’re making it more economically possible to stay in the place you’ve always known, keeping New York excellence right here at home. “ Although the Assembly failed to pass the HEAT Act, Senate adoption provides a solid foundation for passing the bill in next year’s legislative session.   Article link here.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins

What Did NY State Lawmakers Do to Address Climate Change This Year? - Mary Cunningham – City Limits - “We’re at a point where the state needs to begin adopting policies at breakneck speed to meet our climate law mandates,” said Liz Moran, New York policy advocate for Earthjustice. “So far we are headed in the right direction, but there’s still much more to do and we’re looking forward to seeing some of that leadership from the governor.” (from 2023 06 14 – City & State First Read) Article link here.


RHN End of Session Statement “New York’s climate movement won historic victories this legislative session with the passage of the All-Electric Building and Build Public Renewables Acts, the funding to begin decarbonizing state-owned buildings in the budget, not to mention our all-hands-on-deck fight to successfully protect our Climate Act from being gutted. The NY HEAT Act (S.2016A/A.4592A), the cornerstone of our legislative package, came tantalizingly close to becoming law, first in the budget and then in the regular session, with passage in the NYS Senate, but fell short in the end without a commitment on the part of the Governor or the Assembly Speaker to uphold and carry out the requirements of the Climate Act. New Yorkers will now face another year of unnecessary utility bill hikes to pay for fracked gas infrastructure.” Statement link here

PSC Chair Rory Christian Keynotes NY-GEO 2023 dinner session



NY’s Largest Residential Geothermal Project Maria Gallucci – Canary Media – “Join our reporter as she steps inside the muddy construction site at 1 Java Street to learn the benefits and barriers of harnessing the earth’s heat to decarbonize buildings…Once completed in 2025, it will be the largest residential project in New York state to use a geothermal heat-pump system.” Article link here.

NY-GEO Files Objections to National Fuel Gas’s Proposed Long Term Plan – The New York PSC is requiring gas utilities to file long term plans that are consistent with the State’s Climate Law. National Fuel Gas has filed the first of these plans, advocating primarily for a “hybrid solution” where conventional -not cold climate - heat pumps are paired with gas heating which would take over for the heat pump when temperatures sink below 30 degrees. NY-GEO’s filing critiques the utility’s proposal, as does a more extensive coalition filing led by the Alliance for a Green Energy Economy (AGREE), which NY-GEO has signed on to.  These filings, along with ones from NYSERDA and the Environmental Defense Fund can be found here.

From National Fuel’s draft Long Term Plan, which is projected to result in only a 54% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions by 2042, when NY’s Climate Law requires an 85% reduction by 2050.



Sabin Center CLCPA Action Plan Tracker – The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at the Columbia Law School has put together a website tracking 129 recommendations from the Climate Action Council's Scoping Plan under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Actions can be sorted by the suggested date for implementing the recommendation, the responsible entity, or recommendation status, and readers may use the keyword filter to search for actions based on subject matter. See a section of the first of 6 pages below. Thank you to Sabin for this incredibly valuable resource! Tracker link here.

NYISO Releases 2023 Power Trends – “A balanced and carefully planned transition from the power system of today to the clean-energy grid is essential to avoid the risks to reliability experienced recently in other areas of the United States." According to the NYISO’s System and Resource Outlook report, "fulfilling the objectives of the CLCPA and other state, federal and local climate policies will require an unprecedented level of investment in new supply and transmission infrastructure at a time when reliability margins are thinning." The graphics below from the report show the NYISO’s projected estimate for the electrification penetration of the heating sector required by the CLCPA and well as the projected date when NY’s electric demand peak will switch from summer to winter, primarily as a result of air source heat pump adoption. Report link here.

IRS Releases Draft Guidance on Extending IRS Clean Energy Incentives The Inflation Reduction Act created two new credit delivery mechanisms—elective pay (otherwise known as “direct pay”) and transferability—that enable state, local, and Tribal governments; non-profit organizations, U.S. territories; and other entities to take advantage of clean energy tax credits. Until the Inflation Reduction Act introduced these new credit delivery mechanisms, governments, many types of tax-exempt organizations, and even many businesses could not fully benefit from tax credits like those that incentivize clean energy construction.” On June 14th the IRS released draft guidance on these two mechanisms, starting a “formal 60-day public comment period. Treasury and the IRS will carefully consider public feedback before issuing final rules.” See event listings on 6/20 and 6/29 in green below for webinars on the incentives.  Press release link here.


