Just In! for April 22, 2023

The weekly newsletter of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO)

Just In! is NY-GEO's weekly news feed for members. NY-GEO's calendar-year memberships are open to everyone and available for as little as $35. See more information on memberships here. If we send you a complementary copy and you're not a member of NY-GEO, it means we value your role in the transition to renewable heating, but without a membership, please don't count on getting Just In! weekly.

Industry Updates:

Source Rock Geothermal Bridges Gaps in the Market – Source Rock Geothermal has just completed its first year in business.  “Our mission at Source Rock Geothermal is to accelerate the adoption of Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs) by providing a streamlined geothermal loop design and installation service. We deliver a turn key service that allows more HVAC Contractors to add GSHPs to their heating & cooling system offerings to their customers. We leverage our extensive network of drilling and excavating contractors to deliver more cost effective, high quality, ground loops.” Mike Wiley, Source Rock’s General Manager will be at the NY-GEO Conference and is looking forward to seeing how he can help get you into the GSHP business. Thanks to John Manning of Phoenix Energy for this tip. Learn more on the Source Rock website here

CORECHEM: NY-GEO 2023 and How New York is Leading the Way in the Field of Geothermal EnergyCORECHEM is a NY-GEO member company headquartered in Knoxville, Tennessee. They’ve produced an excellent web page featuring our NY-GEO 2023 conference coming up Wednesday and Thursday in Albany. The web page notes: “New York State is emerging as a clear front runner in the geothermal energy race and we believe it’s only a matter of time until other states follow suit.” Page link here.

Picture of the geothermally heated and cooled St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Midtown Manhattan as displayed on the CORECHEM website



German Cabinet Approves Bill to Phase Out Oil and Gas Heating Systems - Riham Alkousaa and Markus Wacket - Reuters – “The German cabinet on Wednesday approved a bill that bans most new oil and gas heating systems from 2024, the economy minister said, a policy designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions but that critics warned could be costly for poorer households... The plan is part of Germany's ambition to become climate neutral by 2045 as the construction sector was responsible for 112 million tonnes of greenhouse emissions last year or 15% of the country's emissions. Houses could also use heat pumps that run on renewable electricity, district heating, electric heating or solar thermal systems as acceptable alternatives to fossil fuel heating, according to the bill…” To be clear, this is for all heating systems, both in new buildings, and as replacement systems in current buildings. Thanks to Jens Ponikau of Buffalo Geothermal and Zach Fink from ZBF Geothermal for this tip.  Article link here

Major Climate and Energy Policies Being Decided in Albany State Budget Negotiations - Samar Khurshid – Gotham Gazette – This lengthy article, published this morning, gives and in-depth look at the state of budget negotiations related to energy policy. “Already about three weeks late, the state budget has been held up over the governor’s insistence on further changes to the bail law and wrangling with the Legislature over her ambitious 'Housing Compact' agenda. But there is also unresolved debate about many other important topics, including climate and energy policies. The governor, two houses of the Legislature, and advocates have expressed various priorities, some of which may be accomplished in a grand budget deal with other issues that could wait for the post-budget legislative session." (from 2023 04 22 – City & State First Read) Full article here.

Editorial: Greening the State Capitol – Times Union Editorial Board – “… Let's be honest: The year 2040 is basically tomorrow. That’s when, per the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, all electricity generated in New York state must be from renewable sources. A kid born today will still be in high school then. In this sense, a proposal to power the state Capitol complex on renewables is not only reasonable, it should be expected — and it’s the right move in more ways than one… So yes, it’s time for the state to walk the walk — and if it can't, to identify what needs to change so it can." Editorial link here

