camp swim


When: JULY 16-18

$85/camper (by 7/1)

$100/camper (7/2-7/8)


Who: For children who have completed 1st grade through

just completed 6th grade



Coastal Empire Christian Camp

996 Hiltonia Creek Road

Hiltonia, GA 30467


How: Applications available @ Mission Center and on our website


Some scholarships available


Applications available!


From the Desk

of the AMS

by Russell Lyle

For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:26, CSB) 

Occasionally, as a child, I would walk into church on a Sunday morning and think to myself, “Oh no! We are going to get out late today.” The reason for this childish consternation was laid out before me in the front of the room. The table before the pulpit, which usually held the offering plates and fresh flowers, was filled with trays of bread and grape juice covered by a white cloth. However, my attitude changed as I got older and understood the importance of observing the Lord’s Supper. 

Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is one of two ordinances, we as Baptists observe (the other ordinance is baptism by immersion). As Baptists, we recognize the Lord’s Supper as an ordinance (a command given by the Lord to be observed) rather than a sacrament (a means by which God’s grace is dispersed) as some other denominations view it. The Lord’s Supper is a wonderful time in which the church can come together united around the body of Christ. 

The Supper is an opportunity to look at the past. We are able to reflect on the atoning work of Christ for our sins. We recognize that the sacrifice he made was that of his own body and the shedding of his own blood for our redemption.

The Supper is a time to reflect on the present. It is a time to examine our own walk with the Lord. It is a time to recognize our desperate need for Jesus. Just as we find ourselves dependent upon physical food and drink to live, we also note that we are dependent upon Jesus. Communion reminds us that not only do we need Jesus for salvation, but we find in him the sustenance we need for daily living. 

The Lord’s Supper is also a time when the church comes together to focus on the future. This is a meal that is temporary in nature. We are to “proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” It is easy for all of us to get bogged down in the busyness of life. We can quickly forget that time is in God’s hands, and that includes our future, which includes the return of his Son. At the Lord’s table, we remember that Jesus is coming again.  

Whether your church observes the Lord’s Supper weekly, monthly, quarterly, or “as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup” I hope you will reverently and joyfully “proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”

Calendar the MBA Annual Meeting:

8/25-6pm-FBC Springfield

Rocky Ford Baptist Church ‘s The Great Jungle Journey VBS will be June2-6 at 6pm. Pre-k thru just finished 5th grade. Supper and fun. Pre-register on their FB page.


Friendship Baptist Church will host VBS June 2-5 beginning at 5:30p. Sign up coming on their FaceBook page. COME!


CrossRoads Church hosts Scuba VBS June 9-13, 6-8:30pm for kids completing Grades K-5. They just completed 89 Dignity bags for the Effingham CareCenter and are now collecting to refill the consumed items.


First Baptist Springfield invites ages 5yrs-5th graders to the Sonshiners Music Camp June 10-14 from 9:30am-1pm.

Middle Ground Baptist Church VBS: Breaker Rock Beach will be June 10-13 @ 5:30-8pm and with Family Night June 14th. Classes 2years to 6th grade, teens assisting. Come learn about God’s truth!


Bay Branch Baptist Church will have Sunshine, Lemonade & Fun VBS June 20-22 @ 6:00-8:30pm, Family Night June 23. Meal each night. All are invited.


Union Baptist Church hosts a 5th Sunday Sing on June 30th at 6pm. All are invited to join in!

Memorial Baptist Church will host Breaker Rock Beach VBS on July 22-26 from 6-8:30pm. All invited!


Elam Millen BC is accepting applications for a Assoc. Youth Pastor. Mail resume to 5199 Elam Road, Millen, GA  30442


West Millen Baptist Church is accepting resumes for a full-time pastor. Email to:  Westmillenbcsearchcomm@gmail.com

Happy Birthday to:

Vernon Edenfield–4-Li'l Ogeechee

Eric Green-6- FBC Springfield

Barbara Pabst –18- Crossroads

Blake Hicks-18-Bay Branch

Aubrey Mixon-3-FBC Springfield

Food Pantry open to our churches to pick up a box or to send those who might need assistance.

Event Trailer request form is on our website for our member churches. 

First come, first serve basis. Call (912)564-2884 for calendar check!

Event Trailer

Bro. Russell is available for Pulpit Supply as calendar permits.

Office# (912)564-2884 or Cell# (813)466-9311.

► The Mission Center is open for help, info, food pantry, literature recycling… Monday thru Thursday, 9am-4:30pm


Training available thru MBA: Pastor Search Team Training

Call Bro. Russell to schedule!


We can help with

Pulpit Supply List and help with finding interim.


MBA Children’s Camp needs….

Scholarships for Campers     

Volunteers to help!

June 30th Screven's Red, White & Boom

GBMB Summer Camps...gabaptist.org