EPA Proposes Sunsetting Energy Star Rating for Residential Furnaces and Central Air Conditioners – “Consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) focus on the potential for electric heat pumps to deliver energy-efficiency gains, pollution reduction and cost-savings to consumers, the ENERGY STAR program is proposing to sunset the certification pathway to the ENERGY STAR label for residential furnaces and central air conditioners (CACs)… A similar sunset proposal will be considered for gas and oil appliances in the context of forthcoming revisions of the ENERGY STAR V3.0 Specification for Boilers, the Version 1.0 Specification for Dryers, and the ENERGY STAR V1.0 for Commercial Packaged Boilers…The Agency recognizes an important responsibility to guide consumers to the choices that support the efficient electrification of residential space conditioning...  Notably, while indoor NOx pollution is associated with gas appliances, electric appliances are not responsible for any direct emissions and garner significant emissions reductions even when source or upstream emissions from electricity generation are factored in.”  Thanks to David Smedick of RMI and the National Building Electrification Network for this tip.- EPA sunset letter here

Seattle Proposes New Carbon Footprint Standards – Ysabelle Kempe – Smartcitiesdive Proposed building emissions standards that Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell unveiled last week would require the city’s large commercial and multifamily buildings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next several decades and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The standards would cover roughly 4,100 buildings, including about 1,885 multifamily buildings and 1,650 nonresidential buildings that are mostly downtown and in dense neighborhoods, according to the Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment. The proposal offers several pathways for buildings to comply with the standards; owners who do not comply would be fined." Tip from Peter Jensen at the National Building Electrification Network and Sunstone Strategies. Article link here.

Propane Industry Responds to NY's Climate Initiatives – Ellen Kriz – LPGas website – New York Propane Gas Association… “Warm Thoughts Communications and allied industries have been engaged in a public outreach campaign, Smarter NY Energy, to challenge measures under the Climate Act as too costly, restrictive and risky in terms of energy security. In its first four months, the campaign generated 45,000 letters to legislators and the governor from 14,000 individuals… Cracks in the Democratic Party, weaker-than-predicted election results for the governor and a change of parties in important seats demonstrate the public’s growing concern about forced electrification, says (Bill Overbaugh, Executive Director of NYGPA). ‘The moderate [Democrats] are waking up to how upset the constituents are going to be about, primarily, the cost, the affordability, the consumer choice issue,’ he explains. Moving forward, says Overbaugh, the fight for the propane industry in New York turns toward defending replacement equipment in existing buildings.” Article link here.


The Basics of Home Electrification – HeatSpring - "In 2020, 26% of U.S. households used electricity as the only source of energy (32.25 million out of 123.53 million homes), according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Across the United States, more than 106 cities and counties have already adopted policies that require or encourage homes and buildings to become all-electric as opposed to using fossil fuel inputs, according to the Building Decarbonization Coalition." Article link here.

Gas Stoves Pollute Homes with Benzene, Which Is Linked to Cancer Jeff Brady – All Things Considered – NPR – “Stanford scientists measured benzene from gas stoves in 87 California and Colorado homes in 2022 for the paper published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.  They found both natural gas and propane stoves ‘emitted detectable and repeatable levels of benzene that in some homes raised indoor benzene concentrations above well-established health benchmarks.’ " Thanks to NY-GEO member Joanne Coons for this tip. Article and 3-minute audio clip link here.

15 Takeaways on IRA Rebate Rollouts Cory Allyn - Energy Circle - “Still have burning questions about forthcoming Inflation Reduction Act rebates? We do, too! Last week we hosted Kara Saul Rinaldi—BPA’s VP of Government Affairs, Policy, and Programs as well as the CEO and founder of Ann-Dyl Policy Group—on our webinar to discuss the most current developments on these incentive programs and what we can expect as we await guidance from the Department of Energy. The entire webinar is worth a watch, but if you’ve only got a few minutes, here are our top takeaways:” Article link here.