NYS Clean Heat Program 2022 Annual Report – filed by the Joint Utilities and NYSERDA - “In 2022, the NYS Clean Heat Program supported, via incentives, the installation of a total of 22,293 heat pump projects – a nearly threefold increase in projects relative to 2021. More than 80% of these projects were whole home/full load heating projects. Approximately 84% of the 2022 Clean Heat projects were ASHP technologies in residential (1-4 family) buildings and 3% were GSHP technologies in residential buildings. In addition, the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) supported 7,385 heat pumps in 2022, for a total of more than 29,500 heat pump projects installed in 2022 across New York State…Since the NYS Clean Heat Program launch on April 1, 2020, cumulative program spend has totaled over $613 million and the Program has achieved over 3,225,000 MMBtu of savings as of December 31, 2022… Over 3,900 individuals across the heat pump supply chain were trained toward growing a quality oriented skilled labor force… by the start of 2023 there were 980 Participating Contractors in the program.” Report link here.

Geo is Included in New FAA Control Tower Designs – “The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has selected a sustainable design for new air traffic control towers that will be used primarily at municipal and smaller airports.  The design by Practice for Architecture and Urbanism (PAU) of New York meets key sustainability requirements and can adjust the tower height to meet each airport’s traffic and sightline requirements, while also reducing construction and operational costs.  The design incorporates key sustainability elements, including: all-electric building systems, materials and products free from chemicals known to pose health risks, thermally efficient façade, high-recycled steel and metal products, renewable mass timber when usable, and ground-source heating and cooling in some environments.” Thank to Zach Fink of ZBF Geothermal for this tip, FAA web page here.

Heat Pumps in the United States: Market Potentials, Challenges and Opportunities - Mini Malhotra, Zhenning Li, Xiaobing Liu, Melissa Lapsa, Tony Bouza, Edward Vineyard, Brian Fricke, USA – Oak Ridge National Laboratory - VOL.41 NO 1/2023 HPT MAGAZINE - "The US heat pump market has been affected by the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the US administration’s electrification goal accelerates the deployment of heat pumps, and the US heat pump market has experienced steady growth since 2010. In 2020, heat pumps surpassed gas furnace shipments for the first time, and the trend maintained through 2022. The heat pump market share is expected to grow as policies, and financial incentives steer the building sector toward decarbonization. This paper reviews the US heat pump market trends and discusses the challenges and opportunities in the current policy landscape." Report link here.

Also from this report: “Figure 5 shows the annual shipments of ground source heat pumps (GSHP) in the last 20 years. It shows a steady increase from 2003 to 2011, first due to increasing natural gas prices and since 2009, when the federal government started offering tax rebates for GSHP installations. GSHP shipments were apparently affected when tax credits expired in 2016 but jumped back in 2019 when tax credits were reinstated. The GSHP shipment dropped again in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting halt in construction activities and supply chain issues. The low natural gas price during the pandemic may also have contributed to the staggering growth of GSHP applications in the US.”


Rethinking Model Energy Codes for Net Zero Carbon Buildings – Michael Waite – ACEE - "Updating building energy codes is a key policy tool for energy efficiency, but achieving ambitious climate goals will require codes to focus on greenhouse gas emissions, not energy usage alone. With $670 million in upcoming federal funding for implementing zero-energy codes, financial support will soon be available to states and localities. States and jurisdictions do not typically develop their own codes, but rather adopt model codes—so rethinking the model energy codes is necessary to help states and jurisdictions across the country cut emissions from buildings. In this post, we’ll look at some of the technical aspects of these codes to orient them toward emissions reductions that will get us on a path to net zero carbon buildings." Article link here.

Note: this graph represents a national model. NY’s lower electric generation emissions and more accurate greenhouse gas accounting method would provide an even more favorable picture for electrification.


