Just In! for June 3, 2023
The weekly newsletter of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO)
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Just In! is NY-GEO's weekly news feed for members. NY-GEO's calendar-year memberships are open to everyone and available for as little as $35. See more information on memberships here. If we send you a complementary copy and you're not a member of NY-GEO, it means we value your role in the transition to renewable heating, but without a membership, please don't count on getting Just In! weekly. | |
Renewable Heat Now Rallies for the NY HEAT Act – The Home Energy Affordable Transition (HEAT) Act is a key step the NY Legislature can take to implement NY’s Climate Action Scoping Plan as the legislative session comes to an end. The Act would authorize the Public Service Commission to stop the 100-foot rule which provides free gas lines to buildings. This subsidy costs ratepayers $200 million a year for gas infrastructure that will soon become a stranded asset if we are successful at reducing gas use enough to meet NY’s climate goals. It would also allow gas utilities to expand their offerings to include clean thermal energy and would protect ratepayers as the transition to clean heating proceeds. Last week, Renewable Heat Now (RHN) held press events in Syracuse, Kingston and Albany and joined NY Renews events in multiple cities to support NY HEAT under the slogan “It’s not complete without NY HEAT”. RHN urges New Yorkers to take the simple, easy and IMPORTANT step of calling legislator’s offices as the Legislature enters the final week of this year’s session by clicking this link. | |
The Syracuse press conference for NY HEAT. NY-GEO board member Kevin Moravec (2nd from left) spoke as did Assembly Member Al Stirpe (4th from right) and Senator Rachel May (1st at the right) along with several community leaders.
Utility Clean Heat Program Reduces Upstate Incentives for Air Source, Custom and Water Heating Installations – The changes to the Clean Heat program will be a subject in the upcoming virtual Clean Heat Program Stakeholders Meeting – see June 12th in the Event listings section below. The changes are slated for implementation on September 1, 2023. Stakeholders are also able to provide feedback and inquiries at any time to the centralized inbox at NYSCleanHeat@ceadvisors.com.
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Study: NY Climate & Community Protection Fund Could Create 90,000 Jobs - NY Renews has released a jobs report that illustrates the transformative potential of a fully funded Climate and Community Protection Fund (CCPF) (S.5360/A.6263). The report reveals that the Climate and Community Protection Fund, alongside the state’s new Climate Action Fund, would help create over 90,000 new jobs across NYS, from wind and solar installation, to public transit, to project design, and so much more. The study projects these jobs encompass many sectors, including 44,455 in wind and solar installation, energy-efficient building retrofits, electric vehicle manufacturing, public transit, and more. Additionally, an estimated 45,661 jobs would be created indirectly by the economic activity of the CCPF. NY Renews urges emailing legislators support of this bill by clicking here.
City & State reviews its Electrification Summit – Ralph Ortega – City & State - “New York’s decarbonization goals present lofty challenges for generators, distributors and consumers, but the electrification transition also comes with immense opportunity, according to industry leaders, policy makers and advocates at City & State’s Electrification Summit in Albany Wednesday. ‘For all of you, everything here will continue to generate a massive signal, market signal, political signal, for the deployment of clean energy technologies, products and services that will allow us to decarbonize and make this transition in a just and equitable way,’ ” NY’s Deputy Secretary for Energy and Environment O’Leary told attendees in his keynote speech. Article link here.