Study: Huge Health Impacts from Natural Gas Pollution – Caleb Heeringa – Gas Leaks - “A new study shows that pollution from oil and gas is a shockingly large contributor to asthma, respiratory disease and other health harms. Researchers at Boston University and University of North Carolina found that nitrogen oxide, fine particulate matter and ozone pollution from oil and gas does an immense amount of damage…the harms are not limited to communities near where oil and gas is produced.  The study found that states like New York and Illinois — which have little to no oil and gas drilling — also saw health impacts. Densely populated cities such as Chicago, New York, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. all saw elevated levels of asthma from oil and gas pollution." Article link here

NY Times on Grid Readiness - By Nadja Popovich and Brad Plume -NY Times - “’It’s very different from how we do other types of national infrastructure,’ said Michael Goggin, vice president at Grid Strategies, a consulting group. ‘Highways, gas, pipelines — all that is paid for and permitted at the federal level primarily.’ In recent decades, the country has hardly built any major high-voltage power lines that connect different grid regions. While utilities and grid operators now spend roughly $25 billion per year on transmission, much of that consists of local upgrades instead of long-distance lines that could import cheaper, cleaner power from farther away.” Like most articles regarding grid demand, this one ignores the fact that geothermal ground loops significantly reduce grid impacts. It is also more pessimistic than it needs to be. Still, it supplies some helpful basic information about the grid. Thanks to Janet Lenichek of the Sierra Club Niagara Group for making this article available. Article link here.

Who’s Who in the Hochul Administration – Amanda Salazar – City & State – “Gov. Kathy Hochul is a household name in the state – but there are many influential and experienced people working in her administration who aren’t quite as recognizable.” (from 2023 06 15 – City & State First Read) Article link here.

Counsel to the Governor Elizabeth Fine, left, Gov. Kathy Hochul, center, and Director of Policy Micah Lasher Kevin P. Coughlin / Office of Governor Kathy Hochul

Climate Updates:

Like Smoking 30 Cigarettes In 8 Hours: NYC’s Air Quality Crisis, Tallied Gothamist –When the Canadian wildfire smoke hundreds of miles away wafted southward to New York City last week, the air quality index (AQI) went from ‘good’ to ‘unhealthy for sensitive groups’ to ‘hazardous’ due the amounts of dangerous particulate matter in the air...If an average adult spent an 8-hour work shift outdoors in Bushwick, Brooklyn on June 7, the peak period when the skies turned orange, then they were exposed to the equivalent of smoking 30 cigarettes. Even before the orange smog-like air arrived on June 7, AQI had begun worsening. For example, during the Yankees loss to the Chicago White Sox fans who attended the June 6 game breathed in air over the course of nine innings that was equal to smoking about five cigarettes.” (from 2023 06 15 – City & State First Read) Article link here.

Montana Youth Climate Trial Begins – Marjorie Cohn – Truthout -In 2020, 16 youths who were then between 2 and 18 years of age filed a complaint against the State of Montana, its governor and other state officials. The Youth Plaintiffs, as they are referred to in the case, maintain that they have been and will continue to be harmed by the dangerous effects of fossil fuels and the climate crisis. Besides being the first such case about climate change to go to trial, Held v. Montana involves the specific impacts the climate crisis has on young people…Mat dos Santos, general counsel for Our Children’s Trust, which represents the youth plaintiffs, said... 'If this suit is successful, it would be a watershed moment that could lead to a ‘cascade of legal victories around the country,’… and would likely have global implications." Article link here.

The Plan to Save New York From the Next Sandy Will Ruin the Waterfront - Robert Yaro, Regional Plan Association former president, and Daniel Gutman, environmental planning consultant – NY Times – “Despite its ambitions, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ plan to protect the greater New York and New Jersey metro area from flooding has shortcomings. If built, this plan could reverse the effort to open up its waterfront for recreation while, at best, protecting only a small fraction of the region’s most vulnerable areas,” The plan is estimated to cost $52.6 billion, and is the most expensive project ever proposed by the Corps. (from 2023 06 15 – City & State First Read) Article link here.

The Mercury is Off the Charts – Bill McKibben – The Crucial Years – “We’ve reached the scariest moment yet in the climate saga: I noted in mid-April that there were all kinds of signs that a rapid increase in global warming was underway, and every day since has borne out that warning. We now have truly remarkable data about sea surface temperature—across the world’s oceans, and especially in the north Atlantic, we’re seeing numbers that aren’t just off the charts, they’re off the wall the chart is tacked to. It seems increasingly likely that 2023 will turn out to be the hottest year yet, even though a true El Niño won’t be fully underway till late summer or autumn." Article link here.