NYC To Subsidize Solar Panels for Low-Income Homeowners – Ethan Stark-Miller – amny – “New York City will begin taking its carbon emissions targets into account as part of the budget process and launch a program to subsidize solar panel installations for up to 3,000 low-income homes as part of a new long term climate plan Mayor Eric Adams’ office released on Thursday (4/20) Public Solar would give homeowners the opportunity to lease their rooftops to the city for solar panel installation at no cost, while allowing them to reap some of the financial benefits from the energy the panels produce…(City Comptroller Bruce) Lander said the program will make solar panels available to communities that have traditionally not been able to use them because of the prohibitive cost of installation — which can run between $15,000 to $25,000. ‘We plan to apply to its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund for the resources to make it possible for 3,000 homeowners to install rooftop solar, in many cases, at no cost whatsoever to them,’ Lander said. ‘Because the city will come and do it and that will make it possible for low and moderate income homeowners to get rooftop solar.’ ” Article link here.

Court Overturns Berkeley’s Landmark Gas Ban in New Construction, Ripple Effects May Be Limited – Maria Gallucci – Canary Media – “…the ruling applies to the specific way Berkeley structured its gas-hookup ban — by using its authority to regulate residents’ health and safety. More than 100 municipalities across the country have passed policies to curb planet-warming emissions from buildings, though only about 25 cities in California have followed Berkeley’s approach, according to the Building Decarbonization Coalition. ‘Local governments are still allowed to require or strongly incentivize all-electric construction in their building codes, so long as they do it in a particular way,’ Amy Turner, a senior fellow at Columbia University’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, told Canary Media. In contrast with Berkeley’s approach, most of these so-called gas bans are written into local building codes or air emissions standards. ‘My hope is that states and local governments realize that this is a fairly limited ruling, and that they still have ample authority to regulate natural gas use and to regulate all-electric construction,’ Turner said.” Article link here.

Amy Turner, Senior Fellow, Columbia University Sabin Center for Climate Change Law



Energy & Environment Power 100 - City & State -Ever wonder what some of the folks you read about regarding energy issues look like? According to City & State, their “Energy & Environment Power 100 list puts a spotlight on the most influential individuals in New York’s vibrant energy industry and the state’s thriving environmental movement as well as the government officials who are determining where all of us get our power.” Link to the list featuring pictures of most of the individuals here.

“Earth-Mounted” Solar Panels – Eric Wesoff – Canary Media – Since June of 2021, Erthos has deployed 3 MW of solar panels directly on the ground (no elevated steel racking or trackers) in CA’s Central Valley. Erthos claims the deployment technique can reduce utility solar costs by 20%. Per Erthos, despite this winter’s historically foul weather, an example 617 KW installation: “performed within 1 percent of predicted energy [generation], so it’s working as intended.” Erthos has announced a 100 MW utility-scale project in Texas. Full story here, including pics of “Erthbot”, the cute panel cleaning robot

Chipotle Plans to Ditch Gas Grills at 100 New Locations Justine Calma – The Verge -Chipotle is switching from gas to electric grills at many of its locations as part of a plan to design more environmentally sustainable restaurants. In 2024, Chipotle plans to open up at least 100 new locations that 'utilize all-electric equipment,'the company announced yesterday. The fast food chain has a goal of slashing its greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, which is in line with what’s needed globally to meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement.” Tip from Peter Jensen at the National Building Electrification Network and Sunstone Strategies. Article link here.

2023 RHN Legislative and Budget Agenda - The Renewable Heat Now Campaign (RHN) is organizing to win funding and policies that will move fossil fuels out of our buildings affordably and equitably. The legislative package includes the All-Electric New Building Act (S00562-A/A00920-A - Kavanaugh/Gallagher) that would sunset fossil fuels in new construction starting January 1, 2024. It also includes the NY Home Energy Equitable Transition (HEAT) Act – (S2016/A4592 – Krueger/Fahy) and the Energy Efficiency, Equity and Jobs Act (S3126c/A3996c – Parker/Hunter). In addition, RHN has also released an agenda for the NYS budget, which is currently being negotiated by the Governor and the Legislature. See more on the Renewable Heat Now Legislative Package here.

NY-GEO Member Map-Here's the map we refer folks to when we get requests for services or interest in a geothermal install.

