Irrigation Updates

Dear Valencia Lakes Residents,

 It is abnormally dry right now, and Castle Group has been working with Juniper and the Grounds Committee to monitor the situation.


While irrigation is intended only to supplement natural rainfall (vs replace it), the purpose of this eBlast is to share with you the steps that have been taken to assure Valencia Lakes is receiving the full attention of Juniper’s irrigation team.


  1. The community wide irrigation schedule was recently modified. Half of the community is now being irrigated during the night on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday and the other half of the community is being irrigated during the night on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We then rest the system on Saturday. See the updated irrigation schedule below, for more information.
  2. Irrigation runtimes have been increased in all neighborhoods.
  3. Areas experiencing low head pressure have been identified and teams are monitoring them to ensure they are receiving enough water. We anticipate deploying a long-term solution very soon.
  4. Additional irrigation technicians have been temporarily added to the Valencia Lakes team.
  5. In supplement to nighttime irrigation, the irrigation team is monitoring every neighborhood daily to identify dry spots and turning on the irrigation as needed.

Though we are doing all we can, it is difficult to ensure every home is receiving full attention. Accordingly, if you believe your yard is experiencing extreme drought stressed turf, please submit a JuniperSync ticket and a technician will evaluate it. Please include photos if possible.


Castle Management in Collaboration with Juniper

Updated Irrigation Schedule
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