httpSecure your online sales by making sure your Webtix 
"Buy Tickets" button reads  "https" NOT "http"

Last year, Center Stage Software sent our clients notices to make sure your "Buy Tickets" link to your Webtix page reads "https" NOT "http" because of increased security for online credit card processing.

However, there might be additional links from your website  to your Webtix page that you might have missed. If so, this could result in browsers considering your site unsafe or shopping carts timing out while patrons are buying tickets. 

Please check all possible links to confirm this has been done. Also, no link should begin with

sailSummer Sail on Ticket Stock!

Sail away with 60% off  ticket stock
on selected colors and styles through 
Aug. 31, 2018  while supplies last.

No quantity discounts will apply.

Single stub tickets 
  • Cloudy cranberry
  • Solid cranberry
  • Solid gold
  • Solid lavender
  • Solid orange
  • Solid peach
  • Solid purple

No stub tickets

  • Solid blue
Double stub tickets
  • Solid lavender
archiveIs it time to archive your old shows?

Getting tired of having to scroll through endless old shows to find the current ones? 

Make life a bit easier by archiving the ones that are metaphorically covered in dust and cobwebs.

We recommend archiving shows after you have input the new season, utilizing the copy/paste feature from one event to another. Once that has been done, it's safe to archive. You can still run reports from the old sales files after they are archived, as well. 

Here's more from our Help Desk about archiving:
Wintix 6 users: Your discount codes are now itemized in reportsdiscount

Discounts (Promotion codes in Wintix 5) have always been part of a sales report but now they are itemized in Wintix 6 so you know exactly how many and which discounts have been applied.
Uh oh! How did too many tickets to a general admission event get sold?

You had 100 GA tickets available for your next event, but somehow, 120 were sold!

How in the world could that happen? You input the correct amount of tickets into the show when you set it up in Wintix.

Ticket sellers at your organization - or even Webtix - may have inadvertently been given permission to do so! Each clerk - and Webtix is considered a clerk - has a number of permissions you either grant or don't grant. This feature is there because there are times you may wish to be able to oversell a GA event.

To find out more - and to learn how to prevent it from happening without your knowledge - please read more here. 
catCool cats know it's important to regularly run a Wintix update

They might not do a very good job at it, but that is because 
they don't have  opposable thumbs like you do!  

If you have Wintix 5
  • Please go to Help | About Wintix | Download update and follow the instructions.
  • If you have an issue downloading an update, please read this Help Desk post for further instructions. 
  • The latest build date is 5/30/18.

If you have Wintix 6
  • You receive automatic updates, so sit back and enjoy the cute cat video.
  • That said, it's always a good idea to check to make sure your automatic updates are occurring as they should.
  • Go to Help | About Wintix (right now the build date is 6/18/18.

Stay Connected
831-583-0641 (main office)
831-920-1254 (support)