The Fossil Fuels Behind Forest Fires – Union of Concerned Scientists - "...a Union of Concerned Scientists study calculates how much of each forest fire can be attributed to each oil company. They reckon that emissions from the biggest oil companies are responsible for burning an area of America roughly comparable in size to the state of Maine." Study link here.

Georgia Peach Crop 90% Decimated by Bad Weather, Warming Climate – Sam Gringlas – WABE - “…horticulturists at the University of Georgia say roughly 90% of the Peach State’s crop has been destroyed by bad weather and a warming climate…Peaches require a minimum number of chill hours, below 45 degrees, to set fruit.  But the first three months of this year were the warmest on record in Georgia, and chill hours here have been declining over the years."  Thanks to Sierra Club’s Green Life newsletter for this tip. Article link here.

Texas Beaches Inundated with Dead Fish – Adam Zuvanich – Houston Public Media - "Waves upon waves of dead fish washed ashore on beaches south of Houston over the weekend, causing foul smells and unsightly scenery as well as concerns among the public. The dead fish covered the sands at Quintana Beach County Park, Bryan Beach and other beaches in the Freeport area, where the Brazos River feeds into the Gulf of Mexico…Texas Parks & Wildlife Department spokesperson Julie Hagen said Monday the mass fish casualties were caused by low oxygen levels in nearby water, because of a recent rise in water temperatures and other likely factors, with the fish essentially having suffocated." Thanks to Sierra Club’s Green Life newsletter for this tip. Article link here.

Your Guide to Understanding the East Coast Smokepocalypse Kristoffer Tigue – Inside Climate News – “There are roughly 430 wildfires burning in Canada right now, with more than 140 of them just north of New England in Quebec. Many of those fires are burning incredibly intense right now, and it’s producing a lot of smoke. The smoke that engulfed much of the East Coast this week came specifically from the Quebec hotspots, with help from a cold front that guided it hundreds of miles south into the U.S…  Is the Smokepocalypse over? Not quite. Yes, the air quality greatly improved by Friday morning in some of the hardest hit cities, including New York City and Washington, D.C. But those noxious wildfire fumes could be blown as far south as Florida and as far west as Ohio. As many as 18 states issued air quality alerts across the country this week, and some of that smoke has even traveled as far as Norway." Tip from Peter Jensen at the National Building Electrification Network and Sunstone Strategies. Article link here.

Frequent Sources for Just In! briefs:


Green Energy Times

City & State First Read

POLITICO Weekly NY & NJ Energy email)

Canary Media

National Building Electrification Network & Sunstone Strategies

Just in! thanks NY-GEO board member John Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal for his frequent proofreading contributions to this publication and Paul Maliszewski for his work on the briefs.


*Indicates a New Listing or Updated Information

2023 06 20 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Cap-and-Invest Analysis Inputs and Methods – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinar. Passcode: climateNY Cap & Invest program link.


*2023 06 20 – IRS Guidance on Direct Pay Incentives and Transfers of Certain Credits – 2:30 pm ET - Beneficial Electrification League (BEL)- “The IRS has released the long-awaited Guidance on Elective Payments and Transfers of Certain Credits. BEL and NYU’s Tax Law Center experts will explore the mechanics of direct pay incentives and shed light on how these incentives can inform decisions on infrastructure investment. This webinar will be focused on electric sector investment, particularly related to electric cooperative and municipal utilities.  Register here.


*2023 06 21 Electric Transmission and the Grid with Michael Hernandez - 6:30 pm ET – Sierra Club Niagara Group – “This topic is of growing importance with the efforts Statewide to electrify our transportation system and our building heating and cooling sector. Mr. Hernandez has extensive experience in this area, previously serving as Assistant Secretary for Program & Policy at the NYS Assembly, and a lead negotiator for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). (Once registered, you will receive the Zoom invitation approximately one-half before the presentation)”.. Register here.


2023 06 22 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Subject – Electricity – 1:00 to 3:00 pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinarPasscode: climateNY Cap & Invest program link.

*2023 06 23 – Building Code Council Meeting – 10:00 am to 12:00 pm ET – The NYS Building Code gets updated only every five years. At this 2nd Quarter meeting of the State Fure Prevention and Building Code Council, a draft of changes to the Code required by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, the Advanced Building Codes and Standards Act and the All-Electric Buildings Act will be considered. Code Council meetings traditionally reserve time for public comments limited to 2 to 3 minutes. 