| | NYSERDA Energy Equity and Climate Justice Digest – This website examines several initiatives including Governor Hochul’s Bond Act Educational Listening Tour, the NYSERDA/DEC Cap & Invest Webinar series, an LMI Joint Utility Stakeholder Webinar, the New Community Decarbonization Fund, the Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development Program and note about careers at NYSERDA. Web page link here. | | New York State Sets Record for Solar Power - Dan Avery – CNET – A combination of residential and commercial installations generated 3,330 megawatts of electricity (20% of the electricity state-wide) between noon and 1 p.m. on May 18, most of which was used on-site. That's enough to supply electricity to between 2.7 million and 3.4 million homes. In the Solar Energy Industry Association’s ranking of states' solar markets this year, New York was ranked 10th, with 4,259 megawatts of solar installed and 711,327 homes powered by solar panels. Thanks to author Bill McKibben for this tip. Article link here | |
Australia Dealing with Gas Utility Death Spiral – Sophie Vorrath – Renew Economy - “The Australian Energy Regulator has set a fixed exit fee for gas customers in Victoria as part of a series of moves designed to address the accelerating ‘death spiral’ for fossil gas networks as households cut their connections as part of the shift to electrify everything. The prospect of the death spiral for gas, and how to manage it, has become a key focus for policy makers, regulators and investors, and the new fee is designed to put limits on the price that gas networks can charge customers who quit the network.” Thanks to NY-GEO member Paul Coons for this tip. Article link here.
Growing Gap Between Investment In Clean Energy Technologies and Fossil Fuels – Dan McCarthy – Canary Media – According to International Energy Agency data released last week, this year the world is projected to invest around $1.7 trillion in clean energy, compared to just over $1 trillion for fossil fuels. Renewables will make up the biggest portion, followed by energy efficiency and grids. Solar is expected to beat out expected spending on global oil production for the first time ever. However, even faster growth in clean energy investment is needed to hit net-zero goals by 2030. Article link here.
| | We Spoke Too Soon! Renewables Dodge A Bullet In Texas - Jeff St. John – Canary Media – At the 11th hour, amendments such as imposing onerous permitting restrictions on renewable energy projects (and not on fossil fuel or nuclear projects), and making wind and solar projects pay for other energy sources to be available during the times the projects are not producing, were withdrawn in the Texas legislature. However, legislators failed to address the root causes of the state’s grid instability — a fossil-gas delivery network that remains vulnerable to extreme cold and heat waves, and a dearth of demand side programs to limit strains on the grid. Instead, the legislators passed market programs skewed toward fossil fuel projects. Article link here. | |
New York Lawmakers Seek to Tighten Flood Disclosure Law for Homebuyers – Nick Reisman – State of Politics - “A bill that would put new requirements for flood risk disclosure to homebuyers advanced this week in the state Assembly as New York lawmakers seek to address a growing concern that coincides with a changing climate. The measure backed by Assemblymember Robert Carrol would create a ‘right to know’ provision for homebuyers when purchasing a property. A flood disclosure requirement is already in place for when someone buys a home. But lawmakers contend there is a loophole in the existing law which allows the buyer to get a $500 credit at closing if the disclosure requirement is waived.” (from 2023 06 02 – City & State First Read) - Article link here. | |
NYSEDA On-The-Job Training Funds Available for Drillers/Driller Helpers - NYSERDA’s On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program provides funding to clean energy businesses to reduce the financial risk of hiring and training new employees. The program provides wage reimbursement up to 75% of a new hire’s wages for their first 16-24 weeks of employment and assistance with the development of training plans. New York State businesses hiring and training new drillers and driller helpers to work on ground-source heat pump projects are eligible to apply for this funding. Public Opportunity Notice (PON) 3692 website here. NYSERDA holds “virtual office hours” on the OJT program from 2:00 to 3:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month. Alternatively, contact Andrew.Piper@nyserda.ny.gov with questions. | |
$3 Million for Electrification Training – NYSERDA – “Total funding for this solicitation (PON 3891) is now $10 million, with up to $1 million per project, distributed over the course of multiple rounds. It is anticipated that approximately $3 million of the funding will be reserved for training activities that support building electrification. Additional funds may be added at NYSERDA’s discretion, if available. This program ensures that new and existing workers, apprentices, journeypersons, and students have the skills, experience, and qualifications required to meet industry demands.” Website link here includes a link to a June 12th webinar about the program.