Click here or on the image above to see the live version of the map

Climate Updates:

We're in for a Stretch of Heavy Climate – Bill McKibben – The Crucial Years –Ominous signs that the next step phase of global warming is starting;.. Most of the El Niño models are predicting a weak to moderate strength El Niño event forming by late summer, with the dynamical model consensus favoring a borderline weak/moderate event for the peak of hurricane season. Toward the end of the year, the odds of a strong El Niño will be as high as 40%, according to the NOAA discussion…’It’s very likely that the next big El Niño could take us over 1.5C,’ said Prof Adam Scaife, the head of long-range prediction at the UK Met Office. ‘The probability of having the first year at 1.5C in the next five-year period is now about 50:50.’ As this happens, novel forms of chaos will ensue. No human has ever left us a shred of evidence about what life is like on a globe with these average temperatures.”  Article link here.

Four Fossil Fuel Giants With Most Emissions Paid $1.18 Billion to CEOs in Last Decade – Derek Seidman – Truthout –Over the past decade, the four U.S. oil and gas corporations that contributed most to industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 1988 to 2015 showered their CEOs with nearly $1.2 billion in compensation, according to a Truthout analysis of corporate disclosures…We added up total CEO compensation as reported in company proxy statements, which includes base pay, stock awards and bonuses, as well as reported golden parachutes. The …corporations included four major oil and gas companies — ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Anadarko (now Occidental) — who disclosed payments of $1.18 billion in CEO pay between 2013 and 2022.”  Article link here.

Yes in Our Backyards – Bill McKibben – Mother Jones – “It’s time progressives like me learned to love the green building boom.  I’m an environmentalist, which means I’ve got some practice in saying no.  It’s what we do: John Muir saying no to the destruction of Yosemite helped kick off environmentalism; Rachel Carson said no to DDT; the Sierra Club said no to the damming of the Grand Canyon… In a world where giant corporations, and the governments they too often control, ceaselessly do dangerous and unnecessary things, saying no is a valuable survival skill for civilizations… But we’re at a hinge moment now, when solving our biggest problems—environmental but also social—means we need to say yes to some things: solar panels and wind turbines and factories to make batteries and mines to extract lithium.  And new affordable housing that will make cities denser and more efficient while cutting the ruinous price of housing.  And—well, it’s a long list.  And in every case, there are both benefits and costs, all played out in particular places with particular histories.  But what interests me is the search for some general principles that might make these disputes easier, at least for people of good will." Article link here .

Frequent Sources for Just In! briefs:


Green Energy Times

City & State First Read

POLITICO Weekly NY & NJ Energy email)

Canary Media

National Building Electrification Network & Sunstone Strategies

Just in! thanks NY-GEO board member John Ciovacco of Aztech Geothermal for his frequent proofreading contributions to this publication and Paul Maliszewski for his work on the briefs.


*Indicates a New Listing or Updated Information

*2023 04 25 – Raise Your Voice for an Earth Day Budget in Albany – “Be one of hundreds of New Yorkers from every corner of the state and environmental movement coming together to advocate for laws to make our state safer, cleaner, and greener. The morning session (9:30-11:30 AM) includes a Q&A with elected leaders, overview of our priority bills, and explanation of the lobbying process.  There will be a news conference at 12 PM. Then, we will visit legislator offices from 1-3:30.  Thanks for taking action with Renewable Heat Now! Register here.

2023 04 26-27 NY-GEO 2023 is Finally Here Wednesday & Thursday !! - NY-GEO’s annual conference brings together the best of the best in the geothermal heat pump industry. The conference will be hosted at the Albany Marriott and will include dynamic Main Stage presenters, educational breakout sessions, dynamic exhibitors showcasing equipment and information, along with plenty of time to mix, mingle and connect. To register and learn more, click here. 

