If you recently became engaged, your first thoughts may be about planning your wedding, but there might be something else to consider: a prenup. It might not be the easiest thing to discuss right after becoming engaged, but it is one of the most important parts of entering a marriage. Despite the negative connotation, the process of creating a prenuptial agreement can help you build a strong base for your marriage. If you and your fiancé are considering a prenuptial agreement, understanding the ins and outs of this process can help you make a more informed decision. 
This month, we share two articles that explain the steps you and your fiancé should take when it comes to the prenuptial process, the potential costs associated with this type of agreement and why you should start the process early. Basically, we cover everything you need to know to help you prepare for this next exciting step in your relationship! 

~ Andrea Vacca, Collaborative Attorney, and Mediator
Valentine’s Day Proposals — First Comes Love, Then Comes…a Prenup?
It's Never Too Early to Start Discussing Your Prenuptial Agreement

The process of creating a prenuptial agreement involves thoughtful discussions of financial situations, expectations, and goals. While the understanding forged by these financial and emotional conversations helps create a solid foundation for your relationship, these conversations are not easy, and they will only become more difficult as the wedding date approaches.

During the early stage of an engagement, you are likely to be in alignment with plans for your future. This is the perfect time to talk about what marriage and economic partnership mean to each of you based on your respective values, goals, and ideas around money.
How Much Does It Cost for a Prenuptial Agreement in New York?
Average Cost of a Prenuptial Agreement in New York

The cost to create a prenuptial agreement stems from the fees you will pay your attorney. There aren’t any filing fees involved in drafting a prenuptial agreement. However, you’ll want to work with an attorney to ensure that your contract is clear, concise, and legally binding.

Attorney fees can vary, but the average cost to create a prenup with an attorney in New York is between $3,000 and $8,000. The cost varies for several reasons, including how much negotiation is needed to discuss and agree on the terms, which attorney is drafting the agreement, which attorney is reviewing, and how many revisions are needed.
LAW FIRM 500 Recipient
2022 Honorees for the Fastest Growing Law Firms in the US.

It was such an honor to be named one of the Top 500 Fastest Growing Law Firms for 2022, while knowing that we are helping our clients through what may be one of the most challenging times in their lives.

The Law Firm 500 is awarded to firms that have seen significant growth over the last year, profounding strategic vision, and unwavering commitment to succeed.
Journey Beyond Divorce: Podcast
The Divorce Roadmap: The Mediation Approach to Divorce

I had the pleasure of speaking with Karen McMahon on her podcast about the mediation approach to divorce. Click the link below and listen to the podcast explaining who is a good fit for mediation, how it differs from other avenues for divorcing, and learn what to expect in a typical mediation from beginning to end. Also, hear tips and questions for vetting the right mediator that can help with your divorce and what to expect as you enter the mediation process.

Contact us to discuss whether mediation or collaborative divorce is right for you. Schedule a free introductory call, at (646) 798-4603 or reach out online.
Mindset Quote of the Month
"Let us not go back in anger or forward in fear but around in awareness."
- James Thurber
Want to dissolve your marriage without litigation? We can help.

At Vacca Family Law Group, we help clients dissolve their marriages without litigation. With discretion, elevated service, and a flexible approach, we specialize in finding creative (and sometimes unconventional) solutions that are right for each client’s unique situation.

If you or someone you know needs an attorney with experience in handling Collaborative Divorce and Mediation, contact us today.

Looking for a Speaker?
Andrea Vacca is available to speak to your group on the topics of financial issues in divorce, prenuptial agreements, collaborative divorce, mediation, or other family law issues. 
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