Philly Non-Profit Trains Heat Pump Installers – Alison F. Takemura - Canary Media – “ the Energy Coordinating Agency of Philadelphia, a nonprofit with many energy-focused equity programs, has just opened a heat-pump training lab. It’s the latest addition to a training facility in North Philadelphia that provides skill certifications in clean energy and efficiency.” Article link here
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This Just In! Our climate is rapidly destabilizing and there is very little time left to stop burning fossil fuels in order to minimize mass suffering and climate chaos !!! |
Frequent Sources for Just In! briefs:
Green Energy Times
City & State First Read
POLITICO Weekly NY & NJ Energy email)
Canary Media
National Building Electrification Network & Sunstone Strategies
Just in! thanks NY-GEO board member John Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal for his frequent proofreading contributions to this publication and Paul Maliszewski for his work on the briefs.
*Indicates a New Listing or Updated Information
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*2023 06 06 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Subject - Natural Gas – 11:00 am to 1:00 - pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinar. Passcode: climate. NY Cap & Invest program link.
*2023 06 08 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Subject – Liquid Fuels – 1:00 to 3:00 - pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinar. Passcode: climate. NY Cap & Invest program link.
*2023 06 08 - Inflation Reduction Act Direct Pay Tax Incentives for Utilities – 1:00 - pm ET – The Beneficial Electrification League and the NYU Tax Law Center - “The IRS will soon be releasing guidance on Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) direct pay tax incentives for utilities. Join the Beneficial Electrification League and the Tax Law Center at New York University for a discussion with tax experts on the intricacies of direct pay incentives. This webinar will cover incentives for electric sector investment with a focus on direct pay for electric cooperative and municipal utilities.” Register here.
*2023 06 12 NEW DATE (formerly 6/8) – Clean Heat Program Stakeholders Meeting – 9:00-10:00 am ET - The NYS Clean Heat Utility Joint Management Committee (JMC) will host the next quarterly meeting of the Working Group Series for Participating Contractors and Industry Partners. This series is billed as an ongoing platform for contractors and industry partners affiliated with NYS Clean Heat to discuss program improvements and address questions related to the program. Register here.
*2023 06 13 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Energy Intensive and Trade Exposed Industries – 11:00 am to 1:00 - pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinar. Passcode: climate. NY Cap & Invest program link.
*2023 06 15 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Subject – Waste – 1:00 to 3:00 - pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinar. Passcode: climate. NY Cap & Invest program link.
*2023 06 15 - Renewable Heat Now Power Hour – 7:00-8:00 pm ET – Renewable Heat Now (RHN) is organizing intensively for NY’s transition to clean, fossil-fuel free heating. Join RHN for its monthly strategy meeting designed to inspire and inform. All are welcome to attend, and if you’re new to the movement for renewable heat, these meetings are a great place to learn and get plugged in! Register here.
*2023 06 20 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Cap-and-Invest Analysis Inputs and Methods – 11:00 am to 1:00 - pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinar. Passcode: climate. NY Cap & Invest program link.
*2023 06 22 – Cap & Invest Webinar: Subject – Electricity – 1:00 to 3:00 - pm ET – “The DEC and NYSERDA are holding a series of stakeholder information sessions on the development of the State’s economywide Cap-and-Invest Program to reduce the pollution driving climate change. These webinars will focus on obtaining input regarding anticipated program design details such as applicability and thresholds, allowance allocation and auction, stability mechanisms, compliance and enforcement, and reporting and verification. A second round of pre-proposal stakeholder outreach is expected to be held later this year.” Pre-registration not necessary – link works as the webinar opens. Join webinar. Passcode: climate. NY Cap & Invest program link.
2023 12 5th to 7th - IGSHPA Annual Conference – The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) will be holding its annual conference December 5 to 7 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. IGSHPA is partnering again this year with NGWA (National Ground Water Association). Early bird registration is open now, along with exhibitor, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities. Presenter abstracts for the workshops are due by May 31, 2023. Selection of speakers and workshop topics will be confirmed in June. For more information, check out the conference page.
2024 05 28th to 30th – IGSHPA Research Conference - The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) is pleased to announce that the next IGSHPA Research Conference will be held at Polytechnique Montréal. This is the fourth in a series of research conferences held in Denver (2017), Stockholm (2018), and Las Vegas (2022). Like the previous three conferences, papers will undergo peer-review to ensure quality. Details will follow, but it is anticipated that abstracts will be due on September 18, 2023 and papers due around November 20, 2023. Question? Write to info@igshpa.org
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Hudson Valley Community College - Instructor-Heating and Refrigeration Systems - Salary for this 10-month position is $48,981.00. Application closes: Jun 23, 2023. (listed 2023 05 27) Click here for qualifications and details.
Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) seeks:
- an Outreach Manager to develop outreach strategies for the newly created Central New York Clean Energy Hub, which will connect people to the clean energy economy and its benefits, including clean energy careers, improved energy affordability, home improvements, and rebates for businesses and transportation. The Outreach Manager will be managing a 4-person outreach team and coordinating all aspects of outreach to community members throughout the Central New York Region.
- four Energy Advisors for the CNY Clean Energy Hub to reach diverse communities throughout CNY with Hub materials, workshops, and energy affordability/clean energy opportunities.
- a Regulatory Attorney/Regulatory Advocate to spearhead our work in utility rate cases and regulatory proceedings in New York State advancing building electrification, ending our dependence on methane gas, increasing energy efficiency, energy affordability, and renewable energy generation, and preventing false solutions from capturing public funding.
- a Communications Director to build a public face for AGREE in our local Central New York community as well as across the state in order to support ongoing campaigns, respond to real-time developments and policy emergencies, and strategically raise AGREE’s profile and increase our constituent base.
(listed January 14, 2023) The postings are available here.
PWGC Environmental Engineers, Bohemia, NY - Geothermal Engineer – PWGC, a multi-year award-winning environmental engineering firm seeks an experienced professional engineer for closed loop geothermal projects in the downstate New York area. Expert knowledge of commercial building sciences, mechanical system design, conventional HVAC, heat pump technologies, building automation and energy modeling applications. This position requires 5-10 years related experience, bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical or chemical engineering and a PE License. Advanced knowledge of CAD 3D and 4D software and REVIT. Interested? Send your resume to hr@pwgrosser.com or apply on our website at pwgrosser.com/careers
Sustainable Westchester - Clean Energy Associate, EnergySmart Homes. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) - The Community Energy Advisor (CEA) is a full time position at Sustainable Westchester. This position will provide assistance, direction, organization, coordination of programs that work to inform residents, multifamily building owners, and small businesses, with an emphasis in low-to-moderate income and priority communities, of the options for adopting clean energy strategies in their homes and businesses. $50k-$60k/year. (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here
Sustainable Westchester - Marketing, Communications and Outreach Director. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) The Director of Marketing, Communications and Outreach will be responsible for developing and implementing Sustainable Westchester’s marketing, communication and outreach plans & strategies including public relations, digital communications, key messaging, storytelling and brand experience. $75k-$80k/year. (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here
Clean Energy Associate (PAID INTERNSHIP) - Sustainable Westchester aims to educate and train the next generation of leaders in sustainability in Westchester. We hire students and recent graduates who have the skills, passion, intelligence and maturity to take on significant responsibility to help bring clean energy solutions to our residents. Throughout the duration of the position, associates may work with elected officials, municipal leaders, community members, subject matter experts, and consultants to provide a one-of-a-kind experience. We are committed to providing these valuable work opportunities to people from communities that have been underrepresented in the environmental field. (listed 2022 08 06) See Sustainable Westchester website for more.
Rewiring America – Federal Senior Policy Manager – The FSPM will own and drive critical efforts to influence federal policy initiatives. This role will manage the Federal policy team and lobbyists, lead the strategy and execution of federal policy, oversee targeted research and the drafting of key content, and provide critical perspectives in support of the multi-pronged policy strategy for Rewiring. This important work will continue and grow Rewiring America’s ability to affect federal policy, removing key barriers for electrification. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here.
Rewiring America – Local Policy Director - With a clear vision, smart strategies, and significant and sustained financial support, Rewiring America is growing rapidly. As the Local Policy Manager on the Policy team you will lead on efforts to influence local policy initiatives around the country, particularly in public schools. This role will drive policy strategy, targeted research, support the drafting of policy and campaign documents, and provide input into the policy team’s public school electrification work. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here.