NY-GEO 2023 Sponsors pg 1
NY-GEO Sponsors Pg 2
Exhibitors 2023

*2023 04 28 - Clean Energy Career Lunch & Stakeholder Summit,

alongside a Green Job & Training Fair at the SUNY Sullivan campus

- “The state has estimated that we'll need to add over 200,000 jobs to meet

future demand for technology like heat pumps and solar panels, as we transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. How can our region best take advantage of this powerful economic opportunity? Both events are FREE, including refreshments. We expect a day full of local expertise and productive discussions.  Looking for a new, productive job? Are you a renewable

energy business looking for employees?  Why not join us?  Details & Registration here.

2023 05 11 - Renewable Heat Now Power Hour – 7:00-8:00 pm ET – Renewable Heat Now (RHN) is organizing intensively for a package of NY legislature bills designed to aid NY’s transition to clean, fossil-fuel free heating. Join RHN for its monthly strategy meeting designed to inspire and inform. Register here. 

2023 06 08 – Clean Heat Program Stakeholders Meeting – 9:00-10:00 am ET - The NYS Clean Heat Utility Joint Management Committee (JMC) will host the next quarterly meeting of the Working Group Series for Participating Contractors and Industry PartnersThis series is billed as an ongoing platform for contractors and industry partners affiliated with NYS Clean Heat to discuss program improvements and address questions related to the program. Registration link here.

Can You Find Your Picture from NY-GEO 2022? – Over 1,000 pictures from NY-GEO’s annual conference have made it to the web. See if you can find yourself among the 450 who took part in this groundbreaking event that annually celebrates and advances the most efficient and economical way to heat and cool our homes and places of work. Check out these pictures shot by Rachel Collett and John Ciovacco. Here’s Day 1 and here’s Day 2

JOBS !                                                                    * = new listing

List of Climate Tech Job Boards - Elaine Reddy – Ad Hoc Group – The Ad Hoc Group has put together a list of 27 climate tech related job boards.

Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) seeks:

- an Outreach Manager to develop outreach strategies for the newly created Central New York Clean Energy Hub, which will connect people to the clean energy economy and its benefits, including clean energy careers, improved energy affordability, home improvements, and rebates for businesses and transportation. The Outreach Manager will be managing a 4-person outreach team and coordinating all aspects of outreach to community members throughout the Central New York Region.

- four Energy Advisors for the CNY Clean Energy Hub to reach diverse communities throughout CNY with Hub materials, workshops, and energy affordability/clean energy opportunities.

- a Regulatory Attorney/Regulatory Advocate to spearhead our work in utility rate cases and regulatory proceedings in New York State advancing building electrification, ending our dependence on methane gas, increasing energy efficiency, energy affordability, and renewable energy generation, and preventing false solutions from capturing public funding.

- a Communications Director to build a public face for AGREE in our local Central New York community as well as across the state in order to support ongoing campaigns, respond to real-time developments and policy emergencies, and strategically raise AGREE’s profile and increase our constituent base.

(listed January 14, 2023) The postings are available here.

PWGC Environmental Engineers, Bohemia, NY - Geothermal Engineer – PWGC, a multi-year award-winning environmental engineering firm seeks an experienced professional engineer for closed loop geothermal projects in the downstate New York area. Expert knowledge of commercial building sciences, mechanical system design, conventional HVAC, heat pump technologies, building automation and energy modeling applications. This position requires 5-10 years related experience, bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical or chemical engineering and a PE License. Advanced knowledge of CAD 3D and 4D software and REVIT. Interested? Send your resume to hr@pwgrosser.com or apply on our website at pwgrosser.com/careers 

PUSH Policy Coordinator - People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH Buffalo) seeks a Policy Coordinator to support the work of the Policy & Strategy department, with a focus on local, state, and regional climate and environmental justice policies in the areas of transportation electrification, power generation, building decarbonization, and equitable investment. (listed 2022 08 27) The posting is available here

