Happy Tails
Monthly Newsletter from Juneau Animal Rescue
May 2023
Dear Animal Lover,

I want to take this opportunity to remind all of our outdoor loving pet parents about pet safety tips for our four-legged friends, both in Alaska and across the globe.

As the days get longer in Alaska, we spend more time outdoors enjoying our beautiful Alaskan scenery with our pets beside us on trails, beaches and at our backyard barbecues. While participating in these fun activities, we ask you to also keep your pet's safety in mind.

Barbecues with friends are great fun, but remember to not overindulge your pets in your grilling goodies. Small treats in moderation are ok, but remember, many people foods are poisonous or dangerous to pets; including alcohol, corn cobs and even MEAT BONES. Check out a list HERE of common people foods to avoid feeding your pets.

We tend to think of a bone as a fun treat for a dog, but the reality is, bones can be dangerous and cause serious injury to your dog. Bones can break dogs' teeth, injure the mouth, wrap around their jaw, injure their stomach or intestine, or even worse, cause an intestinal blockage. All of these things are not only dangerous to your best friend, but can be a costly visit to the veterinarian. Instead of a bone, we recommend a durable food-filled toy like a Kong, filled with frozen kibble and water, or even a making a custom "PUPSICLE" or "MEOWSICLE" for your furry friends. Make sure if your pet doesn't like to share or be disturbed while eating high-value treats, that they are secluded from other pets, guests and children for their treat time.

Part of enjoying the outdoors in Alaska is sharing it with friends, family and other furry friends. However, this time of year we also see an increased number of dog bites, both to humans and other dogs. Remember that children should always be supervised when around pets, and even adults should always ask permission before petting a dog. Check our more tips on dog bite prevention HERE. Teach children to treat dogs gently and with respect, giving the dog their own space and opportunities to rest. When you are in your yard, ensure pets are secured by a fence or leash to ensure their own safety and of other pets around them. When you are out on the trails, beaches or parks, keep your pet at a safe distance from unfamiliar furry friends by keeping them safely on a leash.

We hope you and your pets will follow these simple tips to enjoy our beautiful outdoors while remaining safe and healthy!

Samantha Blankenship
Executive Director
Pet Story of the Month
Love is (somewhat) blind
With so many animals in need of care and homes, it is more difficult for JAR to provide extra care to pets in need of special medical attention.

Animals like George...
George is a beautiful, 2-year-old, neutered male Standard Poodle. He was diagnosed with Juvenile Cataracts in October 2022 and relinquished to JAR a few weeks ago. Cataracts are more typically seen in older dogs, but occasionally occur in young animals. Cataracts are a progressive clouding in the lens of the eye, the structure that helps us focus on objects. When the normally clear lens gets cloudy, it prevents light from entering the eye and obscures vision.
There can be many causes of juvenile cataracts: eye injuries and resulting inflammation, congenital defects, and severely poor nutrition. In cases where puppies are born with cataracts, the issue is often resolved as the puppy grows, including the lens, and the cataract remains the same size, covering a comparatively smaller portion of the dog's vision and allowing them to see "around" the cataract.
Most dogs with cataracts eventually go completely blind. Some are also prone to other diseases of the eye, such as glaucoma, which can be very painful. At this stage of his disease, George can still see somewhat, but his vision is limited and varies with the light. This is sometimes disorienting for him, as he can’t always see what is happening. The result is that he is a bit cautious and can be easily startled if someone reaches for him when he isn’t aware.
Cataracts like George’s can be removed; however, the surgery is expensive and technically advanced. Unfortunately, JAR cannot afford the $6,000 - 8,000 that such a surgery would likely cost. Juneau veterinary clinics also lack the necessary veterinary equipment to perform such a surgery, so George would need to be treated outside of Juneau by a specialty surgeon.
Fortunately, cataracts are not painful, as no nerves are affected. A dog can live a happy and fulfilled life, with their condition lovingly managed by their human family. If George cannot find a family that is able to provide him with the surgery he will need to remove his cataracts, he will need a patient family that can help him learn to live as a blind dog and that will ensure he receives annual veterinary visits to make certain he does not develop other diseases of the eye, such as glaucoma, which can be very painful and would need to be treated.
Blind pets do best in calm environments without a lot of change. As such, we believe George would do best in a home without children or other pets. He will need a place with a set floor plan that he can learn to navigate as he loses more of his vision: by not moving furniture, George can get to know where things are and walk around with confidence that he will not have a painful run-in with a stray footstool or chair.
It's also important that George be in a home where the presence of people can be habitually announced, so George is not startled from sleep or by a particularly quiet approach. Aggression can be a behavioral change in pets as they go blind because they can no longer rely on their sense of sight as they are accustomed to. The best way to help blind pets avoid these behaviors is to let them know you're there, so they don't think your loving hand is a sudden and unseen threat. Once George knows what to expect from you and his environment, you can expect lots of love, snuggles, and requests for pets and attention. If you think this handsome, special needs boy might be your new best friend, please call us to arrange a visit and a discussion with our veterinarian about George’s special needs.
If you are interested in adopting George or one of our other amazing pets, check out our adoption page HERE.