The Climate Solutions Accelerator of the Genesee Finger Lakes Region – Is looking to hire two staff members:
· The Manager of Organizational Programs will lead our efforts to educate, inspire, and support businesses and nonprofits that want to take action on climate.
· The Program Director will be in charge of developing an exciting new program that we're not allowed to talk about until our contract with the funder is fully executed (which makes the hiring process a bit complicated). (listed 2022 05 28). The posting is available here.
“Energy Department Will Recruit 1,000 Additional Staffers For New Corps To Tackle The Climate Crisis • The DOE is starting up a Clean Energy Corps to help implement the bipartisan infrastructure law and develop clean-energy solutions to the climate crisis, the agency said. It will hire 1,000 new employees through a newly launched hiring portal.” (from 2022 01 14 Green Energy News) [CNN]
HVAC Project Manager – Aztech Geothermal, Ballston Spa, NY – Aztech Geothermal, a well-respected Geothermal Heat Pump design-build contractor, is seeking an experienced HVAC Project Manager responsible for estimating project costs, purchasing/sourcing materials & equipment, project planning including management of technicians and subcontractors. This position requires 3-5+ years' experience in Residential &/or Commercial HVAC, including AC/heat pump equipment, power and control wiring, HVAC plumbing, and sheetmetal/air distribution systems. Strong candidates must be comfortable with computers and common Microsoft programs with ability to learn industry specific analysis software. Interested? Send your resume to info@aztechgeo.com.
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Sierra Club Seeks Expert on “Renewable Natural Gas” - Sierra Club is looking for a new expert for PUC proceedings across the U.S. on "renewable natural gas" (including biomethane), synthetic gas and hydrogen. Experience with utility regulation and gas utility business models is a plus. If you have any recommendations, please email: Amneh Minkara (amneh.minkara@sierraclub.org)
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UHAB is Hiring -UHAB (Urban Homesteading Assistance Board ) is hiring a Project Associate focusing on Energy Services, including Co-ops Go Solar, Clean Heat for Co-ops, and other energy efficiency and energy-reducing renewable technology partnerships... We also have a few other positions posted, for a part-time Affordable Housing Loan Officer, and a full-time Project Associate on the Co-op Improvement Program who’ll provide services to distressed affordable buildings. All of the job postings are viewable on our website here. I appreciate your help to get the word out within your networks!” From email from Emily Ng.
Aztech Geothermal is Hiring- Seeking an Experienced Heat Pump Technician in NY's Capital District - Aztech Geothermal is looking for an Experienced Residential HVAC Technician in the Capital Region to join our growing installation and service business based in Ballston Spa. Geothermal heat pump experience a plus. but not required; we are willing to train the right individual. Our company is based in Ballston Spa and principally serves the Capital District, Hudson Valley and Western Massachusetts. More Information
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“Dandelion Energy is growing its Drilling Department and we are looking for Senior/Master Drillers to operate our new rigs and lead our on-site drilling efforts for residential geothermal projects.In this role, you will make a significant impact in redefining how residential ground heat exchangers are installed which will lay the groundwork for Dandelion’s future growth and success. The Senior Driller will be directly responsible for the production rate of geothermal boreholes, the operation, and maintenance of equipment, the safety of on-site workers, and delivering feedback to both the Operations and Engineering team on how to optimize the overall process. For more information about the Senior Driller opening please apply here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/dandelionenergy/jobs/4879245002
Not a Senior Driller? check out our other exciting opportunities on our career site: https://dandelionenergy.com/jobs”
Ongoing – NYSERDA is hiring! The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has ongoing recruitment opportunities. Join our email list or check this page periodically to learn about new career opportunities. All qualified individuals will be evaluated for each relevant position for which they apply. Opportunities include:
NYSERDA Career Opportunities
NY Green Bank Career Opportunities
Paid Fellowship Opportunities
Paid Internship Opportunities
To learn more about NYSERDA, please visit our social media channels.
NY-GEO is not necessarily notified when jobs are filled. If you find one of these jobs are no longer available, please let us know.
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