Sustainable Westchester - Clean Energy Associate, EnergySmart Homes. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) - The Community Energy Advisor (CEA) is a full time position at Sustainable Westchester. This position will provide assistance, direction, organization, coordination of programs that work to inform residents, multifamily building owners, and small businesses, with an emphasis in low-to-moderate income and priority communities, of the options for adopting clean energy strategies in their homes and businesses. $50k-$60k/year. (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Sustainable Westchester - Marketing, Communications and Outreach Director. (Location: Mount Kisco, NY) The Director of Marketing, Communications and Outreach will be responsible for developing and implementing Sustainable Westchester’s marketing, communication and outreach plans & strategies including public relations, digital communications, key messaging, storytelling and brand experience. $75k-$80k/year.  (listed 2022 08 06) The posting is available here


Clean Energy Associate (PAID INTERNSHIP) - Sustainable Westchester aims to educate and train the next generation of leaders in sustainability in Westchester. We hire students and recent graduates who have the skills, passion, intelligence and maturity to take on significant responsibility to help bring clean energy solutions to our residents. Throughout the duration of the position, associates may work with elected officials, municipal leaders, community members, subject matter experts, and consultants to provide a one-of-a-kind experience. We are committed to providing these valuable work opportunities to people from communities that have been underrepresented in the environmental field. (listed 2022 08 06) See Sustainable Westchester website for more.

Rewiring America – Federal Senior Policy Manager – The FSPM will own and drive critical efforts to influence federal policy initiatives. This role will manage the Federal policy team and lobbyists, lead the strategy and execution of federal policy, oversee targeted research and the drafting of key content, and provide critical perspectives in support of the multi-pronged policy strategy for Rewiring. This important work will continue and grow Rewiring America’s ability to affect federal policy, removing key barriers for electrification. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here.


Rewiring America – Local Policy Director - With a clear vision, smart strategies, and significant and sustained financial support, Rewiring America is growing rapidly. As the Local Policy Manager on the Policy team you will lead on efforts to influence local policy initiatives around the country, particularly in public schools. This role will drive policy strategy, targeted research, support the drafting of policy and campaign documents, and provide input into the policy team’s public school electrification work. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here.

Sierra Club Campaign Representative - Building Electrification (Location: MA/CT) - The Sierra Club seeks a strategic, collaborative, and equity-focused Campaign Representative to advance initiatives to end fossil fuel use in homes and buildings across Massachusetts and Connecticut. In this newly created position, the Campaign Representative will join a regional team that is working to address the climate crisis by moving the Northeast from dirty to clean energy… They represent Sierra Club to government officials, the media, business and community leaders, allies and other organizations, and the public. (listed 2022 07 09) The posting is available here. 


 The Climate Solutions Accelerator of the Genesee Finger Lakes Region – Is looking to hire two staff members: 

·    The Manager of Organizational Programs will lead our efforts to educate, inspire, and support businesses and nonprofits that want to take action on climate.

·    The Program Director will be in charge of developing an exciting new program that we're not allowed to talk about until our contract with the funder is fully executed (which makes the hiring process a bit complicated). (listed 2022 05 28). The posting is available here


Hudson Valley Climate Leadership Coordinator-The Hudson Valley Regional Council is hiring for a full-time Climate Leadership Coordinator. The successful applicant will carry out tasks related to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s Climate Leadership Support Services Program for the seven-county Mid-Hudson Region. The Regional Council is looking forward to welcoming another collaborative, passionate, and motivated member to the team!  (listed 2022 05 14) The posting is available here.

Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE)is excited to announce that our organization is growing, and we are looking to fill the key position of Research Fellow. We seek passionate, intelligent, and kind people who work well both independently and as part of a team, and who are ready to roll up their sleeves and get stuff done.” (listed 2022 04 09).

Acadia Center is Hiring - for an energy efficiency and building energy justice manager, a senior energy attorney and a climate and energy policy analyst (listed 2022 03 05)  Click here for more information.


