Browse the catalog for physical books, DVDs, CDs, and more. You can search our physical collection (of more than 3 million items!) via our online catalog at, or via the Missouri Evergreen app.
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Search for digital books and magazines via Missouri Libraries 2 Go (on a computer via and the Libby app (on a smartphone or tablet). And search our physical collection digitally, via the Missouri Evergreen app.
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Browse NKCPL's June classes and events: there's a lot going on for kids and families--plus there's sewing, knitting, and yoga for adults. And don't forget our monthly Medicare info session! Go to for more info and to register for an event. | |
Summer Reading is underway! This year's theme? Adventure Begins at Your Library! To get started, just register here, or stop by the Library and we'll get you set up. Then start logging minutes (for kids and YA readers) or titles (for adult readers) to earn reading rewards. Open (as always!) to readers/listeners of ALL ages, this year's program runs through mid-August. Happy summer reading! | |
It's back! Join us at Macken Park this summer for another season of Yoga in the Park, brought to you by NKCPL in partnership with NKC Parks and Recreation. These sessions, facilitated by instructors Tina Duer and Amy Vance, are free and open to all!
This summer's offerings include a Saturday morning class (at 10 am) and a Monday evening class (at 6:30 pm). Both sessions meet weekly, June through August, near the Gazebo at Macken Park. **The Gazebo is located at the south end of Macken at the corner of Clark Ferguson Drive and Howell, near the tennis courts and across from the Norclay building.** Don't forget your yoga mat (or a towel would work too!).
If it rains, we'll post a cancellation notice at (No make-up dates at this time.)
Questions? Let us know. Thanks!
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Do you know how to crochet the single crochet stitch--and want to take your skills to the next (3D!) level? Join us in June to learn the art of amigurumi crochet, or crocheting 3D items. In this 2-part series, you'll learn the basics of amigurumi crochet, and get cracking on your own stuffed chick (see pic above!). Only skill-level requirement is that you know the single crochet stitch. (Brand new to crochet and want an intro class? We'll offer two of those in July, so join us then!) With instructor Erica Sheer. Go to to register and receive a materials list!
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Looking for a way to give back? This month, on Friday, June 14, NKCPL partners with the American Red Cross to host a Blood Drive at the Library. This event will take place in the large Meeting Room on the building's lower level from 10:30 am-2:30 pm, and donors are encouraged to register in advance. June donors will receive a $15 e-gift card, courtesy of the American Red Cross! | |
And tons of June fun for kids and families! | |
MYO Textured Hot Air Balloons
Thurs June 6 @ 10 am
POP in and join us for your first Summer Reading program of the season! We'll decorate our own hot air balloons using paper plates and a variety of crafty supplies. It's going to be a BALL!
SRP 2024 Kickoff: Bubble Palooza!
Sat June 8 @ 10 am
Help us kick off our Summer Reading Program at this fun, bubble-themed event! We'll make bubble art, bubble snakes, GIANT bubbles, and more--and you can get signed up for Summer Reading, too!
MYO Hand-Sewn Woodland Creature
Tues June 11 @ 10 am
Join us for a hand-sewing session where we'll make a small felt woodland creature--bc sewing is another adventure that begins at your library!
Dino Party! Featuring Show-Me Dinosaurs
Sat June 22 @ 10 am
Join us for a Dino adventure with the folks from Show-Me Dinosaurs! You'll meet Rexie, dig for fossils, play games, and listen to Dino stories.
Bug Adventures!
Tues June 25 @ 10 am
It's a bug party! Join us to make bug jars and bug crowns--lots of bug fun. If the weather's nice, we'll even head outside to hunt for some bugs!
Neon Painting + Trolls
Fri June 28 @ 2 pm
Join us for a showing of the Trolls movie. While we watch, we'lll use some small canvases to create some neone masterpieces!
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And don't forget these ongoing events! | |
Weekly Storytimes
Tuesdays @ 6 pm and Wednesdays @ 10 am
Plus: Starting in June, Thursdays @ 10 am at Macken Park
Looking for a low-key learning outing? Join us for Storytime! These sessions include read-aloud stories, songs/movement, and a super-simple craft. If you want, plan to stay after the Wednesday Storytime session for some Stay-and-Play time with LEGOs and DUPLOs. Storytimes are geared toward pre-k kiddos, but children of all ages are welcome. No registration required!
Pokémon Card Trading/Playing
First Mondays from 5:30-8:30 pm, starting in November
Drop in for some Pokémon fun on the first Mondays of each month! This event is all about informal card-trading and game playing, so you can stop in anytime between 5:30 and 8:30 pm on these evenings. Bring your binders and connect with other Pokémon enthusiasts! For Pokémon players of all ages. No registration required!
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Thursdays at 10 am
Join us after Storytime on Tuesdays or drop in on Thursday mornings for some open-ended LEGO building/play! Open to kids of all ages. No registration required.
Dino Mondays
Mondays @ 10 am, starting in June
Back for the summer! Starting in June, join us on Monday mornings for some open play with our set of GIANT foam dinosaur bones. No registration required.
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Have a question about Library programs for kids and families, including our Storytimes or LEGO playtimes? Email Jennifer Shea.
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More don't-miss monthly offerings here! | |
NKCPL is excited to continue to offer *TWO* types of fibers classes for new and returning Fibers lovers this summer! Do you knit or crochet--or do you want to learn? Read on for details about our upcoming fibers sessions!
Knitters, check out our Knit Happens series, which is taught by instructor Monja Calvert. She'll show you newbies how to start--and experienced knitters are also ALWAYS welcome to bring their WIP and knit along with friends.
And crochet-ers, check out our crochet offerings, taught by instructor Erica Sheer. In June, Erica is teaching an intermediate series on amigurumi--or 3D object--crochet. In July, we'll pick back up with our Intro/101 sessions!
Find June knitting and crochet class dates, descriptions, and supply requirements here!
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Sew with us! Offering classes + by appt usage | |
Want to make something new? Check out our June classes. Interested in using the sewing space on your own, or with a group of friends? Email Amy to reserve a date/time that works for you!
Sewing Studio: Intro to the Janome Sewing Machine + Open Sew
Wed, June 5, from 6-9pm
Join us for an intro class to our Janome sewing machine! Learn how to wind a bobbin and thread a machine, and get started with some basic stitching.
Have a work in progress? This session is also an Open Sew, so feel free to bring your WIP and get some stitching done!
This session is for adult sewists only. With instructor Patty Ibarra.
Sewing Studio: Open Sew
Wed, June 12, from 6-9pm
Have a work in progress? This session is an Open Sew, so feel free to bring your WIP and get some stitching done! If you hit a snaggle or need some help, instructor Patty Ibarra will be on hand to assist. This session is for adult sewists only.
Have questions? Let us know!
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And don't forget! The Library offers a variety of additional classes for adults, too! For a full/current lineup of these programs--which include sewing and fiber crafting opportunities, weekly yoga options (both mat and chair, offered via Zoom, plus summer Yoga in the Park through August!), a monthly Medicare class, and more--and to register, go to | | | | |