How to attend…

In Person: 

99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY, Conference Room 505

123 Williams Street, NY, NY in Conference room 231 

295 Main Street, Buffalo, NY Conference room 803 

In-Person: email Code.development@dos.ny.gov prior to the meeting with the location you wish to attend. 

Virtually/Remotely Click this link to register 


*2023 06 27 – Review of O&R Seasonal Rate Study - 1:00 - pm ET – The Joint Proposal (p. 21) in Orange &Rockland’s most recent base rate case provides that the Company will study the cost basis for seasonal differentials in its electric tariff… O&R has filed this study with the Commission and is hosting this remote meeting to review it. Link herepassword - WeKw5d


*2023 06 29 – White House Briefing on Direct Pay and Transferability of IRA Credits - 3:00 - pm ET – “The Inflation Reduction Act created two new credit delivery mechanisms—elective pay (otherwise known as ‘direct pay’) and transferability—that enable state, local, and Tribal governments; non-profit organizations, U.S. territories; and other entities to take advantage of clean energy tax credits. Until the Inflation Reduction Act introduced these new credit delivery mechanisms, governments, many types of tax-exempt organizations, and even many businesses could not fully benefit from tax credits like those that incentivize clean energy construction.” Register here


2023 12 5th to 7th - IGSHPA Annual Conference – The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) will be holding its annual conference December 5 to 7 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. IGSHPA is partnering again this year with NGWA (National Ground Water Association). Early bird registration is open now, along with exhibitor, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities. Presenter abstracts for the workshops are due by May 31, 2023. Selection of speakers and workshop topics will be confirmed in June.  For more information, check out the conference page.


2024 05 28th to 30thIGSHPA Research Conference - The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) is pleased to announce that the next IGSHPA Research Conference will be held at Polytechnique Montréal. This is the fourth in a series of research conferences held in Denver (2017), Stockholm (2018), and Las Vegas (2022). Like the previous three conferences, papers will undergo peer-review to ensure quality. Details will follow, but it is anticipated that abstracts will be due on September 18, 2023 and papers due around November 20, 2023. Question? Write to info@igshpa.org

JOBS !                                                                    * = new listing

*Climate Nexus - Campaign Associate – Methane Accountability, Campaigns & Strategies -

Climate Nexus “is expanding our Methane Team.  Our new campaign associate will help hold the oil and gas industry accountable for reducing methane pollution, and pressure governmental entities to stand up to the industry and craft policies that prioritize communities and the planet over corporate profits.  Simply put, we want to humanize the fight against methane polluters. This is a remote position and we have team members across the country.  Listing here.


Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board – Technical Energy Advisor - The Technical Energy Advisor will serve as the CNY Regional Clean Energy Hub’s key technical expert, customer project manager and liaison with clean energy business partners including HVAC installers, weatherization contractors and solar developers. The Technical Energy Advisor will serve as an independent resource for property owners, renters, contractors, and other key stakeholders interested in energy projects. The Technical Energy Advisor will work collaboratively with other Hub and Energy Program staff. (listed 06/10/23, apply by 6/30/23). The posting is available here.


Hudson Valley Community College - Instructor-Heating and Refrigeration Systems - Salary for this 10-month position is $48,981.00. Application closes: Jun 23, 2023. (listed 2023 05 27) Click here for qualifications and details.


*Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) seeks an Energy Advisor for the CNY Clean Energy Hub to reach diverse communities throughout CNY with Hub materials, workshops, and energy affordability/clean energy opportunities. (listed January 14, 2023) The posting is available here.


PUSH Buffalo – Climate Justice Organizer - PUSH Buffalo, a community-led, people-first organization that mobilizes residents to create strong neighborhoods with quality, affordable housing; to expand local hiring opportunities; and to advance economic and environmental justice in Buffalo, is in search of a powerhouse organizer to serve as their new Regional Climate Justice Organizer. In this role, you will build community power across Buffalo, Western New York, and New York State, by running and winning campaigns for climate justice that center the lived experiences and leadership of our passionate community members. Proposals should include a letter of interest and resumé and will only be accepted by email. Send a letter of interest and resumé to Micaela Shapiro-Shellaby, Director of Organizing (micaela@pushbuffalo.org). More here


