Dear Managing Brokers and Designated Realtors,
I am writing to you on behalf of the VBR's newest committee, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee. One of our goals is that 10% of our membership complete the no-cost Fairhaven training provided by NAR. It is a fun and engaging Fair Housing “simulation” and in my experience was eye-opening and thought provoking. I’d also recommend that you complete the training if you have not already, so you can speak to it personally.

Only 15 more REALTORS® are needed to reach our goal, and it would be amazing if we could exceed that number!

I am asking for your support by adding this to your next office meeting agenda, and encouraging your Brokers to complete the course. It is FREE, on-line and only takes 45-60 minutes. The VBR is posting recognition of each Fairhaven finisher on their social media page, which can be shared as another testimonial to a Broker’s professionalism.

Please help us in our efforts to demonstrate the VBR’s commitment to fair housing practices within the Real Estate industry by urging your Brokers to complete Fairhaven by the end of July.
Thank you so much and please reach out to me with any questions.

Best regards,
Crissy Rumford
REALTOR® and DEI Committee Chair