Juneau Animal Rescue can house and care for dogs like George through funding from our Second Chance Fund. You can help us maintain this valuable fund so that we can continue to help animals that need extra veterinary care.

Will you please consider contributing to our Second Chance Fund by clicking on the button below? Your donation goes directly to help pets like George who need special care and attention. Help us help them by donating today.
Samantha Blankenship
Executive Director
If You Can't Stand the Heat
Sunshine and Summertime
It's a relief to enjoy sunny days after too many months of snow, but as temperatures rise and everything comes back to life outdoors, it's important to remember to keep your furry friends happy and healthy!

Dogs and cats that spend time outdoors should be on flea and tick prevention medication or treatments, as warmer months mean the return of flea and tick populations. While ticks are not as common in Southeast Alaska as in other areas of the country, there have been increased reports of ticks in Alaska in recent years as temperatures warm, so brushing and inspecting your dog after they run loose in densely wooded areas will help you to find and safely remove any ticks before they become a more major health hazard to your pup.
Safely Soak Up the Sun
Your pet can't easily let you know when they're too hot, so knowing the signs of overheating can save them from heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Keep an eye on your pet while outdoors to make sure they don't overdo it in the heat. Excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor, or even collapse are all symptoms of overheating. If your pet is overheating, bring them to a cool indoor location and ensure they have access to fresh water. A call to your vet may be needed if your pet's reaction is severe or if they cannot recover from overheating on their own.

Some pets are at higher risk of overheating and will need close monitoring. At-risk pets include those with short noses (such as pugs, bulldogs, and Persian cats), elderly or very young pets, overweight pets, pets with heart and lung disease, or pets with dark and/or thick coats.
More Cooling Than a Summer Breeze
While some things, like sitting under a tree for a moment or leaving a car window cracked, may seem like it gives your pet a bit of a reprieve, it's not always enough. Even if the outdoor temperature is only 70 degrees, the interior of your car can be as much as 120° in as little as 10 minutes. Avoid leaving your pet alone in the car on hot or sunny days to keep them from overheating.

Humidity, like the heightened humidity in Southeast, tends to speed the effects of heat exposure and heat exhaustion. It also means that a small patch of shade, or even a mostly shaded trail, isn't always as cool ad you'd expect it to be. Increased heat paired with humidity can lead to dehydration more quickly, so make sure your pet always has access to clean, fresh water.
In the Dog (and Cat) Days of Summer
In the same way that cars hold heat and cause a greater risk of overheating, asphalt also soaks in a lot of heat, so be careful with how long you allow your pets to walk on paved areas on hot days. If you have to spend an extended amount of time on pavement with your pets, consider getting booties for your pet to protect their sensitive paw pads.

While splashing around in the water is a great way for your dog to cool off, never leave your pet unattended around bodies of water. Not all pets are experienced swimmers, and even those that are can get stuck or caught in a dangerous situation by something under or around the water.

For more summer and hot weather safety tips, visit the ASPCA Hot Weather Safety Tips.
Shelter Activity - April 2023
Incoming animals
Dogs: Stray= 13, Relinquished= 11 (24 Total)
Cats: Stray= 30, Relinquished= 40 (70 Total)
Other: Stray= 1, Relinquished= 1 (2 Total)

Outgoing animals
Dogs: RTO= 9, Adopted= 16(25 Total)
Cats: RTO= 2, Adopted= 34 (36 Total)
Other: RTO= 0, Adopted= 3 (3 Total)
RTO=Return to Owner
Juneau Animal Rescue| 907.789.0260