PWGC Environmental Engineers, Bohemia, NY - Geothermal Engineer – PWGC, a multi-year award-winning environmental engineering firm seeks an experienced professional engineer for closed loop geothermal projects in the downstate New York area. Expert knowledge of commercial building sciences, mechanical system design, conventional HVAC, heat pump technologies, building automation and energy modeling applications. This position requires 5-10 years related experience, bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical or chemical engineering and a PE License. Advanced knowledge of CAD 3D and 4D software and REVIT. Interested? Send your resume to hr@pwgrosser.com or apply on our website at pwgrosser.com/careers 


Sustainable Westchester - Clean Energy Associate, EnergySmart Homes. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) - The Community Energy Advisor (CEA) is a full time position at Sustainable Westchester. This position will provide assistance, direction, organization, coordination of programs that work to inform residents, multifamily building owners, and small businesses, with an emphasis in low-to-moderate income and priority communities, of the options for adopting clean energy strategies in their homes and businesses. $50k-$60k/year. (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Sustainable Westchester - Marketing, Communications and Outreach Director. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) The Director of Marketing, Communications and Outreach will be responsible for developing and implementing Sustainable Westchester’s marketing, communication and outreach plans & strategies including public relations, digital communications, key messaging, storytelling and brand experience. $75k-$80k/year.  (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Cornell Cooperative Extension, Dutchess County Energy Advisor - The CCE Dutchess Environment & Energy Program currently has an open job posting for five (5) Energy Advisor positions to join our team. These positions will continue and expand on the work that we have been doing to assist residents, small businesses, and non-profits in the Mid-Hudson region to access energy efficiency and clean energy programs. We are looking for locally based candidates with a passion for educating and empowering individuals within their community to make informed energy decisions. Fluency in Spanish, and/or other locally relevant languages, is a plus and will be needed for at least 2 of the candidates hired (if not more). We encourage applications from candidates who have related skill sets but may lack direct experience with delivering programing around energy topics. On the job training will be provided, therefore a candidate with a related skill set and a strong desire to learn more about these topics could excel in a position such as these. (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Clean Energy Associate (PAID INTERNSHIP) - Sustainable Westchester aims to educate and train the next generation of leaders in sustainability in Westchester. We hire students and recent graduates who have the skills, passion, intelligence and maturity to take on significant responsibility to help bring clean energy solutions to our residents. Throughout the duration of the position, associates may work with elected officials, municipal leaders, community members, subject matter experts, and consultants to provide a one-of-a-kind experience. We are committed to providing these valuable work opportunities to people from communities that have been underrepresented in the environmental field. (listed 2022 08 06) See Sustainable Westchester website for more.


Rewiring America – Federal Senior Policy Manager – The FSPM will own and drive critical efforts to influence federal policy initiatives. This role will manage the Federal policy team and lobbyists, lead the strategy and execution of federal policy, oversee targeted research and the drafting of key content, and provide critical perspectives in support of the multi-pronged policy strategy for Rewiring. This important work will continue and grow Rewiring America’s ability to affect federal policy, removing key barriers for electrification. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here


Rewiring America – Local Policy Director - With a clear vision, smart strategies, and significant and sustained financial support, Rewiring America is growing rapidly. As the Local Policy Manager on the Policy team you will lead on efforts to influence local policy initiatives around the country, particularly in public schools. This role will drive policy strategy, targeted research, support the drafting of policy and campaign documents, and provide input into the policy team’s public school electrification work. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here


The Climate Solutions Accelerator of the Genesee Finger Lakes Region – Is looking to hire two staff members: 

·    The Manager of Organizational Programs will lead our efforts to educate, inspire, and support businesses and nonprofits that want to take action on climate.

·    The Program Director will be in charge of developing an exciting new program that we're not allowed to talk about until our contract with the funder is fully executed (which makes the hiring process a bit complicated). (listed 2022 05 28). The posting is available here


Energy Department Will Recruit 1,000 Additional Staffers For New Corps To Tackle The Climate Crisis • The DOE is starting up a Clean Energy Corps to help implement the bipartisan infrastructure law and develop clean-energy solutions to the climate crisis, the agency said. It will hire 1,000 new employees through a newly launched hiring portal.” (from 2022 01 14 Green Energy News) [CNN]


Citizens for Local Power Executive Director - CLP’s mission is to help communities in the Mid-Hudson Region transition to a locally-based, clean energy economy. Combining research, education, advocacy, and project coordination, CLP supports community and municipal engagement in energy decision-making, transforming energy policy and practice to strengthen local economies, mitigate climate change and increase resilience…persons with strong community organizing experience are welcome to apply; training in energy policy areas can be provided. (listed 2021 12 27) See more here 