Energy Department Will Recruit 1,000 Additional Staffers For New Corps To Tackle The Climate Crisis • The DOE is starting up a Clean Energy Corps to help implement the bipartisan infrastructure law and develop clean-energy solutions to the climate crisis, the agency said. It will hire 1,000 new employees through a newly launched hiring portal.” (from 2022 01 14 Green Energy News) [CNN]


HVAC Project Manager – Aztech Geothermal, Ballston Spa, NY – Aztech Geothermal, a well-respected Geothermal Heat Pump design-build contractor, is seeking an experienced HVAC Project Manager responsible for estimating project costs, purchasing/sourcing materials & equipment, project planning including management of technicians and subcontractors. This position requires 3-5+ years' experience in Residential &/or Commercial HVAC, including AC/heat pump equipment, power and control wiring, HVAC plumbing, and sheetmetal/air distribution systems. Strong candidates must be comfortable with computers and common Microsoft programs with ability to learn industry specific analysis software. Interested? Send your resume to info@aztechgeo.com.


Mechanical Design Engineer – Geothermal Focus – CHA Consulting - CHA Consulting, Inc. is an innovative, full-service engineering consulting and construction management firm working to responsibly improve the world we live in. Currently seeking a PE mechanical engineer with experience in the design of geothermal systems to support building scale and district geothermal project development, feasibility, design and construction. CGD certification preferred. Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, Northern NJ or Boston based. More here (Listed 2021 10 04)

Sierra Club Seeks Expert on “Renewable Natural Gas” - Sierra Club is looking for a new expert for PUC proceedings across the U.S. on "renewable natural gas" (including biomethane), synthetic gas and hydrogen. Experience with utility regulation and gas utility business models is a plus. If you have any recommendations, please email: Amneh Minkara (amneh.minkara@sierraclub.org)

UHAB is Hiring -UHAB (Urban Homesteading Assistance Board ) is hiring a Project Associate focusing on Energy Services, including Co-ops Go Solar, Clean Heat for Co-ops, and other energy efficiency and energy-reducing renewable technology partnerships... We also have a few other positions posted, for a part-time Affordable Housing Loan Officer, and a full-time Project Associate on the Co-op Improvement Program who’ll provide services to distressed affordable buildings. All of the job postings are viewable on our website here. I appreciate your help to get the word out within your networks!” From email from Emily Ng.

Aztech Geothermal is Hiring- Seeking an Experienced Heat Pump Technician in NY's Capital District - Aztech Geothermal is looking for an Experienced Residential HVAC Technician in the Capital Region to join our growing installation and service business based in Ballston Spa. Geothermal heat pump experience a plus. but not required; we are willing to train the right individual. Our company is based in Ballston Spa and principally serves the Capital District, Hudson Valley and Western Massachusetts. More Information

“Dandelion Energy is growing its Drilling Department and we are looking for Senior/Master Drillers to operate our new rigs and lead our on-site drilling efforts for residential geothermal projects.In this role, you will make a significant impact in redefining how residential ground heat exchangers are installed which will lay the groundwork for Dandelion’s future growth and success. The Senior Driller will be directly responsible for the production rate of geothermal boreholes, the operation, and maintenance of equipment, the safety of on-site workers, and delivering feedback to both the Operations and Engineering team on how to optimize the overall process. For more information about the Senior Driller opening please apply here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/dandelionenergy/jobs/4879245002

Not a Senior Driller? check out our other exciting opportunities on our career site: https://dandelionenergy.com/jobs


Ongoing – NYSERDA is hiring! The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has ongoing recruitment opportunities. Join our email list or check this page periodically to learn about new career opportunities. All qualified individuals will be evaluated for each relevant position for which they apply. Opportunities include:

NYSERDA Career Opportunities

NY Green Bank Career Opportunities

Paid Fellowship Opportunities

Paid Internship Opportunities

To learn more about NYSERDA, please visit our social media channels.


NY-GEO is not necessarily notified when jobs are filled. If you find one of these jobs are no longer available, please let us know.