HVAC Project Manager – Aztech Geothermal, Ballston Spa, NY – Aztech Geothermal, a well-respected Geothermal Heat Pump design-build contractor, is seeking an experienced HVAC Project Manager responsible for estimating project costs, purchasing/sourcing materials & equipment, project planning including management of technicians and subcontractors. This position requires 3-5+ years' experience in Residential &/or Commercial HVAC, including AC/heat pump equipment, power and control wiring, HVAC plumbing, and sheetmetal/air distribution systems. Strong candidates must be comfortable with computers and common Microsoft programs with ability to learn industry specific analysis software. Interested? Send your resume to info@aztechgeo.com. (listed 2021 12 20)


AVANGRID, Inc. Engineer, Non-Wires Alternatives – AVANGRID, Inc. is seeking a full-time Engineer to support Non-Wires Alternatives (“NWA”) efforts in NYSEG and RG&E territory in New York. The Engineer will be responsible for providing engineering expertise to support the development and analysis of Distributed Energy Resources (“DER”) which are part of the innovative and growing NWA program in New York. This position is based out of any AVANGRID location including offices in NY, ME, and CT. Interested candidates should apply directly on the AVANGRID Career site here.


Campaign Director - Building Electrification – “Supervises: 2-6 core campaign staff, Salary: $120,000 non-negotiable. Scope: The Campaign Director for Building Electrification leads the Sierra Club’s national campaign work to end fossil fuel use in our homes and buildings, and implements just and equitable solutions in the buildings sector. The Campaign Director works alongside a team of Directors as part of Sierra Club’s Energy Campaigns to address climate disruption, transform the energy economy and protect communities from pollution.” See the job posting here.


Sierra Club Seeks Expert on “Renewable Natural Gas” - Sierra Club is looking for a new expert for PUC proceedings across the U.S. on "renewable natural gas" (including biomethane), synthetic gas and hydrogen. Experience with utility regulation and gas utility business models is a plus. If you have any recommendations, please email: Amneh Minkara (amneh.minkara@sierraclub.org)


UHAB is Hiring -UHAB (Urban Homesteading Assistance Board ) is hiring a Project Associate focusing on Energy Services, including Co-ops Go Solar, Clean Heat for Co-ops, and other energy efficiency and energy-reducing renewable technology partnerships... We also have a few other positions posted, for a part-time Affordable Housing Loan Officer, and a full-time Project Associate on the Co-op Improvement Program who’ll provide services to distressed affordable buildings. All of the job postings are viewable on our website here.


Aztech Geothermal is Hiring- Seeking an Experienced Heat Pump Technician in NY's Capital District - Aztech Geothermal is looking for an Experienced Residential HVAC Technician in the Capital Region to join our growing installation and service business based in Ballston Spa. Geothermal heat pump experience a plus. but not required; we are willing to train the right individual. Our company is based in Ballston Spa and principally serves the Capital District, Hudson Valley and Western Massachusetts. Contact info@aztechgeo.com for more information.

“Dandelion Energy is growing its Drilling Department and we are looking for Senior/Master Drillers to operate our new rigs and lead our on-site drilling efforts for residential geothermal projects.In this role, you will make a significant impact in redefining how residential ground heat exchangers are installed which will lay the groundwork for Dandelion’s future growth and success. The Senior Driller will be directly responsible for the production rate of geothermal boreholes, the operation, and maintenance of equipment, the safety of on-site workers, and delivering feedback to both the Operations and Engineering team on how to optimize the overall process. For more information about the Senior Driller opening please apply here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/dandelionenergy/jobs/4879245002

Not a Senior Driller? check out our other exciting opportunities on our career site: https://dandelionenergy.com/jobs


Ongoing – NYSERDA is hiring! The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has ongoing recruitment opportunities. Join our email list or check this page periodically to learn about new career opportunities. All qualified individuals will be evaluated for each relevant position for which they apply. Opportunities include:

NYSERDA Career Opportunities

NY Green Bank Career Opportunities

Paid Fellowship Opportunities

Paid Internship Opportunities

To learn more about NYSERDA, please visit our social media channels.


NY-GEO is not necessarily notified when jobs are filled. If you find one of these jobs are no longer available, please let us know.